
Love of an hybrid

What happens when two royalty from different kingdom seeking thier true selves meet? Join Yna and Jan in their journey of self discovery,uncovering secrets about thier origin,falling in love and saving the supernatural world. -----------------------------------------------------------

_Cute_Angel16 · Fantasía
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20 Chs


Back in the room, yna sat in front of the mirror combing her hair and making herself look Presentable

" i wish i could convince him to let me stay but he wont" she said to her reflechon on the mirror.

" I think I can change that" she heard someone say and she turned to see who it was, she was shocked to see a young man with silver hairsand Grey eyes,he looked like a greek god as he Stood at the balcony and the breeze blowing his long silver hairs and his white leather cloak

"who are you and how did you get into my room?" she asked panickedly but he just smiled.

The Stranger Just Smiled at her

"You know me, but you don't know my name but don't worry I know yours princess Alicia" he said with a smile on his Face.

"Alicia?,who is Alicia?" she asked curiously.

"You" he answered again

"No that's not my name,i am Chyna" she said.

"whatever you want to be called Princess but I'll keep calling you Alicia" he answered

" who are you?,are you an enemy are you here to hurt me?, you better don't think of that my Jordan is here" she asked panickedly

" calm down Alicia,My name is Gavreal and am a friend "he answered

"Ok Gavreal then of course we can be friends, Can you help me stop Jordan From sending me away?" She asked impatiently

" You are one of a kind princess you didn't even double check if am lying but as you Said yes i can help you" he answered

"I know you are not lying,I can feel the Familiarity between us I know you wouldn't dare betray me even if you are being Forced to" She said with a smile.

"so all you have to do is dress up and do as I say" he said to her and she nodded.

Suddenly someone Knocked on the door and then pushed it open, she turned to see who it was and it was Jordan standing there with Breakfast.

"you're awake I wanted to surprise you"she heard him say with pouted lips

"Don't be like that I am very suprised and i liked your surprise" she said comfortingly

"OK lets eat"she heard him say before leading her to the bed, she turned her head toward Gavreal's direction but she saw him leaving the room and when ther eyes met he smiled at her

"can Jordan not see him?" she muttered to herself and as if he Could hear what she said he shaked his head before disappearing.

"come on yna have some pancakes" Jordan said startling her out of her thoughts

"sure" she answered as she picked A pancake and shoved it into her mouth.

"so yummy" She said and Jordan smiled contendly, they Fed each other until they were both Full.

"you have to get ready now, you can't afford to be late"Jordan Said to her pulling her to the bathroom door where the maids were waiting

"See you later" he said as he winked at her and left the room,

yna heaved a sigh before Following the maids to the private pool to take a bath and get dressed.

"Here's the parcel" the guard said handing the red parcel to Kiera

"Thats good you may leave now" She said to the young guard and he bowed before leaving

"Now lets see how she's going to escape our Clutches, Finally we will be able to get the power We'll wield the great power she posseses!!!!" Kiera said to herself with a evil grin on her face.