
Love of an hybrid

What happens when two royalty from different kingdom seeking thier true selves meet? Join Yna and Jan in their journey of self discovery,uncovering secrets about thier origin,falling in love and saving the supernatural world. -----------------------------------------------------------

_Cute_Angel16 · Fantasía
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20 Chs

5. Memories

When they got to her room she hid behind him as he pushed the huge doors open

"oh is this the cat that made you scared" Jordan said gesturing at the snow white cat, that was lying comfortably on her bed.she looked at it and nodded meekly and he Faced the cat and said to it

" Bad manners that's not how to welcome guests"the little Cat came closer to him and rubbed its fur on his leg

"sorry yna this is my pet her name is Rea, she was just welcoming you to our home" he said Apologethically,

Chyna looked at the Adorable cat,she carefully bent down to stroke its fur

"Nice meeting you Rea"she said and she purred

"I think she likes you" he said

"OK Rea go to your room, let our guest rest" he said and the cat meowed before walking out of the room.

"you can go to sleep, Rea's gone" he said before turning to leave

" wait" he heard her say and he turned

" why? "he asked tilting his head in confusion.

"please don't leave me alone" she pleaded "uhm sure" he answered and sat beside her as she tucked herself into bed then she interwined her hands in his tightly.

They both stayed still and silent, only thier soft breathes could be heard

"Jordan Thank you" she said breaking the akward silence

"What For?" he asked tilting his head so he could Face her.

"Thanks for always been there to protect me whenever I need it" She said

"Thats because you are a very special Person in my life" he answered.

There was a deafening silence as they stared at each other.

"I saw a vision, and I couldn't understand anything, I couldnt even see thier Face, But I could feel the connection between the two kids in my vision" she explained

" Don't think too much about it "he answered And she hugged him tightly

"let me hug you while i Sleep please" she pleaded and he nodded

They stayed in the same position for a long time before he noticed that she had Fallen asleep,He gave her a kiss on her Forehead before muttering

"Good night my love, am so happy that you've started seeing Fragments of your memories, Get well soon love I can't wait to Finally be able to tell you how i truly feel about you" he stood up to leave after losening her grip, But she grabbed his hands and pulled him back to the bed and he fell back to the bed

" come on yna don't do this" he pleaded as he got up and turned to leave again, But he halted in his steps when he heard her say "No! No! please don't leave me Jan, please listen to me I am in love with you don't go i can't live without you" he couldn't believe his ears, she called him "JAN "that means she was recalling her memories and she actually confessed her feelings to him but he still left her. he felt like an utter fool, Why didn't he listen to what she wanted to say that day?, why did they have to be seperated so cruelly?. " he felt so angry with himself so he released his hands from her grip before storming out of her room.