
Love = Death (DROP)

In a world is so advanced that you can travel to different planets to find new opportunities or just settled in with other living organisms, in this case, a genius doctor visits the planet Apollo, a place where every race can live in harmony. However, once the doctor visited a hospital to check up on a patient, he was then notices someone he used to know.

0Mashroom · Ciencia y ficción
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2 Chs

Part 2 An ill doctor

The doctor could see the clouds forming in the sky and spitting water down from the sky as he looked out the window. The people from the outside ran for cover and umbrellas were open as small drops of liquid fell to the ground. the poodles begin to form as the rain becomes heavier.

This heavy rain reminded the doctor of his days back on earth when there were four seasons. It's fairly uncommon for the Apollo population to experience this type of rain. This planet Apollo is very similar to the one the doctor had on earth, they share a sun, except Apollo has two moons.

The doctor finished his work and headed out to his house with his umbrella. As he walked and passed through the park he then noticed a colorful playground in the park. It has two slides, When the doctor closely inspects the swing, he sees a woman who has brown hair and horns sticking out of her head. Her clothes are soaked wet, sitting alone on a rainy afternoon.

It was Mei with a saddened expression on her face. The doctor saw her before like this, what is she doing here? The doctor through and approaches her from behind, as he close by her from behind, the doctor then cover her from the rain with his umbrella,

"Hey Mei what are you doing here..."


"Oh, it's only you, Doc."

Mei, sitting on a swing, spoke softly to the doctor. Mei didn't look back at the doctor, but just stayed where she was as if nothing had happened.

"It's just nothing, what brings you here anyway, I mean we don't usually talk at work."

"I happened to walk passed by then I found you here."

"I see...."

The dripless water counties to fall, and the weather has no plan to settle down as the conversation between coworkers falls silent. Both of them stayed out in the wet weather without breaking the ice. Finally, the doctor opens his mouth and says.

"Well it isn't my job to ply you with questions, would you mind holding out for this?"


The doctor then gives his umbrella to Mei and then walks out to the park leaving her all behind in the playground with an umbrella on her head. Mei was confused by the doctor's sudden action and left baffled.

The rain finally settled down and they went by through the night, as the doctor came to the break room he then was then greeted by one of his coworkers who also wore a lab coat as the doctor, "morning doctor Connor." his coworker said while out some coffee in his mug while standing at the stepping ladder, he came down after finishing brewing some,

"Hey, Connor let me ask you one thing?"

"Y-Yeah... what is it."

His coworker asks Doctor Connor why his face looks reddish. Then, and answered back with.

"Well, it is sunny today haha...."

"38 Celsius... stop acting and go home, your sick, we don't want your sick ass spreading out you're sick to the patient "

His coworker grabs a thermometer from the cabins and checks, the doctor, Connor's body temperature. He then sighs and told him to go back home. the doctor then reluctantly agreed for once, and head back to his home apartment. After climbing up the stairs he then finally got into his apartment building floor, feeling soggy he then walks towards his door there he then finds his keys in his bag, and after finding them, he then struggles to put them into the keyhole.

"Do you need a hand?"

Then suddenly the doctor hears a familiar voice from his left and was surprised to turn to see Mei standing beside him. it's none of your business the doctor said grumpily,

"you don't seem to do well..."

Mei peeks out to see the doctor struggling to get his key through the hole, and once he finally gets it through, he opens it, but once he steps inside, the doctor's vision suddenly gets blurred, and about to fall, Mei notices this and make doctor latches on her shoulders supporting him. Mei then drags doctor Connor's body to his room as she does this, she couldn't help herself to see the pile of dirty dishes on the sink, Ugh what's with this lifestyle? is he a heavy alcoholic? Mei commented on Connor's inside apartment while dragging the doctor.

For a while the doctor then finally regains conciseness and slowly opens his eyes to see the white ceiling he then remembers how he got here, he stood up from his bed and tries to change clothes into pajamas, and as he removes his shirt,

"you know I'm still here..."

"I don't care, it's my house, my rules."

The doctor then changes into his pajamas and lets his body fall to his bed, mei ask the doctor a question,

"where are your medicine? that could help your high fever."

I don't have anything. that's what the doctor said who is in bed, mei who was in the room replied,

"How come a doctor like you can save lives! but doesn't own any medicine?"

Mei's face was shocked by the belief that the doctor dose does not own any medicine whatsoever, and look around to see his whole apartment in a mess, mei could see magazines and workpaper, and documents scattered around. she then sighs and goes back to the kitchen to see if has anything in the fridge, when opens it mei see the inside to see it full of beers some of them are empty. she then looks back at the pile of dirty dishes on the sink then sighs on her breath, and told the doctor.

"I'll be out for a minute, so rake a rest for a bit."


Mei then goes to the front door of the apartment and leaves the doctor behind alone in his apartment, the doctor thought back on the event that happened yesterday, when he encountered Mei on his way back home, she was alone in a playground while sitting down at a swing, her expression was never seen before in the work. was she left behind? or did she get into a fight with a friend?

the doctor doesn't think that Mei would even fight with someone, usually, Mei is a cheerful and outgoing person she was popular among our peers and the elderly patients because of her presence making any situation calm down and always taking care of the patients by Mei, unlike any other nurse, she was preferred of them all. when the doctor opens his eyes he could see Mei returning, and she is now in the kitchen, preparing something.

The doctor watches closely at Mei as he sees someone familiar inside her as she counties on to work in the kitchen. The doctor was curious and asked a question.

"I'm curious Mei."

"Yeah what is it."

"Why were you in the park in the rain? were you broke up with your boyfriend or something..."

"....I don't have a boyfriend, and I don't plan to get one."

Mei stays silent for a while, the doctor is now regretting asking that question, it seems that he had made her mad or upset, he could not tell from her expression what she was making from the kitchen. After finishing what Mei was doing, she then brings a plate of the bowl to Connor, she then places it at the tatami table. When the doctor looks at the bowl, it's an egg porridge. he picked it up from the table to taste with the spoon in it.

"....It's delicious, in never eaten something good like this before."

"Glad to hear that."

Doctor Connor then finishes the egg porridge a minute later, he was then given an energy drink by Mei alongside the medicine for the fever. why are you helping me? the doctor asks Mei whom he never gotten closed to until now,

"I mean as a nurse I look out for those who are sick, you should know that..."

"well you are a nurse at work but not outside work.'

"Yet I still have a duty as a nurse, don't you like being taken care of one?"

"I-I mean... fair enough, that fact that I'm being taken care of by such a beautiful nurse as in right now..."

the doctor said that as he looks at the bright white ball moon from his window, Mei was then flustered by the doctor's sudden compliment,

"Hmph Whatever that is for today, I should as well head back to my--

Home, well take care of yourself now doc."

After getting up from the tatami, Mei walks to the front door and says her goodbyes to the doctor before returning home.

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