
Love me like this forever

This book is dedicated to all those who have loved and lost. The author welcomes you to a tale of sweet friendship, a little bit of a family drama and an everlasting heart ache.

Kulsum_Ahmed_3025 · Ciudad
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22 Chs


"This isn't the way you talk to daddy." Daniyal imitated my


I choked on my drink.

"Please. I was trying to save you from getting into serious

trouble." I laughed lightly.

"He still hasn't forgiven me." he stopped laughing.

I sighed.

"Daniyal, give him some time."

He took a sip from his drink. We were lounging in our

backyard. It was remarkably cold today. I was wearing a

pullover dark pink hoodie.

"BTW do you know about George and Hamza?" he asked me.

I smiled.

"Yeah. They went out together for the first time. George was

over the moon."

"Why would someone be over the moon because of going out

with the likes of Hamza?"

"Daniyal." I gasped and looked around.

He chuckled deeply.

"He'll hear us." I laughed lightly.

"Do you think I care?"

"No, I don't either." I laughed.

"So, you don't know?" I sobered.


I leaned forward

"George has a crush on Hamza since her childhood." I


His eyes widened.

"Why would someone have a crush on Hamza?" he laughed.

"Daniyal, please." I looked around practically scared.

"So, is it serious now?" he asked after composing himself.

"Yeah. She told me she thinks she's in love."

"Thinks? Not sure?"

"Hmm..." I hummed and glanced at the bushes of roses.

Red and pink roses. They symbolized love, respect and a longstanding relationship. Daddy and Mama had planted these

when they got married.

"How would, she be sure?" I asked.


"How would she know that it's love and not just fascination?"

He leaned back in his chair.

"It's simple."

"I thought it was quite complicated." I laughed.

"Loving is not easy but figuring out is."

"Alright, I am inviting her for breakfast tomorrow. Tell her

everything about love."

"Chill, Romi. I am not a love guru." he laughed lightly.

I stood up and raised my hands.

"You can be. Picture this. Dr. Daniyal Ali the famous love


"Very funny. I would rather become a wardrobe stylist." he


"Sure, you can. Mama's personal stylist." I scoffed too.

"What about you? What would you be if not for an architect?"

"Correction, I am an intern not an architect yet."

"I don't know. Maybe I would just become an explorer. Going

around exploring new places, doing adventures." I shrugged.


The image of Azaan's charming face flashed before my eyes.

"Yeah, all alone." I smiled.

"So, when are you inviting Azaan over? Mom seems quite

pleased with him."

"Daniyal, stop. Please. He's nobody. Just made acquaintances

with him at the hospital and everyone starts behaving as if

he's the most important person in my life and he had to make

things worse by coming over to our home and..." I ran out of


"Relax, Romi. What's with all the anger?"

I sighed.

"It's nothing."

"I hate him, anyway." I muttered and sat down.

In my mind I pretended that his voice didn't tug the strings of

my heart and his smile didn't crumble my sanity.

Hamza walked in. I glanced at Daniyal and he stifled a laugh.

"Hey, Hamza. How was your day yesterday?" I asked him.

He chuckled lightly.

"George got mad at me."

"Why?" I sat up straight hoping that he wouldn't have done

anything to hurt her.

"I told her I always wanted to pull her cheeks as a kid and

also, she looked like a grumpy fat cat. Now she's mad." he

threw his hands up in the air frustrated.

My jaw fell.

And Daniyal chuckled.

"Why would you say that?" I asked him with eyes wide open.

"I told her what was in my heart. She got mad. How is this my

fault?" he shrugged.

"Your heart? You have a heart? I am surprised. You should

have known better than to call a girl fat." I groaned and buried

my face in my palms.

Why did he have to be so clueless?

"I didn't call her fat. That was from our childhood. And. For

the record I have a heart."

"You don't. Because, if you did you would know how she feels

for you."

I got up.

"What does she feel for me?" Hamza raised his eyebrows.


