

When I was a young boy, I thought that the world is a friend and believed that things will continue being sweet all the time because by that time there was nothing moving in my body and that everything was provided for by my parents. In short life was sweet in all angles, because everything was provided for and my body was still developing.

At the age of 13, things within my body started changing and I became more inquisitive to what was happening with me from my friend and other older guys, to my surprise they all had one thing in common as they were trying to explain what was happening to my body, they all talked about ''SEX, and GIRL FRIENDS'', Sometimes I laugh when I remember about this; believe you me this was the beginning of my crazy love and sex life as I would call it.

Because of the pressure I received from my friends and my body going along with what my friends were doing and telling me, at that time I knew I had to do something which led to me trying to propose love to my first crush at school. This is how my first proposal went; I was in the same class with my crush, the girl I thought i loved back then, her name was Jane. It was a Friday when I gave in and told myself I had to let her know how I felt about her but I knew I had to begin somewhere than just going to her and dropping my love for her and so I decided to sit near her desk, you know back then in most of our schools there were no book lucks but only desks, Immediately I sat near her I engaged her in a conversation knowing that our teacher is not in class and we are just waiting for break time.

Because I was afraid and anxious of coming out about my love thing, with me 2 hours was like 10 minutes. The bell rung for break time and Jane decided to remain with me in class and all our classmates went out. Despite remaining in class alone with her I was afraid of telling her the truth or rather proposing love to her because I did not know how she was going to react. I thought to my self-saying, what if she gets annoyed that would mean my normal friendship with her would end and believe you me, I did not want that to happen but I comforted myself and said, If I do not do this, I will remain a virgin and that is not my portion I just have to pick the courage and tell her the truth. With little courage I decided to come out of the love coconut. This was our conversation:

Jane, she answered, 'yes'

I said, 'you know what, I have something to tell you'

Jane—what is that? 'That you want to tell me.

By this time my heart was beating like no man's business, my hands were shaking because I was afraid that I would be embarrassed or worse but I had to do it anyways.

I took a deep breath and said, ' ' Jane, Iam in love with you and am going crazy about you, I do not know why this is happening but I have kept this feeling for a long time now, you have been my crush all this time but never had the courage of telling you the truth but today will tell you, I know it sounds crazy but please hear me out and help me by accepting, if you do I will be the happiest person in the entire world because I would have won the heart of my true love, I do not have enough time to tell you all that I feel about you but this is the truth''. Jane, I called her while holding her soft tender hands ''I LOVE YOU''.

Jane never said a word probably because she was confused and never expected me to propose, anyway, break time ended without her saying a word and we were all in classes.

When we knocked off from school, I followed her up and escorted her back home, on the way we talked about a lot of things away from what we had discussed back in class, I mean the proposal. When we reached closer or near her home, I held her hand and stopped her, firmly pulled her closer to me and said please forgive me, I don't mean to intrude into your life, I only want the best out of what we discussed earlier on, I know it's hard for you but please think about it, and as you are thinking know that I love you and I mean it. She just kept quiet for some minutes because what I did was unexpected, later on she took a deep breath, smiled and said I know I will think about it, thanks anyway. After saying that she kissed me on my chick and run off.

Because it was Friday, I knew I had to wait for the answer, until Monday knowing that we will not meet on Saturday and Sunday. It is now Monday morning when I received a note saying may I see you now and if you say you love me then today you are not going to attend the class lessons as I have absconded so that I meet you or you will be home with me. After leading the note, I asked a girl who brought it to me where the note came from because it had no name of the send except the receiver's name she just marveled and said it is from Jane. Thereafter I told my close friend Innocent about the note I had received and the content in it, I thought he would encourage me not to go, to my surprise he became happy for me and said go! An Opportunity comes but once in a life time.