
Love of an hybrid

What happens when two royalty from different kingdom seeking thier true selves meet? Join Yna and Jan in their journey of self discovery,uncovering secrets about thier origin,falling in love and saving the supernatural world. -----------------------------------------------------------

_Cute_Angel16 · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Thwarted plan

After Siting in front of the mirror and dolling herself up for hours she finally Felt satisfied.

"now lets see how he's going to aviod me now, after that vixen has left I'll be the one to be here with him and i'll Slowly take her place in his life that he wouldnt want her anymore" Daya thought inwardly as she Fixed her hair and then stood up to leave, she wanted to be there when yna Finally left the palace and leave her alone with Jordan.

When she hurried down the stairs,she met Jordan sitting on one of the chairs and eagerly waiting for yna, he looked very handsome in his casual clothes

"hey is she not ready"she asked

"No"he answered curtly without taking his eyes off the top of the staircase, she was extremely upset by his actions, he didnt even look at her and she had dressed up all for him

"uhm "She tried to say but before she could Finish she heard the clicking of someone's shoe, so she looked up to see who it was, standing at the top of the Staircase stood chyna She looked extremely beautiful she was wearing a purple Sillky gown and her dank hairs were tied into a sophiscated bun with a Silver hairclip

"sorry for being very late" she apologized as soon as she got to Jordan

"you look beautiful" the mesmerised Jordan said to her

"thanks" she said blushing

"Oh i forgot you are getting late you have to leave" he sold snapping out of his daze

"where is your cloak" he asked her

" Oh my I left it in the room"she answered

"I'll get it" he offered before leaving to get it

Chyna was left with Daya but she could see that Daya wanted to be anywhere but with her so she asked her to.leave her so Daya left gladly.

when Chyna had made sure Daya had gone she Spoke

" Help me Gav i dont want to leave,I am Sure that woman is waiting for me to go so she can have him all to herself" she whined

"calm down princess you wont leave the palace you have to be patient and play along with everything" he sald to her.

" you better be right about this or else ill make sure you pay Gav" she said threatingly

"No need to make threats princess You'll see everything will go as planned" he assured her .

After a while Jordan came back with her cloak.

"Ok lets go"he said leading her to the frontyard where the carriage was waiting For her, She turned back to look at Gavreal again and he gave her an assuring smile,so she let Jordan lead her out of the palace.

when they got to the frontyard a parcel fell from her cloak and Jordan bent down to pick it up, then he signalled one of the guards to help.her into the carriage.

He picked the parcel up, tearing it up he read it. he was shocked

"stop" he Said firmly before yanking yna back into his arms

"Cancel the trip its unsafe for the princess"he ordered as he led Chyna back into the palace

"Whats wrong?"yna asked trying to conceal her happiness.

" that parcel was from your parents Dylan and his men are waiting near the gate of Grandcrest to Ambush you once you had gotten there" he explained

"Thank God I didnt leave if not What would i do without you by myself"she said happily and pulled him in a hug then she winked at Gavreal who was behind them

"Thank you" she mouthed .

"you're welcome "he mouthed in response "Lets go to our room so you can get some rest" he said before leading her up the stairs, when they were going up the stairs, Daya was coming down.

"Wait i thought you left already?"Daya asked Annoyed

"No am not going anywhere" yna answered with a victorious smirk on her T


"Thats nice" Daya answered sarcastically and yna smiled at her mockingly.

"We have to go now" Jordan said to Daya "ok" she answered coyly as she watched Jordan guide yna to thier room. she felt very angry whenever yna was around Jordan wouldn't even look her way So she decided to teach yna a lesson, she used her powers to freeze the part of the stairs yna was in walking on then she stood there to watch the show.