


I really loved Jane and did not want my friends to see me through if they do, I knew that I will become the roughing stoke of the entire term,I gave in and dogged from my Monday classes and went to be with Jane home. Upon arriving home, I thought to myself; what if I find her parents' home? What if her parents came back home and found us together? But anyways I knocked on the door and head someone say come in, I went in and found her lying on a couch in the sitting room dressed in a sexy looking dress (it was transparent by the way). I stood looking at her confused felt uneasy but the feeling was good anyway. She broke the silence by saying hello! Are you okay? I said yes I was just taken by your beauty, truly you are an angel, by the way did you write the note I received this morning?...then she said yes, from there on I knew I had won her heart, for conformation I asked her what she thought about my proposal about her becoming my girlfriend she said, my writing a note to you simply means that I have accepted the proposal then she pulled me close to her, kissed me, I tell you it was my first wonderful kiss I had ever received in other words that broke my virginity. Believe you me I was extremely happy that I wanted to jump off from the sofa, running out of the house and shouting eureka like Pythagoras did, but could not do it, only to keep it inside me for I never wanted to be seen through by my first girlfriend. I thought having a girlfriend at that age was something good, was going to pay me off, for sure it did but left me wanting more when she left for another town or rather the family shifted for kapiri, in as much as this sounds good it was a beginning of my crazy love life. Oooono!!! Let us continue.

On that very day we discussed a lot of things starting from the type of music, food and our favorite days. I asked if she is a church goer to my surprise, we were both church goers. The more we talked the more I felt like Grabbing, touching, feeling her entire beautiful body but I could not do that because it was my first time being with her alone in an awkward place, moreover it was her father's house and I respected that. Time passed as if it was forwarded, by the time I checked my watch it was already 15 pm, that is to why I decided to leave for home, I told her I must go home they could be looking for me because they don't know where I am.

Immediately I told her that, she held me tightly and said mmmmh!!! Mmmmmh!!! you are not going anywhere, If you want to go back home then you must do something, I felt my heart beat go fast like someone whose been running thinking that what she means is having sex with me, but I was surprise of what she said when I asked her ''What is it that you want me to do?"

She answered "would you kindly help me clean up my room and the sitting room before mom comes." In shock I said, "why not, I will but let's be fast about it because I have something's to do home as well before dad comes back from work." To be honest I felt like bursting, for my expectation was something else and her dress had killed me the entire time I was with her in the house, my private part was killing me, it couldn't just stay in the trousers without doing anything but remained at 90* from the time I saw her to the time she asked me to help her clean the house, to be particular her room and the sitting room, but hey " I though, it's just a room and there is nothing I can do with her it being the first day of us being together but what I did not know was that she did what she did to just take me to her room so that we can have the very thing I wanted but had no crew on how I can tell her or seduce her to do it, believe you me she had it all planned all the time I was there.

Morris, or should I say love. "We will begin by cleaning my room then come to the sitting room "as I was about to agree and standing up, Jane got my hand and pulled me up from the sofa and started going to her room.as we were going to the room my blood started boiling but had no ideal on how I can stop it because my imagination was far more advanced from what was happening, we reached her room, she turned and looked into my eyes and I saw her growing beautiful eyes then she said to me, " can you manage eating the forbidden fruit" Telling you I was speechless, but just took an action by pulling her close to me , kissing her deeply, hold her waste as if I know what Iam doing by the time we were on her cheaply made bed an embarrassing thing happened I had already dirtied my pant but did not stop squeezing her pointed boobs, that gave me enough time to make my boyhood to erect again at least I gave her one, which gave me the courage to be in a relation with her.

By the time we finished it was already late, I jumped off her bed got dressed and run home. This was trouble in paradise because even if I did this I knew deep inside me that it was wrong but it felt good and that I will not have to be a boy again to my friends. That evening I kept on thinking about what we had done and the feeling kept on coming of me kissing and squeezing and many more but realized it was not going to be good telling my friends about it because we discussed that our relationship should be kept as a secrete which was good to her but bad for me for my friends will surely ask me about the time I spent with Jane and If I don't tell them anything they call me a looser but hey, it was worth it keeping this as a secrete and so i said to myself that if my friends asked me about it which I knew they would, I will just tell them we kissed and end there.

The next morning, I work up feeling like I own the world or like someone who has just won lottery, my mom noticed my happiness and asked me "you look so happy today, what is it that could have made you so happy son?" I never said anything but smiled and continued preparing for school. Mothers are very observant and so inquisitive, she could not just let it go but asked the same question again, I did not know what to tell her because if I told her about this, she would kill me, this is Africa where girls and boys are not allowed to touch each other at a tender age so what do I have to tell her, I asked myself? Okay later on I just said "my class teacher will be coming today and you know mom she is my favorite teacher I can't wait to see her teach us today" mmmmmmm! She murmured "are you sure that's what has made you happy today or ooo okay. Let's hope that's true because I can see trouble coming my way." "Mom that's the truth and there is no trouble coming your way, even if there was, I know you can handle it" I said while roughing and left home for school.

On my way to school, I decide to pass by innocents' home so we could go to school together, luckily, I found him waiting for me, he just saw me entering his father's yard and came running towards me calling out boi boi boi!!! Turn let's go, I turned we started going to school. On the way to school innocent asked me about what happened at Jane's house and why she wanted me there when her parents were not home. I just told him that we did nothing much apart from helping her clean the house and later told me she has accepted being my girlfriend but we have to keep it a secret and at the end of the day we kissed. Aaaaaahahahahahaha boi, how can you just kiss her and go like that? Are you okay downstairs? IWEEEEE