


Before I could answer him we had already reached the school gate and other friends came, instead of innocent keeping our conversation to himself he told them about me and Jane. By the time we entered our class rooms at least half of my class knew about as, some were happy but others were not happy especially Ruth who had a clash on me but I never noticed nor ever paid any attention to her, anyways that's life.

While in class Jane shifted from her original seat and went far from where I was seated, that never bothered me, I went to where she was seated said hai and went back. Our class teacher came in taught and left, a few minutes before break time I received a handmade card in it were written word.

My darling Momo, loving you is the most

Beautiful thing that has ever happened to me,

Why did you not come early enough for me?

I wish we knew each other the time we were born

But fate has a way of pulling people together because

My love for you is getting stronger each time I

Look at you that is the reason why I have decided to

Move far from you.

If loving you is a clime then I would be jailed for you

I do not know what to do because you have stolen that which

Cannot be brought back.

I have missed you so much that if time was reversible I would

Reverse it to yesterday.

I love you with all my heart.


I never believed what I read, at break time she went out with her friends and I remained in class with my crazy best friend Innocent who had a girlfriend older than him, we were in the seventh grade and the girl he was dating was in the ninth grade but never bothered or felt any bad about it. How this happen is a story I will tell you. Let's go back to what happened later that day in class. After reading in that card I tried not to tell Innocent but could not keep it to myself I just gave him the card to see and read it for himself .after reading it he said, "No man is an island but to be honest with you, you're an island" I said "what do you mean boi" Dude she is into you, she is so in love with you that if you asked her for anything she would gladly accept without questioning, you the man boi, the man. "Boi do something for as well", he said. "What do you want me to do?" I asked. "Mmmmmmm, reply by just writing a love poem for her, I mean that what you love doing I bet she's going to be so amazed because your writing is what got me into bed with Gift boi, do that" I did agree to what he said. I was about to start writing when I heard someone say," I heard everything you guy were talking about and I will tell our teacher about what you guys have been doing," when I tuned to look at the person talking, I saw Ruth, she was serious about it. She had just finished talking when the bell rung, I went to her and pleaded to her not to tell our teacher but she agreed and said I will not tell our teacher on one condition. Before she could finish what she was saying our class mates came running in class which made her to just tell me to wait until we knock off. I went to go back to where I was sited waiting for that time. I thought Innocent would help me out when Ruth was threatening me to report me to our teacher but he was never even bothered about it, when I asked him why he could not help out he just said "two wrongs don't make a right" because I was annoyed with him I just sat down on my desk not asking what he meant.

When we knocked off Jane came to my desk asking me what I will be doing after school, I told her I will be doing nothing and would love to be with her. She agreed and asked me "where will we meet? I told her "will come and pick you up home, will take you somewhere today" she nodded and said "Okay, will be waiting for you at 15hrs" then she left. Innocent knew that I was mad with him so he came to me saying he will talk to, I told him to go ahead and talk to Ruth. He left went looking for Ruth, found her waiting for at the school gate, immediately she saw him she asked where I was or if at all I left school without listening to a condition she had for me, he told her I was still in school but told her he was looking for. Ruth inno called "do you know that if what you head was reported to our teacher Momo would be in trouble, okay, put yourself in his shoes, what would you do?" Ruth sighed and answered "I know the trouble I would put them into but inno, of all the girls at school, why would he choose that slut he is calling love? Has he not seen me, so that's why he has never paid attention to whatever I try to just show him I want him. Now I will tell you this, I know he has not told that slut he is calling his girlfriend anything of what is happening now, if I am to keep that as a secret he must date me for a month, I don't mind him having me at the same time he is going out with her. Tell him this" "oooo before I forget, tell him to meet me around 17hrs at the unfished building near his home".

After saying this Ruth left. I was about to reach the gate when I saw innocent coming and knew he had talked to Ruth and she has gone. As he saw me coming he started waiting for me though I saw from afar that he had a good chat with Ruth because he looked so happy as if it's a rat that has seen groundnuts. When I reached where he was he said boi, you are the man, I was confused, I asked him why he was saying that, he said "I talked to Ruth, the condition she has for you is nothing but you dating her for a month that's all." "Boi, are you okay or something is wrong with your medulla, how do I date two girls in the same class at the same time" he said " my friend do not be a fool I thought I told you that she doesn't mind having her for a month meaning it will be kept a secret to your girl"

I gave in to that craziness even though I wasn't happy with it, he later said I should meet her today around 17hrs at the unfished building near home. At around 15hrs I went to pick my girlfriend Jane at her home as agreed but I knew I had to be back before 17hrs which meant that I had to create a lie to my girl so that we can part ways soon. On my way to Jane's home, I met her friend, asked her where she was going, she answered "to your girls friend's house, she told me to go help her go out of the compound without her mom questioning her where she was going because if her mom sees me, she will take it that we are just nearby having fun when in the actual sense it will be you guys enjoying living me out, How I wish it was me going out with you". Her last words came to me as a shock, I asked "what do you mean?" "Truth be told your girl says that you are one romantic and good in bed, something I would love to do with a man and not a boy."