
Love, Serendipity

Serendipity's the type of student who is too lazy to study but still passes decently anyway. However, when she reached 10th grade, she is determined to be a nerd. She doesn't want to be at the top, she just wants her grades to be very high. However, a transferee from a prestigious school decides to mess with her in an attempt to be friends. Will he succeed in making friends with her?

nyctophan62 · Adolescente
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6 Chs

Chapter 4

He was not actually looking at me, but my paper. I immediately understand what he was trying to say so I give him mine, take his paper, and write on it on the desk at the back. When I finish writing, I look at him but I catch him staring at me.

"Um... Did you write on it yet?" I carefully asked.

"Yeah," he replied. But I haven't told him the information about me? yet

He seems to understand my facial expression. "You need to go. The timer is running out."

"10 minutes left!"

The teacher's shout makes me follow what he says. I go over to Ivory who seem dazed so I had to snap my fingers to bring her back to life.

"Ivory, I already wrote down your full name and favorite color. Can you fill my paper up while I write on yours?" I ask her. She stares at me for a few seconds before nodding her head.

After finishing, I look around and find Mikhaila get mad Jacob while he laughs it off. In my peripheral view, I see Arianna alone so I rush to her.

"Arianna, do you want me to write on your paper?" I asked her. She also looks dazed like Ivory a while ago. Now's not the time to fly to the moon! We're on a competition- I mean, team building activity so we must do well!

"O-Okay," she replied before writing on the paper with her very simplistic yet expensive ballpen. I wonder how it feels to write on those.

I thank her after finishing and see Mikhaila alone now. The sunlight is shining on her face and her face was abnormally rosy pink.

"Mikhaila, stay out of the sun! You might get sunburned!"

This lady's skin is very sensitive. Just a little too much, she will have a reaction. It isn't too harmful though, as what I have seen.

She looks at me with a stupid expression- eyes wide open, jaw dropped, while blushing hard. I went to close the curtains before going to her to check up on her.

"Are you okay?" I asked. I don't know what happened to her that she had to make that face but let's mind that later!

We exchange papers. I finish quickly but she is writing slowly for some reason so I had to push her to write faster. I really want to get the most students! I'm confident I will win since there's only a few of us anyway.

I see Sasha hiding moving around under her desk. I think I know what she's doing over there.

"Hey Sasha! Can-," I haven't even finished speaking when she hit her head on the table. It was loud, I hope it wasn't as painful as I think it is.

"Ow," I hear her say. She massages her head and looks at me. "What do you want?"

"Can you tell me information about you?" I ask her.

"Sure, but you have to give me something in return," she demands.

I sigh at her reply. "I'll bake you chocolate cookies."

Her eyes widen and instantly snatches my paper and puts it on her desk.

"You should have said that earlier during lunch!" she said as she writes down while humming with a smile.

I shake my head. I know for sure that even if I did give her a cookies during lunch, she will forget all about it by now. Silv ate all of it anyway so I wouldn't have been able to give her one otherwise.

I also put my paper on her desk and started writing. I say goodbye to her and search for my next target. I see Hans in the distance waving his hand at me so I hastily run to him.

"I already wrote down your information. Please review it and see if anything changed."

This is Hans, the guy who claims to not have studied but still aces the test. Even if he procrastinates, he never fails to submit on time without risking too much of the quality.

I skim over his paper and gave him a thumbs up. I write down his then looked around for another potential candidate.

"I've only written 6 times. Who else hasn't come to me for validation?" When I heard Britney speak, I dashed to her.

This girl is the miss-know-it-all. She has lots of connections from this school, other schools in the city, country, and even on other continents! Her mouth is like a zipper but the zipper's broken. Anything you say to her will be advertised hours, minutes, or seconds later.

"I don't think anything changed, right girl?" she asked. I nod at her and proceed to list down all her info since she's so vocal about herself that everyone has practically memorized it all.

She took a quick scan then said, "Actually, you know what? I kinda like Fuchsia pink now. Can you change it?" Good thing I was using a pencil because I do not where my correction tape is!

