
Love = Death (DROP)

In a world is so advanced that you can travel to different planets to find new opportunities or just settled in with other living organisms, in this case, a genius doctor visits the planet Apollo, a place where every race can live in harmony. However, once the doctor visited a hospital to check up on a patient, he was then notices someone he used to know.

0Mashroom · Ciencia y ficción
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Part 1 Heath and Death

In the year 20xx we lived in a world of advanced technology. Several powerful nations have gathered together to form SteaX, an organization solely dedicated to space missions. The first achievement humans made in this time and age was to land on Mars.

After many years, rocket ships had been upgraded to planes that could travel at the speed of light. As a result, they were one of the most efficient means of traveling to different planets throughout the galaxy. In addition, we found that on different planets there lived a variety of animals similar to humans. As a result of contact with them, humans were able to develop strong relationships with them. That relationship continues today.

"Hey, honey, what's up? Work, I mean."

My actions caused me to lose a patient..."

On November 25th, we were driving through the streets as I had done the day before at work. My beloved noticed that I looked down and was silent for a long time while driving.

I muttered in a low tone, remembering what had happened in the ER room. I was then assigned a case of a young girl in her teens who had cancer. However, as we were about to perform surgery on her, the child died at the age of fourteen, before we were able to operate.

I told my beloved the whole story of what happened at my work a while ago, she showed her empathy toward the kid,

"It's alright honey, it's not your fault, you have saved many lives in your career."

"You think so? even to those whom I wasn't able to save."

"Yes, even if you could not save them, they are now in pea-"

A truck then appeared in front of us, cutting off our conversation. My wheels slid to the left, causing me to crash into nearby trees, before I lost control. Instinctively, I grabbed my wife's arm. But I couldn't make it on time, and we crashed and passed out.

I found myself in bed covered in bandages, my right arm in a cast after that event. When I suddenly awoke, I remembered everything that had happened to me, so I sat up and looked around.

As soon as the nurse entered the room, she was amazed to see me awake and calling out to someone outside. There was a person wearing a lab coat who came into my room to check on me. I presume it was a doctor.

"Ok then that's all for today, do you need anything?"

"Yeah... do you know what happened?"

I asked the doctor who hesitated to answer. His expression suggested that something had happened to her, as his mouth was fixed on the word me. The doctor finally gave in,

"I'm afraid that your wife has passed away..."

One time the words the doctor spoke broke me to pieces. When I got the news, I sat in the window staring at the sky and asked, "Why?" no matter how advanced our civilization was, we would never outrun death.


A year had passed since then, and my life had changed a After brushing my teeth, I step into the bathroom. Looking at my face, you can tell that last night, and the night before, I didn't get a lot of sleep.well. I got out of the bathroom and headed to the kitchen to see any food in the refrigerator, which was filled with beers from bottom to top I also found a sandwich which made yesterday

"This could work for my hungry stomach for sure."

I muttered as I grabbed the sandwich on the plate and brought it out from the refrigerator. As I left the kitchen I could not help myself to take a look at the sink that was filled with dirty and unwashed dishes all over the months that went by, I'll wash it later? I thought as I finished my sandwich I grab the lab coat from the coach and leave the plate on the table and decide to get out of my apartment. The sunlight hits me as I got out and step outside.

Welcome to the planet of Apollo, where many races live in harmony. This planet was named Apollo because it is, to my knowledge, the only planet in the galaxy that offers citizenship to any race.

The whole population was made of strong warriors and musicians. Okay, enough with the explanation. I am now stepping onto the bus. The seats are full so I decided to stand up and hold on to the poll. the bus travels the loway through the main road after getting off the bus,

"Hey Doctor, are you with us?"

One of the med students tries to wake up the doctor from his nap after getting here. The doctor woke up from his nap and looked at one of the students.

"Ugh.. what time is it?"

Having forgotten about the schedule, I glance at my watch to see it was time to check on one of the patients. The doctor stood up from his seat and returned to work. Once again trying not to sleep during his work hours,

"I rest assured you that you will be able to get well, and soon enough you can be released."

"Thank you, doctor."

The doctor tells a patient in her twenties that she can be discharged in two weeks, she would be back in perfect health,

"In the meantime don't overwork yourself, here lemme prescribe you some medicine. "

"Sure... thanks a lot."

"It's my job after all."

She is then prescribed anti-asthma medicine by the doctor. After visiting the patient the doctor is now done with his work after today and has started to prepare to go back to his apartment and rest. He glanced into one of the rooms as he left the office and felt something familiar.

He witnesses a striking nurse with long brown hair goes down on he sholders, her horns was visible on he head and colorful ocean on her eyes, as she sings a lullaby to an old patient before nodding off.

This is a beautiful scene to witness as the doctor watches her sing a lullaby to the paitent Upon closing their eyes and relaxing their muscles, they begin to sound peaceful. The nurse let go of the patient's hands. Stood up from the chair and was about to leave. The doctor and nurse meet outside the room when they bump into each other.

"O-Oh... hey there doctor Connor, it's a pleasure meeting you here, so what brought you here to visit?."

"No, it's nothing., I'm just checking out before leaving, how are you, Mei?"

Mei has been a nurse for some time. The doctor knew her when she was one. Since coming to this planet, Mei is a cheerful woman with optimism and positive thinking, unlike the doctor who had changed a lot in a year. The two had a small talk.

"I see, well then see you around then doctor."

"Yeah same to you, see you around."

Unfortunately, the patient to which Mei sang her lullaby had passed away the next morning.