
Love, Serendipity

Serendipity's the type of student who is too lazy to study but still passes decently anyway. However, when she reached 10th grade, she is determined to be a nerd. She doesn't want to be at the top, she just wants her grades to be very high. However, a transferee from a prestigious school decides to mess with her in an attempt to be friends. Will he succeed in making friends with her?

nyctophan62 · Teen
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6 Chs

Chapter 3

I blushed at his words. How can he just say that so easily? And while looking straight at me too!

"She is my seatmate so I will be spending most of my time beside her. I would like to get to know her more," he broke our staring contest before stating those words.

Mikhaila and the rest of the class nodded at what he said. He's got a point but that still doesn't mean that what he did wasn't foul. I'm pretty sure my friends will tease me at lunch. I'm done for.

He spun the bottle and it landed on Ivory. She sighed heavily before staring at Sylvester.

"Truth or Dare?" Silv asked. Seconds passed but Ivory still wasn't able to respond.

"Yo, Ivory," I nudged her with my elbow and it seemed to make her come back to Earth. "A-ah. Truth or Dare, right? Um... I choose Truth."

He caressed his chin with his right hand for a few seconds before saying, "What is your favorite food?"

People were disappointed with his question. I even heard Jacob say, "Aw come on, you couldn't make up a more interesting question?"

Ivory blinked a few times before saying, "Lavender. My name looks more like lavender than the color it actually is. Well, personally." Silv nodded his head.

"But didn't you say like pink?" Jacob shouted which caused Ivory to sneakily kick him in the knee while still smiling at Silv. "Ow!"

After some more spins, the eraser finally pointed at Lou. Her eyes clearly say she was scared to death but brushed it off and said, "Dare."

Hans, the one who spinned the pencil this round, laughed maniacly with his arms on his stomach and his head facing up. "Lou, I dare you to go outside and hug whoever you see first."

"That's easy, I can just-"

"But it has to be a dude."

The people were engaged at Hans' offer to Lou. She was already blushing at the thought of hugging someone.

"That, that's not allowed! Right, ma'am?" screamed Lou. But Ma'am Isabel said, "It's the first day anyway, you can't possibly be punished so why not bend some rules?"

Screams were heard and people started screaming, "Loueline! Loueline! Loueline!" Of course, I was included.

"Hans, I swear I will murder you by dismissal," Lou threatened but it was of no use because we were happy to know that she accepted the challenge.

We all compiled to the doorway, waiting to see who she sees first. She opens the door with her eyes closed, spinned counter clockwise for about three times and ended up facing the east. She is slowly opening her eyes when I door was heard. I rushed to take a peek at who it was and it was a popular guy from 11th grade.

We failed to contain our screams while Lou was embarrassed on the side. She walked to him because she knows that we'll be pushing her to him if she doesn't.

"Um... Tristan?"

"Hmm?" he replied. He was famous for looking attractive with glasses on and Lou really likes those types of guys so she blushed profusely.

'C-Can I um you know uh I um the um can I h-h-hug you?" she asked with the lowering down to a whisper but my ears are still sharp so I can hear very well. She whispers something to him which causes him to look at us. We immediately hide but I see him nod his head at her.

Lou hesitatingly hugs him for 3 seconds then lets go when Tristan hugs her back! This is too much! Too much flirting! I cannot.

Everyone shouted at what they have witnessed. Tristan lets go and passed by us, but Lou is still standing still. Looks like she still hasn't moved on from what she just experienced.

I try to go to her but they got to her first. My eyes wandered and it landed on a higher grade girl in the same situation as Lou- standing still with the jaw dropped.

I forget what I've seen and also joins in with the others. They walk so fast I got left behind again. I decided to look back one more time and saw that the girl was gone.


We played for more until, Sasha, the foodie, mentions that it's already Lunch Time. We have decided to continue the game at dismissal because Ma'am Isa came back and said there was an indirect noise complaint from one of the teachers. We don't want to get any sort of favoritism going on this early, would we?

"Renren! There's noodles today!" shouted Loueline. As a person who loves noodles, I immediately stand up, grab my lunch bag, and race her to the ground floor.

I got to the table first while she got to the storefront. I ask her to buy noodles for me too and she agreed.

I look around while waiting since I don't want to eat before Lou arrives and I see Silv gasping for air by the stairway. He looked up and our eyes locked. After a few seconds, he walks to my direction and sits down in front of me.

"It is really a hassle to go up and down four floors," he said while still trying to breathe. I laughed at him because it seems like he is not used to extraneous exercise.

"Do you want to order something? The store's over there. They're selling noodles today, even though they only sell them on Fridays," said I.

"Oh no need, I am already full."

"From eating my cookies?" my comment made him chuckle.

"Alright. I'll go get the special noodles you're talking about," said he and quietly left. I follow him with my eyes until I lost sight of him.


I look to the left and see Loueline looking at me with an amused face. Here we go again.

"I see that you are getting close to the new guy huh?" she said and put bread on her mouth.

"Lou, it is because I am his seatmate. He probably goes to me because I am the only one that he 'knows' and wants to find someone who'll side with him, like a friend, I don't know," I said my thoughts out loud but it still didn't stop her.

"Oh really? Alright, let's say I believe you," her comment made me laugh.

"Loueline! Your noodles!"

"Oh crap, gotta go!" said she before rushing to the seller.


We finish our lunches and go back to the classroom. I saw that others were already playing sports in the field. I hope they'll last 'til dismissal though.

"Class, we will be having a game," Ma'am Christine hasn't even finished speaking when Jacob starts to howl. She gave him the look before continuing.

"It is individual so I remind you not to get too competitive as this is just a friendly getting to know each other game," said she which was clearly directed to Jacob again.

"Grab your pen and paper." Ma'am projects a file through a projector what seems like a form our interviewees must answer.



Favorite Color:


Dreams:. „

"No one starts before I say go." You guessed it, it's Jacob again. He just said hehe and did a peace sign which our teacher responded with a head shake.

"I'm pretty sure you all have planned your strategy already." I locked eyes with Loueline, telepathically telling her than I'll run to her first

"I'll be setting up a timer for 15 minutes. So on your mark... get set.... GO!"

I sprinted to her and I almost slipped but managed to hold onto something which stopped me from falling. It felt like someone's uniform so I looked up to say sorry. It seems like I grabbed onto Sylvester's shirt. I forgot that he was right in between us.

"Oh I'm so sorry," said I before sprinting towards Lou who is looking like she will burst into laughter any minute now.

When I reach her, she can't help but laugh out loud. Yeah, like LOL. When I finished writing the stuff about me on her paper, I nudged her on her sides and she acted like a robot shutting down. I help her up instantly since I kind of do not want to lose this challenge.

Instead of making her write, I ask her instead. I was able to write it down and said goodbye in no time. I looked for Ivory and I saw her talking with Sylvester so I had to go look for someone else.

Someone tapped my shoulder and I see Anthony, the Montero guy.

"You want me to-" He tries to ask but I cut him off immediately. "Let's exchange papers. I will write on yours and you will write on me, okay?" I asked. He replied with an okay sign and we swiftly did the deed.

"Who hasn't listed down stuff about me yet!" yelled Jacob.

"Me," I shouted with my arms up so he as able to see me. "Thank you," I tell Anthony before running off to Jacob. He keeps talking and talking so I was the one who wrote on both papers instead.

I turn around to see if Ivory is free but someone blocks my view. I look up to see who it is because they are kind of wasting my time but I see Sylvester looking at me.

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