
The comeback

My heartbeat is rising up, what's in front of me scared the shit out of me.

I blink so many times to whether what I'm seeing is real or not, and it happens, that it is really.

Another Gradgie is ina front of me. But how? How is it that another Gradgie came to existence?

The Gradgie near me, then held my hand

"Let us explain" She said.

The other Gradgie then walked towards me and sat on my bed. She as well held my hand. My right hand

A Gradgie is beside me, on the left side and the other Gradgie is on my right side, Eli on the other hand is beside me, on my left caressing my arm.

"I'm Casiana Ventimiglia" The Gradgie on my left spoke

"And I'm Chasiane Ventimiglia" The Gradgie on my right said

So there are two Gradgie's huh?

"I know that you are confuse, so let us englighten you" Casiana said.

Before they start talking, I fixed my hair into a messy bin.Took a deep breathe.