
Lovers who hesitate

"Juliana, is the rumor of you dating your fellow label artist true?" one paparazzi yelled, his hand holding the camera to her face, followed by other paparazzi. Juliana ignored the question as she followed her manager into the building. "Julie" Aiden called out, walking toward her, "You never answer my text or call brat," he said, towering over her, maintaining a straight face. Juliana froze, "I was busy ", she muttered. "Why are you here?" she questioned, tilting her head. "The tabloid is going crazy over news of you coming to meet your rumored boyfriend at a hotel late at night and I'm here to confirm", he scowled. "I-It's none of your concern, I'm an adult now, I can handle things on my own, I'm no longer a kid, you need to get used to that" she argued, avoiding his gazes, biting her lips. "An adult huh? And here I was, trying to be on my best behavior" he said, grabbing her hand, "You're coming with me" P.S. The poster does not belong to me. Please notify me if you want it taken down.

Teddyyy · Adolescente
Sin suficientes valoraciones
10 Chs

Chapter 4

At ZH Entertainment

Lee Jae Ho, one of the casters for ZH Entertainment, "I think Juliana is great, though she still needs to improve her vocals and dances but she has what it takes to be an Idol". Cherry nodded in agreement, "She has the look and the star factor, with training, she will be a force to be reckoned with". 

"What about her background? We don't need people with troubling pasts that will just do us no good", a company staff chimed in. "Yeah that, remember the guy whose past was exposed, he had to be kicked out on the day of the team's announcement", another employee explained. 

"Regarding that, I got in contact with her school, she had a pretty clean record, no sign of school violence", Lee Jae Ho stated, "Also, she came from a wealthy family, she's the granddaughter of Kim Min Jun, the executive chairman of GrabFood", he added.

"A chaebol?!", Cherry exclaimed, her mouth dropped. "That just makes it easier for us to market her image", the CEO uttered, nodding to himself. "When can she come to Korea?", he furrowed his brows. 

Jae Ho straightened his back, "In a month", he hesitated before answering. "What?", the CEO frowned, "Her family requested it, also she wished to continue her education in Korea, so the transferring process might take a little while", Jae Ho responded. 

The CEO sighed, "Alright, she's gonna be our new money maker after all", he joked, glancing at Cherry. She stiffened her back, "You are already thinking about replacing me", she let out a nervous chuckle. 


"So you're going to Korea next month", Ashley asked, placing her lunch tray on the table, sitting across from Juliana. " Yeah, that's the plan", Juliana continued to chew on her sandwich. Ashley's face darkened, "That's too fast". Juliana stopped eating, raising her head to look at her, "Well, I can always pay you a visit" Juliana joked, trying to lighten up the mood. 

Ashely placed her spoon on the table, "You won't have the time, you will have to train your butt off", she whined, "and sooner when you make your debut, your schedule will be so packed that you will eventually forget about me". Juliana watched as her friend continued to grumble, she let out a soft chuckle, "Calm down, you're overthinking it"

"Hey Jacob, over here", Ashley called him over to sit with them. Jacob was hesitant at first but decided to join in, "Hey Ash". "Hi", Juliana greeted when he sat down next to Ashley. Jacob smiled at her, "Hey", resting his head on his hand. 

"Oh, there's a new movie coming out this Saturday, do you guys want to go watch it?", Ashley tried to break the tension, "Um sure", Jacob nodded his head. They both turned to Juliana. She scrunched her nose, "Maybe next time". She resisted the urge to face Ashley because she knew just what expression Ashley had on her face right at that moment and she refused to look at it. 

"This could be the last time we hang out", Ashley reasoned, giving her puppy eyes. Juliana stared at her, "Okay, fine", she sighed, shaking her head. 


After finished watching the movie, they went to a hotpot place for dinner. "I have to use the bathroom", Juliana excused herself. She got out of her seat and headed straight to the bathroom. She took out her phone to make a call to her mom, telling her that she would be home late. "Ouch", she exclaimed, raising her hand to rub her forehead. "Watch where you're going".

Julie shot her head up, her back straightened as she heard a familiar voice. She stared at his face muttering "Brother Aiden". "Why are you out so late?", he asked leaning sideways against the wall, crossing his arms. "I'm hanging out with my friends today", she answered, nervously biting onto her lips. Aiden turns to look at her friends, "When will you go home?"

"I'm heading straight home after we finish eating", she responded. Aiden lifted his hand to rub her head, "Don't stay out too late". Julia watched as he walked past her, heading toward his group of friends. She continued to stare as he sat right next to a blonde woman. Aiden caught her staring, raised his eyebrows, and tilted his head to face her. Julie quickly turned around, going straight into the bathroom, her ears turning red. She washed her hands and repeatedly rinsed her face with water. "He had a girlfriend?", she muttered to herself.

Julie avoided Aiden's table on her way back. She tried to busy herself by eating, to clear out her head. Ashely smirked, elbowing Jacob as he filled Juliana's plates with meats. "What?", he asked, frowning. "Bro I didn't even get to have a bite yet", she hissed, cursing out a Jacob. Juliana tried to give Ashley some but she was rejected, "If I eat yours, I might get murdered". Juliana looked over at Aiden's table but was dejected when she didn't see him there. 'He must have left'

She headed over to pay the bills but was surprised when the cashier told her that someone had paid for her meal. Juliana put two and two together and realized that Aiden must have paid her meals for her. 'I should pay him back, one day', she thought to herself.

"I wonder who paid for our meals", Ashley said as they headed out, Juliana remained silent. Ashley turned to look at Jacob and decided to leave first, "My mom just texted me, I have to go back now", she winked at Jacob, mouthing "Good luck bro", turning her heel to leave. 

"I will get going now", Juliana bidden him goodbyes. "Wait Julia-" he was cut off when Aiden called out, "Julie", stopping his car in front of the restaurant. He lowered his window, "Brother will give you a ride home"

"What is it?", she asked urging Jacob. Shaking his head, "Maybe next time", he sighed. "Is that your brother?", he questioned as looked over at Aiden. She pondered, " Yeah, something like that". "Get home safe Jacob", waving her hand as she got into the car. 

"Who was that?" Aiden asked, adjusting the AC. "My friend", Julie buckled her seatbelt. He nodded in response. 

After they arrived at Julie's house, She turned to thank him before getting out of the car. "Julie you're too young to have a boyfriend", Aiden lectured before driving off. 

"Tf was that?!", Julie frowned.