Did I just blurt out George secret of 15 years?

Yes, I did.

Can I cover-up?


"Yes, mama. I'm coming. Mama's calling me." I laughed


"Wait. I didn't hear anything. And, she..." Hamza got up

looking worried.

"Yeah, I heard her too. Go, Romi." Daniyal chimed in.

I began to walk away.

"Wait. Who did you hear? She's not at home." Hamza grabbed

my arm.

"Oh, must be someone else." I smiled.

Can I still cover-up?


"Tell me, Romi. What were you saying?"

"She used to say that you looked like a grumpy grandpa when

you were a kid." I laughed."

"What? Why would she say that?" his face fell.

"Now, you know how she felt." I scoffed.

"Guys, your Tom and Jerry show is quite entertaining but we

have chores to do. Mama texted me."

Hamza groaned.

"Romi, you have to do the laundry."

"I'll have to do the dishes and Hamza, you..."

"Not mopping the floors, please. Not the floors, please."

Hamza closed his eyes together and prayed desperately.

"You have to mop the floors." Daniyal finished and we

chuckled deeply.

I was hanging the washed clothes to dry. I glanced at my

phone. It had been 2 days since I met Azaan. Two days since I

had refused his gift. I didn't go to the hospital. I had planned

on joining from tomorrow. He hadn't called me.

Could I blame him?


His friendship was like the double rainbow. It was like blue

daisies that made you happy. It was like Hershey's kisses

sweet and perfect. It was like that familiar scent of your home.

Like that Pandora bracelet he had bought for me.

I laughed lightly at my silliness.

Where did we stand after this?


I couldn't be his friend.

Did I miss him?

Hell, yes.

I had grown fond of him in the last month. It had been a

blissful month. I never made real friends in my whole life

except George. It was like I never shared the kind of chemistry

I have with George and Azaan today with anyone else.

I hanged a pretty beige Cashmere shawl mentally making a

note to steal it from Mama later.

I heard howling of laughter from behind me and I rushed

inside. I saw Hamza's hair drenched with Floor Detergent and

I saw Prince who was slightly wet now barking at him angrily.

Daniyal was howling with laughter whilst washing the dishes.

"Why are you barking? It's your fault." Hamza yelled at


Bark. Bark. Bark.

The protective mommy of Prince awakened inside me. I

walked towards him and picked him up.

"You can't talk to him like that." I hugged him close and he

closed his eyes.

"Shut up and take him away."

I took him outside and picked up my phone.

"Hey, George. What's up my girl?" I chirped.

"Shut up. And, I need help. These nurses are so annoying.

They keep talking about guys all the time. Please come to my

rescue. And these patients they are so impatient. They keep

throwing tantrums. And, Dr. Leo. Gosh don't even talk about


"But I didn't even ask about him."

"Of course. You, don't understand. Please, just come quickly if

I mean anything to you."

"George, I..." she declined the call.

I sighed deeply.

I opened the door of George's cabin and found Hamza sitting

on her desk.

"What the hell are you doing over here, Hamza?"

"Chill, sis. I am here to make it up to her." he smiled.

"Where is she though?"

"Unlike you she's a very busy person." I sat down.

"Hey. I am busy too. I was just feeling a little uneasy that she

was mad at me. I don't know. It wasn't settling very well with


I silently prayed for him to be nice to her.

"I have an idea. Why don't you gift her something?"

His eyes lit up in appreciation.

"What can I gift her? What does she like?"

I thought for a while.

"She's been talking about getting a pet. She said she's

beginning to feel very lonely after her parents passed away."

"Let's see." he began to think.

"I really think you should get off the desk." I eyed the way he

was sitting on it.

"How did you get in anyway?"

"I kind of fooled the receptionist and sneaked in." he smiled


"You could get in trouble."

He scoffed.

"Yeah, right. Look who's talking. The same girl who has gotten

into numerous troubles along with her friend George."

"Hey, don't start this again." I whined.

The door opened and George walked in. Tired and upset.

