It is a light reading, the dynamics of the chapters is to briefly tell situations and thoughts of the characters, the story can vary between intervals of days and weeks so you should pay attention to the events to locate the time. the characters are identified with a # for the man and a ** for the woman these symbols will identify when they narrate. is narrated by both characters, at the beginning the story narrates more often the man and at the end the woman, since she is the protagonist. the idea is to be moved by the tragedy of the woman and the deep love of man. You leave me speechless. Is a teenage romace, where Steven falls madly in love at first sight with Karen, but she does not reciprocate at first because she is tormented by the guilt of the loss of her beloved sister. However, love ends up wrapping them up in a corny but tragic story. I would like to give back the time to live, because I am dying without you. To: #my lost love*
To: my lost love, the lady with pretty brown eyes and beautiful smile.
I don't know, maybe when I saw you, I was daydreaming because up close
I felt like that; I felt I was in the presence of an angel, but when you spoke, pronouncing a thank you
but when you spoke, pronouncing a thank you and smiling; I felt I was in another totally magical
another universe totally magical, where only you and I could be the masters: where you were the goddess
owners: where you were the goddess.
All this for you, my little darling