
LOYAL: ~Irony that comes after~

'Mhmm..umm..yes..faster..oh my god Andrew you're so good..aaah..yeah' 'What's with this sound! Where is this coming from?' Shocked to discover, Yumi found one of her best friends making out with her boyfriend 'Andrew' of 6 years behind her back. Isn't it heartbreaking? Such incidents really make a person loose their belief in love and trust. After that incident, the cheerful and happy Yumi turned into cold and quiet one. A year later, she found someone who made her heart flutter again, someone who gave butterflies in her stomach, someone who made her want to fall in love again. He was someone she can be with without fearing to be broken again. But will she be able to heal that fast? Will he be the guy for her? The sweet and healing 2nd love that everyone wish for. With us watch Yumi grow and feel her experience with happiness. BOOK COVER ARTIST: @Twin_Tales20 This is our First work... Please support us and Please be kind to us

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10 Chs


[Yumi's POV]

As he started untangling my hair, i felt his hands gently brushing against my neck. His touch was soft and gentle. It felt like he could hear my heartbeat race. As my nape goes red he moved my hair on the other side. and gently kissed on it. It felt like my heart has stopped. I wanted to see his face. I wanted to see his eyes, his look on his face. I wanted to see the moment. As i turned around he reaches up to my face and gently runs his fingers up and down from my cheek to chin. As soothing as it was, it felt very seductive. It made me rest my cheek onto his hand. As he is caressing my chin, he leans down and he kisses me very gently. He was demanding with his next kisses but it was soft and slow. His one hand remained cupping my chin. While he put his other arm around me and hauls me against him, squeezing me tightly he kisses more passionately and demandingly, as he sucks onto my bottom lips, as I let out a moan i hear a small chuckle and as if nothing happened, the kisses continues.

And at that moment they get interrupted by a sound.

~knock knock~

"Director your car is ready outside" Rachel informs from outside.

We stare at each other, " we should get change and leave" Hue goes

"Right! Yes" that's all i could say.

~ After changing clothes~

Hue was waiting for her. As she walks out, Yumi don't know where to look and then Hue smiles and hands her, Her bag.

"Thanks" as she was saying Hue comes near her, Pulled her chin upwards giving a warm and wide smile, he give her a peck on the lips making her freeze at the moment and then says

" we should get going."

"Ahem! " and they leave the greenroom.

~4 days later~

" And we go the next one" Rishika shouted.

" It's 1 AM babe! let's give it a rest na baba" Yumi said looking at her wristwatch.

"NO..NO..NOOO…NOOOOO!!! We are not even drunk yet.. Right?" looking at the girls she asked

" WHO?" shouted Anya scaring all. "WHO DRUNK? NO DRUNK! MORE DRINKS" hearing her Rishika gave a high five and they both started singing and dancing together.

"Let's go na. It's Friday today. Let's enjoy ourselves" said Joy laughing at her best friends.

And then they moved to another location.

The next location was a High end club that they wanted to check out. Outside the club there were other people enjoying with their friends, noticing that the focus of everyone there was on a group of friends. Yumi looked at them.These guys were tall and good looking and she could see why everyone wanted to invite them, Just then she noticed a tall, masculine guy laughing with his friends and she froze for a moment then pulled Joy and said, "that's him!"


"that's him"

"Who is him?"


"What? HUE? WHERE?"

" shhhh!! Don't shout! Over there, that group of guys you see? that one group" she pointed, " the one with loose white shirt and khaki pants."

Just then Anya and Rishika comes back and Anya whispers " what are you guys talking about?"

"Yumi just showed me Hue.. look at that guy with white shirt and khaki pants, that's him!"

"Shit that's him .. DAMN! Yumi he is gorgeous.. I can see why you think God has its own fave" she laughed. "Hey Rishu what do you think?" and looked at the direction she was in but saw no one.

" where she go?"

"OW! FUCK! SHE IS GOING IN HIS DIRECTION! STOP HER!" shouted joy but before they could do anything she already reached her destination and was talking loudly to the confused guys.

"HEYYYYYYYY" Rishika gave her biggest smile and waved at the guys.

Confused but one of them smiled waved back and responded "hi.. Whats up?"

"You are Hue.. Hue.. do you know me?"

Hue was confused and said "No.. who are you? Do we know each other ?"

" who? You? Hue? But you Hue.. OW! Hiii Hue.. You are Yumi's Hue" as she said that Joy put hand on her mouth to stop her talking anymore and gave a big smile to them and they all freezes and understood what was happening. "Hii sorry about it.. She can talk a lot, when she is drunk"

"No.. it's fine.." the guy replies " By the way I'm Chris.. This is Felix.. Eiji.. and as you know Hue...." he introduced the guys to the girls .

"Hi Ms. Hedgur! So we meet again!" Hue noticed Yumi and he gave a really big smile making her blush hard.

" So you're Director Hedgur!" Hue's friends shouted excitedly.

"Hi…these are my friends . She's Anya..this is Joy..and that's Rishika." Yumi smiled back at Hue and introduced her friends.

" your friends." Hue said making Yumi blush again.

"Hue! Come on Hue! Let's go! Let's have a drink..let's goooo…You..Huee..me drink..Hue drink!!!" Rishika started babbling and pulled Chris along with her inside the club.

"Oh my God Rishika! I'm sorry guys, she's really drunk." Joy says and tries to get hold of Rishika.

"It's fine Ms. Joy. If you guys don't mind, can we join too?" Chris says while looking at Hue and Yumi.

"Ya sure! It would be really fun. Wouldn't it be, Yumi?" Joy smiles and asks Yumi giving that teasing look.

"Yesss! It would be! Come on Hue..me..hue..come on..let's go..hue..you go..we go..let's go!" there goes Rishika again and this time she just shoved Chris inside the club. ^_^

Following them, rest of their friends came.


It's been a while since i( writerA) put this much effort to write a steamy scene ... that too in a book format^^

hope you all liked it<3

It's a long chapter which was supposed to be in 3 parts but we decided to just go with 2 part and different chapters.

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