"Hey." Hamza stood up offering his hand.

"Hi." her eyes immediately lit up.

"I thought of paying you a visit." he smiled and made her sit


I smiled at his gesture and winked at George. She flipped her


"Romi, I think you need to check up on Azaan." she suddenly

spoke up after a while.

"Azaan. My Azaan?" I raised my brow.

"What do you mean by 'my Azaan'?" Hamza interjected.

I glanced at George.

"I meant our Azaan." I laughed nervously.

"So, what about him?" I turned to her.

"You don't know?" she looked worried.

I sat up straight.


"He has been diagnosed with Pneumonia. He got admitted a

day ago."

"How severe is that?" I asked her.

"According to the Pneumonia severity Index he has a Risk

Class III. He might have to stay hospitalized for a while now."

I nodded.

"Can I see him?"

"Yeah, you can." she smiled and I got out.

I knocked on the door of the private ward.

Zainab opened the door for me. I gave her a small smile. She

looked tired. I walked inside and I Malik seated on the couch.

My gaze then landed over Azaan.

He looked pale.

"He's sleeping. Just fell asleep, he wasn't able to sleep last

night due to continuous coughing" Malik spoke grimly.

I nodded.

"I guess I'll come back later then." I walked outside.

I felt genuinely concerned for him.

How did he contract the fever again?

Was it the rain?

I sat down inside George's cabin and sipped on my hot

chocolate. It was 10 in the morning. The weather was

fortunately pleasant today. I couldn't help it. Our little

moment in the car kept playing continuously in my head. No

matter whatever I did to distract myself I couldn't stop

thinking of how he had held my elbow, moved closer to me,

bought me gift and the look on his face when I had blatantly

rejected it. I didn't understand why it was affecting me so

much. Sure, I had hurt people in the past. I wasn't a saint. But

this hit differently. Maybe, he wasn't affected this much.

Maybe, he wasn't hurt at all. But still I could feel a stab in my

heart whenever I thought about that moment.

I thought of getting him a bouquet and walked to the florist

shop. It was just a tiny shop across the street of the hospital.

You could design your own bouquet over here.

I picked up Lavender. I looked around and my gaze landed on

yellow star grass and Chrysanthemums.


I picked them up and arranged them aesthetically.

"Here." I handed the florist the money and walked out. My

gaze never leaving the bouquet until I reached the hospital.

I had never done this before.

Giving someone flowers. A man to be precise.

Arranging and choosing the flowers by myself.

It felt oddly nice.

I grinned like an idiot and made my way towards his ward,

hoping that he must be awake by now.

I pushed the door a little and peeked inside. The room was

dimly lit. Malik and Zainab were dozing off on the couch. He

was awake.

"Hello." I whispered and he smiled at me.

"Hey." he whispered and I sat down on the stool beside his


"How are you feeling?"

"I had bouts of cough last night. My chest is paining slightly

now." he whispered.

"Let me see." I picked up a stethoscope and wore it.

He grinned.

"Really now, Romi?"

"It's Romaisa for you." I sang and placed the chest piece on his


"There's no heartbeat." I shrieked.

"Shh..." he silenced me pointing towards his siblings.

I giggled lightly and placed the chest piece on a different spot.

Suddenly he held my palm and placed it in the center of his


"My heart is over here, Romaisa."

He gazed into my eyes. His warm brown eyes boring into

mine. I could hear his heartbeat. It was rapid and loud.

Enough to make my heart beat rapidly too.

"Here?" I whispered.

"Yes, here." he smiled warmly.

I tugged my wrist back and he let it go. A few moments passed

by and neither of us said anything. I was fiddling with the


"Are those flowers for me?"

I looked up.

"Is that for me?" he pointed towards the bouquet that now lay

forgotten on the table.

"Yeah." I smiled slightly and handed him the flowers. He

sniffed it.

"Lovely." he whispered.

"Thank you."

"I made it. The florist shop nearby allows you to customize

your own bouquet." I whispered.

