
Love of an hybrid


_Cute_Angel16 · Fantasía
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20 Chs

4.Snow white cat

In an abandoned mansion at camelot's border, Prince Dylan and five other people were seated around a centered table.

Two of them were women and the rest were men including the prince,

"I don't understand how hard it is to capture the princess and get her married to you" one of the women with blonde hairs and green eyes said to the prince.

"It would do you good to shut your mouth Alena,if it was so easy why dont you do it yourself!"Dylan answered.

"We should stop fighting among ourselves and come up with a plan to take her away from her savior"the dark haired woman said to the others.

"Kiera is right, we should try to figure out who he is and his relation to the princess"one of the men named cole said

"I sent my people to find out everything about that stranger, you wouldn't believe who he is"Kiera answered.

"Get to the point kiera!!" Dylan said impatiently.

"He is the rumored DEVIL'S SON, crowned prince of Dacria and his name is Jordan, well known for his merciless killings."she explained.

"I still don't understand why he would save the princess"another man named Steven asked.

"Maybe he is interested in the princess"kiera answered.

"It would be hard to take her away from him if that's the case"Dylan said his face dark with rage.

"Its pointless getting angry lets all go home and think of a plan"Alena said to the others and they agreed before parting ways.

During dinner Chyna couldn't eat properly, Because Jordan kept staring at her

"Please stop staring" she complained. "Why? are you feeling uncomfortable? "he asked teasingly.

"you know it's not proper to stare at someone like that" she said angrily.

"But you are not Just someone, you are my princess, soon to be Queen of Dacria" he corrected her with a sly grin on his face.

Chyna choked on her Food after hearing him spout cheesy words.

"Are you Okay?"he asked handing her a glass of water.

"Am fine" she answered after downing half Of the water given to her

"You should eat Slowly yna "he said

"you should not say such cheesy words either "She muttered

"did you say something? he asked her. "uhm no" she answered.

They finished thier dinner in silence, and Jordan walked her to her room, when they got to her room,he bade her goodnight and turned to return to his room.

" wait "he heard her say and he smirked before turning to face her with a frown on his Face

"yes?" he answered.

"please can ....you show me where you room is ....Just in case i need something "She Stuttered

When he heard her he chuckled lightly,

"OK ill Show you where it is" he agreed, before he led her down the corridor to the room at the furthest part.

"Here this is my room" he said showing her two huge doors

"Thank you!!" she said after he led her back to her room.

Immediately he got into his room he took his bath and changed his clothes,

"oh my yna you are so dangerous,whenever i see you all i want to do is to take you in my arms and hug you really tight, but I can't do that till you remember me But its so hard to control myself around you" he said to a painting of the Princess

After placing the painting back in the cabinet he laid on the bed.

In Chyna's room,She had been trying to sleep but she kept turning on the bed

"What is wrong with me?,Why can't I fall asleep" She asked herself feeling very frustrated.

After trying some more ,she got out of bed and Walked to the balcony's door which had been locked, she stood there staring at the night sky. She noticed a lone star

"So lonely" she muttered

Suddenly she got flashes of blurry images in her head, she could hear the voice of a young girl and boy,

"so what's your name and why did you save me" "the girl asked

" You were in danger" she heard the little boy answer.

"whats your name" she heard the little girl ask again.

"My name is..."the boy tried to answer but her images were interrupted by the noise coming from the other side of the balcony.

She wanted to see what was making the noise so she opened the door, immediately she opened the door a cat lept in, it was snow white in colour, The cat looked angry as it tried to claw her face.

she turned around and bolted out of her room and ran straight to Jordan's room, she entered the room without knocking she climbed the bed and clunged unto the pillows while trembling.

Jordan who was standing by the balcony entrance was shocked when he recognised she was the one, he walked towards her and patted her back

"Yna whats wrong?" he asked worriedly. "There... Is..a...ccat...in.. My room" She stuttered hugging him tightly

"cat?"he asked suprised,he felt her nod.

"Ok lets check it out"he suggested trying to rise from the bed but she clunged unto him tighter.

"Don't be scared am here"he assured her, and she loosened her grip on him letting him lead her to her room.