
They are two???

I awoke and tried to go up from the bed but failed, my chest still hurt as hell. I looked at my surrounding and saw Thea's bed beside mine, well her name is Athena. Now hopefully questions wondering in my head will be answered.

If father wants me to marry Athena then why did he try to kill both of us . Lucky that we both survived that shot on our chest.

I got my eyes on Athena who is still sedated, I heard last time I awoke that it is almost a week now.

Again I tried to stand up and succeeded. A men then entered the room, I assume he is Zero.

"Hey man, you alright?" He asked. "Yeah" I replied simple and short. "You know she loves you so much right?" He asked. I looked at Athena. It has been a decade. I still love her. Her beauty never faded. I smile crept in my face

'Thank you for keeping our promise, hermosa'

I spoke in my mind

"Yeah,I know. I love her so much, it is better me than her, but still she got hit." I replied

"Its not your fault man" He stated