"Lavender, Yellow star grass and Chrysanthemums. Why?" he


"I don't know. They look good together I suppose." I shrugged.

"Do you know what they mean?" he glanced at them.


"Lavender symbolizes Peace, Yellow star grass represent good

health and Chrysanthemums symbolizes friendship."


He nodded.

"But I am sorry. I can't take this from you." he kept it on the


"Why?" I whispered almost hurt.

"I can't. I don't want it." he looked away.

"But I made an effort for it. It looks nice. You can keep it over

there." I pointed to an empty vase behind him.

He shook his head.

"I don't want it."

"Why? What happened suddenly?" I got up feeling angry.

"I told you I don't want it. And, keep it down, will you? My

siblings are asleep." he whisper-yelled.

"But..." I looked around unable to speak.

"Maybe now you know how I felt when you rejected my gift." I

heard him say.

I shot him an incredulous look.


"Seriously." he turned away from me.

"Fine." I dramatically threw the bouquet on the floor and

walked out.

Why would he do that?

This is the first time I made such an effort for a man and he

didn't appreciate it.


I closed the files and rubbed my face feeling more tired than

usual. I wanted to go home.

"Hey, George. I am leaving." I picked up my things and called

out to her.

"Romi, I think you should check up on Azaan." she walked in

looking seriously tired.

"What is it with you? Why should I check up on him? He

doesn't care. I don't care either. I am not his family. His

fiancée should be the one checking up on him." I ran out of


"He's engaged?" she looked pretty shocked.

I looked away trying to control my anger.

"So, that explains the reason for your absence, avoiding him

and the anger."

"I am not angry because of that, George. It's just..." I sat down.

"I think you should check up on him once, His temperature

shot up to 106.1 F."

I groaned feeling frustrated. I picked my jacket and walked to

his ward. I stopped outside when I saw a beautiful woman

walk up to me. She had a bouquet of roses in her hands. She

didn't spare me a glance and walked in his ward. I rushed in


Inside I could see Zainab still asleep and Malik greeting the

woman. They were conversing in hushed whispers. Azaan was

asleep wearing a Nebulizer.

My heart melted at how innocent and vulnerable he looked.

I sat down beside his legs.

"Who are you?" I heard a sweet voice call out to me. I turned

to look behind me. I got up.

"Romaisa. Romaisa Rubab Khan." I kept my tone polite.

She raised her eyebrows.

"What are you doing here?"

"I am Azaan's friend." I replied in a rather cold tone and sat

down again.

"I see. His friend, huh?" I heard her say but I didn't turn


"Water." Azaan breathed out.

Malik grabbed the glass of water and adjusted his bed. He

took out his Nebulizer and took sips from his water.

The woman walked up to him so graciously then she looked at

me in the eyes.

"I'm Asmara. He must've told you about me." she smiled and

forwarded the bouquet to him. He took it from her hands and

kept it on the table.

She was a mighty piece of art you could say. Her honey brown

eyes were lined with eyeliner. She was a little taller than me

and had an hourglass figure. I could figure it out by the indigo

blue bodycon dress that she was wearing. Her hair was parted

to the right with a slight puff. She looked like a model.

"He didn't." I replied with a straight face. Her smile faded

away then she turned to Azaan.

"How are you feeling?" she asked him sweetly, her fancy

earrings dangling as she moved her head.

"I am fine." he replied coldly. I knew he was looking at me but

I deliberately avoided his gaze.

"I think he needs rest. Let's leave him alone, shall we?" Malik

announced and Asmara nodded and walked behind him as he

closed the door.

"I guess her bouquet was prettier than mine." I spoke up

breaking the silence.

"No, yours was prettier." I heard his weak voice.

I scoffed.

"Which is why it is on the floor now isn't it?"

"You're making it sound like I threw it over there. You're

outrageous, Romi."

I looked at him.

"It's Romaisa for you." I whispered quietly.

