
Love = Death (DROP)

Author: 0Mashroom
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What is Love = Death (DROP)

Read ‘Love = Death (DROP)’ Online for Free, written by the author 0Mashroom, This book is a Sci-fi Novel, covering ROMANCE Fiction, ADVENTURE Light Novel, SLICEOFLIFE Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: In a world is so advanced that you can travel to different planets to find new opportunities or just settled in with oth...


In a world is so advanced that you can travel to different planets to find new opportunities or just settled in with other living organisms, in this case, a genius doctor visits the planet Apollo, a place where every race can live in harmony. However, once the doctor visited a hospital to check up on a patient, he was then notices someone he used to know.

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Desde os primórdios, antes mesmo de a cultura grega difundi-lo, que o erotismo literário seduz o ser humano. E não se pode negar que eles atraem. Por isso, influenciado por várias culturas, mais internet e a Literatura, que eu comecei a gostar de escrever, desde a minha adolescência, contos eróticos. Mas como todo escritor, deixei guardados muitos de meus textos, que fui aprimorando ao longo desses anos. E o resultado serão as próximas páginas que vocês irão apreciar. O título do livro é uma provocação e um aviso aos navegantes. Uma provocação para essa sociedade que vende imagens de conotação sexual e depois censura quem as pratica, e um aviso para essas pessoas que se auto intitulam puritanos. Mas venhamos e convenhamos: no fundo, todos os que enchem a boca para dizer que são moralistas, possuem uma tara reprimida dentro de si, e abafam-na repreendendo aqueles que têm coragem de fazer o que eles mesmos não têm. Nos contos que vocês irão ler, os encontros acontecem de maneira casual, no trabalho ou em família, entre pessoas que não tem nenhum vínculo afetivo, nos lugares mais inesperados e nas situações mais diversas. Algumas personagens que vocês já conhecem, ao terem seus desejos despertados, não perdem a oportunidade de praticar seus atos libidinosos. Por isso apresento agora INDECENTES - CONTOS ERÓTICOS PARA PESSOAS DE BEM: um pouco da mente pervertida deste autor que vocês já conhecem. E não se assustem com as leituras, caso elas comecem a mexer com seus hormônios. Lutécio Falu

Lutecio_Falu · Urban
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Normal: And That's All I Will Ever Be

[Notice, please put in the pin to access, level ten information, please be notified that you will be given only one chance to get the pin right, or the database will self-destruct in T-10 seconds] [*********] [Access granted, now showing information, of the False God] Name: Vergil Ligrev Age: 16 Rank: Ω D.O.B: 04/01/2080 Hero name: N/A Blood type: O+ Potential danger: Unknown [Code name: Normal] [Now accessing Virgil's personal files, please be notified that this requires a clearance of Lvl ten, which is above even the world government, any attempts to access the file unrecognized will lead to immediate termination of the viewer, you have been warned] .Vergil Ligrev is a sixteen years old teenager, and is as normal as normal could get, but that is exactly what makes him extremely dangerous, how dangerous well he is so dangerous that the world government and the I.S.O had to create an individual ranking system that is even above the highest-ranking system in the world, which is the God rank, which is said to be people capable of destroying the planets or people capable of altering reality on a major scale. And you must be wondering how can a normal person be above the God class, well that is simple and easy to answer. Data has shown that Vergil Ligrev is so normal, that he embodies the very concept of it, he subconsciously brings everything down to his level of normalcy, what he considered normal, will be normal, for example in the past he had nightmares that made the sky become the ground, and the ground becomes the sky, the casualty exceeds 4.4 billion people, the incident was dub as the [V] incident. Three years after he subconsciously created a God-like being capable of destroying the universe and the only way to stop it, is to convince him that God is a lie, which instantly made the God dub Khaos officially dead. If Vergil views this as normal then it is so, you see this power is fueled by his imagination, emotions, and perspective of it, and once activated the only way to stop it, is to develop a scenario that will make him believe, this is not normal, which makes it valid. It's because of this, the Ω7 councils of the I.S.O have deemed the subject too dangerous to be kept alive, but all attempts of termination have failed, as his power protects him, and just made the situation more chaotic, so the idea of termination has been canceled and put aside, for now, that is, so to prevent him from using his powers the best source of containment is to make him live a normal lifestyle. Of course, the rank one hero, [Pandora] under the disguise of his best friend must be kept beside him at all times, although the idea of keeping him in a normal lifestyle proves to be difficult as his dreams to be an Author, make it the worst possible occupation for the subject as it can cause an end of the world scenario since the job alone can stimulate his imagination.

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