"5 minutes left!" I flinched then rushed to rewrite her new fave color.

"Actually, nevermind. I still prefer Orange." I gave her the look.


I shake my head and said, "I won't change it anymore because time is of the essence. Let's just say you like both of them, okay? My response makes her agree.

One thing about Britney: she is really indecisive. She's so indecisive its scary. I haven't directly experienced her wrath but I witnessed it. It's not something I'm proud about.

I move on to find new prey. I see the new kids in the corner, probably just waiting for someone to come up to them.

And so I did. I come up to a guy and girl. I think their names were Riku and Feifei. I don't know how it relates though.

"Hello! I'm Serendipity. Can you write your information in this paper while I write in yours?"

The girl look at the guy first before saying, "O-Okay."

So the scene was, I'm writing down what Feifei is telling me while Riku writes down on my paper, and then vice versa. It saved quite a lot of time I think. I should've thought of this method earlier!

I bid my goodbyes and proceeded to look around. again. Denver's still arguing with Isaac, Scarlett's still with Evelyn... And one is sleeping.

I nudge him in the arm but he didn't move an inch. I ask him stuff about him instead so that I can write down. However...

"I'm not interested in participating. I didn't get enough sleep last night."

This guy's Matthew. He struggled with staying asleep so he decided to try playing games. Now, he can't sleep at all anymore. He was actually the last person to arrive this morning but he was still saved since he arrived at exactly 8:00am; and it's the first day.

I make a grimace so I bribe him with something instead.

"Hmm, I think I still have some homemade cookies at home. I really want to eat it since it's really chewy, with oozing melted chocolate chips serving as mini stuffings, and..." I took a quick pause and glanced at his face which was taking a peek from his elbows.

I continue anyway. "I still have a lot. I wonder if I should give it to someone or worst, throw it away-,"

I didn't finish my sentence when he faced me and said, " Don't throw it away!"

I smirk. It seems my plan worked. Good luck trying to sleep later. "Ooh, do you want some? I had some today but the new student already ate it all so maybe tomorrow?"

He shyly nodded and then sighed. Probably annoyed that he can't bring to stop himself from sweets. I'm sorry for this and thank you as well.

"Give me that paper. I'll write it down for you. You don't need to write in mine."

I am ecstatic with his reply. With nothing to do, I look around for the next person to go to. Scarlett and I make eye contact but the teacher spoke

"1 minute left!"

I break the eye contact and looked over Matthew. I push him to write faster so that I can go to Scarlett.

When he finishes, I jolted to Scarlett. We run to each other but when we met in the middle the teacher speaks again.

"Times up! Go back to your seats then pass your papers forward."

Our shoulders both drop. We put our hands on the other's shoulder, make eye contact, and sigh before leaving.

We pass our papers to the front and the others keep chattering to the people they've talked to a while ago. I don't think we even got a chance to see what each of us wrote on the papers.

The teacher was checking her papers when she called out someone's name. "Sylvester, why is your information about Serendipity different compared to others?"

Oh yeah, this guy was saying something about having already written my stuff in his paper?

"Miss Monteluma, look at what's written between Loueline and Sylvester's paper."

Since I am interested to know anyway, I stand up and go in front to check the differences.

Name: Loueline Alcantara

Name: Renren Monteluma

Birthday: August 2nd

Favorite Color: Blue

Hobbies: Watching Youtube

Dreams: Kpop Idol „

Name: Sylvester Mendez

Name: Serendipity Monteluma

Birthday: August 2, 2007

Favorite Color: Purple Mountain's Majesty

Hobbies: Biking

Dreams: Teacher „


Here's the seating arrangement with the introduced characters:

Jacob Loueline ♂️ ♀️ Matthew Sasha

Hans Arianna ♂️ ♀️ ♂️ Britney

♀️ Mikhaila Silv Renren Ivory Feifei Anthony Riku ❌ ♀️ ❌ ❌

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