"Well, I should get going. Now, that your entire family is here

I don't see a reason as to why I should check up on you." I

smiled politely.

"She's not family."

"Well, she would be in a while."

Malik walked in.

"I see you haven't left, Romaisa."

He then turned to Azaan.

"You've got some nice tricks up your sleeve. I don't know how

you manage to do that."

I couldn't understand what he said for a minute but then I got


"He's right." I nodded. Azaan looked at me incredulously.

"She's no saint, dude. Get out of your trance." Azaan almost

yelled at Malik.

"Yes, she is. You don't deserve her." Malik yelled back.

"You like her, don't you? This was what all this this was


"Yes, I do. I am not like you. I am not a jerk." Malik growled.

I had no idea what this was about. But the only thing I could

think off was that Azaan was sick.

"Malik, could you please leave? He's sick." I walked up to him.

"He never deserved her." he told me pointing to Azaan.

He didn't look sane right now.

"Yes, I know. Now, could you please leave?"

"Stop agreeing with whatever he's saying. You're my friend."

Azaan pulled my elbow and I stumbled on the bed.

"Relax. I am not." I got up but he pulled me again.

"She's not my fiancée anymore. I ended things with her a few

months ago." he growled.

"Okay. But, right now you need rest." I got up again.

"Why would you hurt her like that?" Malik yelled again.

I flinched. Azaan looked at me.

"Stop you're scaring her."

"Stop acting like you care and you have a heart because clearly

you don't."

"I do have a heart. And, she was happy when I ended things

with her. She's not hurt."

"Malik, please leave." I grabbed his hand and took him to the


He walked away angrily.

"I have no idea what this was about but you need rest." I

walked up to him adjusted his bed and made him wear the


"I don't need this." he took it out.

I grabbed the duvet and pulled over his face.

"What are you doing?" he pulled it down.

"You're better off when you're under that duvet."

I grabbed my things and turned to him.

"Go to sleep, it's late." I rushed out.

"Romi. Listen to me." I heard him yell. The staff and the

visitors gave me strange looks as I walked through the


"Here. These are for you." I handed a beautiful bouquet of

Tulips and Sunflowers to a 75-year-old man who was battling

with a brain tumor.

He smiled sadly and took it from me.

"Thank you, my child. Sometimes these medicines and

treatments do not give us what we want. All we want is some

love and support."

"If you don't mind me asking, sir. Where is your family?" I


It had been a month since he got admitted here. His son had

completed all the formalities and dropped him off here.

George had told me the hospital had tried to reach out to him

but he wouldn't respond.

"I have a son. He's happy with his wife and child. They don't

need me. He has fulfilled all of his responsibilities towards

me." he took a sip from his soup.

I didn't know what to say. I kept quiet and glanced at my


"I miss my dear wife." he sighed.

I smiled at him and politely excused myself.

It was the next day and I still hadn't mustered up the courage

to visit Azaan. I simply didn't want to talk to him.

"Romi, I think you need to check up on Azaan." I heard


"What is it with you? You're coming from here and there and

asking me to check up on him. What do you want? If you're so

worried about him go and check for yourself." I blurted


"What's up with the anger, Romi? I just told you because he

was insisting." she whispered quietly.

I sighed deeply.

What the hell does he want?

I pushed the door of his ward and walked in looking rather

angry and messed up. I hadn't braided my hair today and I

guess they looked wild.

He was sitting wide awake scrolling through his phone.

"What do you want?"

He looked up and grinned lazily. His morning hair was

probably the best messed up thing that I had seen.

"I wanted your assistance." he smirked.

"In?" I raised my brow.

"Aren't you a healthcare volunteer over here, sweetheart?"


"Help me get ready. Help me brush my teeth, wash my face

etc..." he drawled.

"FYI a lot of male nurses are available here for that purpose." I

replied blankly and began to walk away.

"Wait, Romi..." I heard him laugh behind me. I smiled


"I was just kidding. Come back here. The least you could do is

help me with eating my breakfast."

