


It was this statement that gave me a crew as to why Ruth wanted to date me in short all she wanted was to have sex with me. In no time we were at Jane's house, I just told her friend while laughing, "Go call my girl" she smiled and said "think about my last words" and left.

I remained thinking of what next to do when I heard someone behind me calling out "let's go" I turned and only to see my girlfriend looking so beautiful, I said " I wish I could hug and kiss you now, you are adding on your beauty every minute. You look gorgeous" she replied "thank you". Her friend who was there all this time said "guys can you please stop it and go before we are called back and please be back before 17hrs". we left, in our town was a big river called lwitikila, the river was on the west side of the town, it played an important role to young lovers with no ideas of its dangers but was are very nice place to go when you are with your girl because it was quiet, had hidden places within it, had two bridges one for the road going to kasama and the other was a railway going to Nakonde, the two bridges was where you could stand if you want a great view of the river. It was this location that I took my girlfriend to go have fun.

On the way we had to make sure we were not seen by familiar people if any we were hiding because we were both afraid that we could be reported to our parent's but this in the near future did have to end but that's a story for another episode. When we reached the railway we held each other's hand and stepped on top of the metal rail line to walk on while talking and laughing, it is on this incident that she asked me "Love, am sorry I I I , this is quiet embarrassing" "come on honey, do not feel shay just ask" "love, How was it? I mean did you enjoy making love with me?" "Are you kidding me, I did enjoy, its one of a memorable time of my life and am glad I had to do it with someone I love" deep inside me I knew it just was luck because I wouldn't have even managed doing it. I asked "What about you, did you enjoy?" she answered "To be honest, you're good in bed; I never expected that you would be so good in that area, sorry to say this but you are better than my ex". I stopped in agony; her ex does this mean that she has had sex before. I thought. Don't be surprised with her statement because during these days when girls are of age they were taught a lot of things and sex was one of the topic apart from hygiene and so this in most cases made young girls to try sex or to just have an experience of it because they are told its not okay to have sex and that boys are not there friends but what they did not know is that that is the very thing that causes girls to try it out for they are denied that opportunity, I just can't believe that to young lads, the bad is good and good is bad and boring. Away from this, the truth is that she had had sex before and was much more experienced in many ways than I was because I was a virgin at a time, I made love with her but managed to impress her sexually. I am a man, I said to myself. Jane noticed my quietness, she asked "have I hurt you love, am sorry if my words have hurt your feelings, I was trying to just say thank you for that day". I pulled her close and said "honey, your past should not define your future with me, I love you that's all that matters now, you have not hurt my feelings you've made me realize how a man I will become to you but please do not compare me with others for am me and they are them" she kissed me and said "I love you". "I love you more". We went to the bridge talked about the beautiful scenery of the river and many other things that closed our minds, joked, and played around.

We were lost in time, by the time I looked at my watch it was already 16:30hrs, I told her we should be heading back home its late, "yes we should" she answered. We rushed so that we go to her friend's house in time for her to escort her back home when in the actual sense I knew that I was rushing back so that I should meet Ruth in time at the unfished building. We arrived in time to her friend's compound and we found her waiting on the roadside, I just hugged Jane, said good bye and left for the unfinished building.

On my way to the location Ruth said I should meet her I met my crazy friend with his girlfriend Gift, he started teasing me saying how was your day with your girl because as you can see am with mine holding her waste and have nothing to be afraid of and then kissed her in my presence, she seemed not to be concerned with what was going on, I looked at them and said, are you not ashamed of yourselves doing all that in public, you think this is America, look at the age difference your girl is older than you, do you even know what she does when you are not there , anyway thats your life not mine. In return he said "has if we are not the same, first of all where are you rushing to Mr., Ooooooo the lover boy is now the talk of the school on how good he is in bed, oooh he is rushing to go meet up with his new crush, Anyways Mr lover boy run along before your crush changes her mind and decides to come clean and put you in trouble." In shame I left them but I was going there Inno hard just told me the truth, I wasn't any good than him at least he had only one girl and I believed I had more than one because I already had accepted Ruth's proposal knowing that even if I pretend not to love her it was still very wrong dating two girls at once in the same class but all this came because of Inno and others who were busy pushing me to have a girl.

I arrived at the location and to my surprise I found Ruth waiting for me despite me going there late. She saw me and said "better late than never, I thought you were not going to show up but here you are my love for a month, let's see how this will turn out to be." She came close enough to hug and kiss me. I pushed her back and said "don't you think this is not okay, what if your friend found out about us how will she feel" for a moment she was quiet but later answered "she won't know about us unless you tell her yourself, play along it's just something I just want to do with you because I have loved you for a long time and have wanted to be with you even for a short period of time in life before I get hitched" "But will you not be so jealous of your friend?", I asked." "I will, but what choice do I have for you're hers and am just a passerby." At the end of it all she won, she was so determined with what she wanted that I failed to convince her to let go.

Around 18:20hrs, I said, "dear, don't you think its late, are they not going to start looking for you home? " no they won't; because no one is home, Dad left for Lusaka, he was called for a to attend a meeting and mom will be home in the morning she is working night shift today at the hospital which means its only me and my little brother whose at my neighbor's house, so I believe they would not be looking for you that gives me the chance to ask you if you have anything new in stock for me?. I knew this was just a puppy love so what the ache I said yes.

I do not know what came over me, I felt a force pushing me to her despite the fact that it was a bitter pill to swallow I got hold of her hand, pulled her to me and kissed her, I thought she would reject my kiss only to find that she was in for it. I held my hands over her waist, continued kissing her, touching her all over her body, I felt her pointed breasts over my then small chest, we kissed for some time when she whispered with a sexy voice saying "do it love, go in, I want you". Pushed her to the wall and lifted her leg, the next thing I remember was her say just there, oooo yes there but before I could finish up she pushed me saying "in as much as I want this I do not want to be pregnant and I can tell that you have no condom, I knew this was going to happen so I came with a pack from the ones we were given by the peer teachers that came last term, can you please put it on, it's not just protecting us from pregnancy but it is as well protecting us from STDs. In no time I was putting it on and continued. i did this like a pro, thanks to the movies we had been watching that is where most of the things concerning sex came from. Kkkkkk parents should be careful with what they let their kids watch. Just a comment; lets continue.

By the time we had finished making love it was already 19 to 20hrs, we just sat down at the plunks that where in the building in silence when I heard her say "what time is it?" when I looked at the time I stood up and said let me see you off its late. She refused saying it's you am supposed to see off home because you will be grounded or worse. I accepted her offer because I never wanted to be seen with her anyway. She kissed me then left.

When I reached home, I found mom cooking as usual, she just asked where I was, I said I went to see a friend, she nodded,okay. Went straight to my room changed and went out to go have a bath. I had a bath, ate supper, went to my bedroom, As I was about to sleep my friends' words came, I remembered him telling me to write a poem to my girlfriend Jane though feeling guilty that i have cheated on her, I took my pen and tore a paper in my book thereafter started writing a poem for my girl.