
Love in the Shadows of deceit

Katie's life is forever changed when she witnesses her parents' brutal murder, leaving her with only a partial face etched in her memory - a face that belongs to the killer. But in a shocking twist, the killer saves her life that same night, sparking a forbidden attraction that will haunt her for years to come. Determined to uncover the truth, Katie sets out to track down the man who destroyed her family, only to discover that the face she remembers belongs to identical twins - one the assassin she seeks, the other the son of the wealthy family who took her in, who has secretly loved her from afar but bullies her to hid his raging affection. As she navigates a web of deceit and danger, Katie finds herself torn between her desire for revenge and her growing feelings for the twin who has captured her heart. Will she choose love over vengeance, or will the shadows of her past ultimately define her future?

Mary_Queen_4156 · Fantasía
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10 Chs

A night of unforgettable horror


 That unforgettable night, dad held my hands, looking affectionately into my eyes.

'My dear Katie, it fills my heart with joy to see you grow into a beautiful, confident young girl, but remember, no matter how old you get, you'll always be daddy and mommy's little baby.' We laughed together, savoring the joy of that moment, never imagining it would be our last.

It was a night filled with excitement, as we planned how to make my birthday unforgettable. They had missed my last birthday due to an unavoidable work commitment- of course, it would be work, they were determined to make it up to me this year. They promised to always be there for me, to love and protect me, and I believed them, feeling grateful for the love we shared.


I snapped back to reality when I felt a tear roll down my cheek, and I quickly brushed it away, careful not to smudge the drawing. I was halfway through bringing my dream man to life on paper, and I wanted every detail to be perfect. I kept my eyes closed, focusing on the image etched in my mind but then my mind drifted to the past yet again.


After that tender moment we had shared that night, the moments filled with love and promises. I felt I was getting emotional, and I needed to shift the mood. 

'Dad, mom, I have a little surprise for you,' I said, trying to sound casual. I had baked their favorite cheesecakes - vanilla for dad and strawberry for mom. She always said strawberries represented wellness and love.

As I dashed away to retrieve the surprise, I heard dad say, 

'I just hope things continue to be fine forever.' His words sent a shiver down my spine. I was already out of sight, but I lingered behind a pillar, listening. Mom's response made my heart race: 'I saw how hard you're trying to cover up with the laughs and merry moments'

'what does she mean?' I wondered helplessly and just as dad was about to reveal a secret, his phone buzzed, interrupting the moment. I decided to shake off the eerie feeling and focus on the delicious cheesecakes I had just baked. 

Thankfully, I was able to shake off the ominous feeling and focused on being a good girl, not eavesdropping on their conversation. I left and busied myself in the kitchen, proudly presenting the freshly baked cheesecakes on a ceramic tray. But before I could even savor the moment, the door burst open with a loud crash, and my heart skipped a beat. 

I dashed forward but the sight I met halted my movement. Three masked men, their faces obscured, stormed in, their intentions clear. My parents' lives were in danger.

I froze, unable to process the horror unfolding before me. They kicked dad's leg, making him groan painfully.

I could hear mom's desperate pleas for mercy. 'Please don't kill us. We'll give you whatever you want. Spare our lives.' 

The leader, his voice cold and menacing, sneered, 'I'm not here to bargain or chat. Your life has been paid for, and I don't like owing debts.'

Paralyzed with fear, I hid behind the pillar, the cheesecake still clutched in my hands. My mind raced, searching for a way to save my parents, but it was a blank. 

Mom kept pleading with the men, but their leader was unmoved. He dragged her recklessly, and I felt like I was in a nightmare.

I badly wanted to get out but my dad's words echoed in my mind: "Keep yourself safe, and we'll all be out of danger." But how could I just hide when my parents were in peril?

The leader raised his gun, and I closed my eyes, praying for a miracle. But the sound of the gunshots made my eyes flutter open. Opening my eyes to see my mom lying on the floor, blood splattered everywhere. It was like a scene from a horror movie!

I was frozen in shock, my voice stuck in my throat like a stubborn knot. Dad's eyes were wide with horror, and tears streamed down his face like a river. The delicious cheesecake I had baked with love finally fell from my hands, and I stumbled backward, my eyes fixed on the unthinkable scene before me. My heart raced like a wild animal, and my breathing hitched like a broken zipper.

Dad's eyes met mine, and he used our secret sign language, urging me to run away. We had learned this silent communication when I was ten, and it came in handy in moments like these. But I stood there, paralyzed, my world crumbling around me.

Still frozen in shock, my brain raced with thoughts of how to save my dad and get us out of this mess. Little did I know, this was just the beginning of a thrilling adventure!

The menacing stranger demanded to know where I was, and Dad screamed in pain, holding Mom's leg tightly. I knew he was using his scream to buy time, his eyes darting toward me, telling me to escape. He was a master at hiding his pain, but I saw it flash in his eyes like a warning signal.

The stranger accused Dad of ignoring warnings and bringing this danger upon our family. I heard Dad mention Williams, then the gang leader who had done most of the jobs and talking demanded the "guillotine file" and threatened to spare my life if Dad handed it over. He dragged Dad upstairs while his goons began searching for me, and I knew I had to act fast! 

Finally snapping out of my shock and realizing I had to run for my life! I turned to make a quick escape, but my feet had other plans. I slipped on the cheesecake I had dropped earlier (whoops!) and sprained my ankle. 

Ouch! As I limped towards the kitchen door, I heard one of the bad guys say, "I think I

heard a voice." Oh no! My heart raced like a rabbit's!