I sat down on the stool near his bed and kept the food tray on

my lap.

The breakfast was simple. Eggs, toast and some tea.

"I don't like this breakfast." he pouted and I couldn't help but

burst out laughing.

"Compose yourself, Romi." my conscience warned me.

I faked a cough to cover my laugh.

"Here." I handed him the plate.

"I can't. My hand is paralyzed." he pouted.

"Liar." I muttered and handed him the plate.

The tea smelled divine. I couldn't help it and I sneakily took a

sip from his tea.

"Hey." he whined.

I laughed quietly.

"How are things at home?"

"Great." I chirped.

"Tell me something? Where's your dad?"

"He's busy." he muttered quietly.

"Too busy for his most beautiful child?" I gasped.

"Beautiful?" he raised his brow and smirked.

"According to him I meant." I shrugged innocently.

In reality I was dying to tell him how charming he looked. His

warm brown eyes, and dimpled smile.


I was the one to compliment people a lot. I would complement

someone's dress, work, makeup, hair and even behavior. But,

this one man who was the most beautiful of them all had kept

my tongue tied.

"Admit it." he shrugged.

"What?" I looked up.

He motioned me to come forward with his finger and I did.

"That you are falling head over heels for me, sweetheart."

This time I leaned forward and whispered in his ear.

"In your dreams." I leaned backward and smiled wickedly at


I took a sip from my tea.

"I met Asmara at a bank where I used to work earlier."

The cup in my hands froze midway.

"It's alright. You don't owe me any explanations." I began to

get up but he clasped his palm with mine.

I sighed and looked away.

"She was quite famous and really amiable. Her cubicle was

just beside mine."

"We used to have friendly conversations every now and then

and one day she expressed her desire to marry me. I wasn't

exactly pleased with the idea due to the fact that we didn't

really know each other very well. But things took a serious

turn when she met my mom. She managed to charm her.

Mama would talk about her for hours. Eventually mom

convinced me to marry her so, we got engaged in a small


"Romaisa." I heard him.

"Hmm..." I turned to him.

"Are you listening?" he asked carefully.

"Yes." I nodded.

"Things took a bad turn from there. After our engagement I

used to meet her more often and I soon realized what I had

signed up for. She was impolite to people who were not as well

dressed as she was or not as well talented as she was. She had

a very annoying habit of bragging about things. And, she was

very manipulative. Like seriously her life only revolved around

fame, designer stuff, manipulation and impoliteness." he


"I constantly told my mom about her antics but she would

always ask me to remain patient. Her heart was made of gold.

When my mom met with the accident, I remember Asmara

calling me over to her house. I took out some time and visited

her. There she had a little house party going on and she

introduced me to her friends. I was baffled. Like seriously?

You're forcefully asking a man to party with you when his

mom is seriously sick? What kind of sick behavior is that?"

He paused and glanced at me. I was sitting there and looking

at him with a stoic expression. He sighed deeply.

"I had a major fight with her and immediately left the house.

When I got back home my mom was taking her last breaths."

He massaged him temples.

"I didn't talk to her after that. When we met a few months ago

I frankly told her things weren't working out and she happily

handed the ring back to me."

He laughed lightly.

"I kind of had an idea that Malik likes her so that should count

as one reason too."

He looked at my shocked expression.

"Malik met her a year ago and by the looks of it she had

managed to charm him too. I just hope she doesn't hurt him."

I nodded.

"It's about time you say something, sweetheart. Why are you

quiet?" he squeezed my hand.

"It's nothing." I smiled slightly.


"You didn't have to give me any explanations." I tugged my

hand back.

"Please, quit the act. Both of us know how desperate you were

for an explanation." he laughed and then suddenly he started

coughing very badly.

I got up and rubbed his back. I wanted to call the doctor but

he wouldn't let of my wrist.

He started to turn red from his coughs.

"Nurse. Doctor." I yelled.

Two nurses and Doctor Leo rushed in and I was asked to get
