
Love at First Night

Just when you think you loved the wrong person, you meet the right one who reminds you what love truly is. And just like that, the fairytale begins. ———————- Lily's life was apparently perfect, she had a good work that kept her occupied for the majority of her time and a husband she deeply and devotedly loved. The women in the city enviously hated her for having the perfect life they all dreamed about. Until the workaholic girl's perfect life image falls apart when her husband leaves her at the altar and confesses he cheated on her, in front of everyone. After that day, her life doesn't appear so perfect to the women in the city that now laughed behind her back. The poor Lily never felt more pathetic in her life and she wished the ground would swallow her down for the embarrassment she felt in the second he declared he had seconds thoughts. The same day, three hours and about four drinks later, Lily was enough dizzy to finally rebel against her (almost) husband's despicable gesture. She wanted to prove to all the people who called her perfect and who said she would never do something aberrant and crazy by having one night of passion with a mysterious man at the club. Little did she knew that the man was none other than the richest man in the city. Cover was commissioned! Do not use! Join the server for free coins -> Discord server: https://discord.gg/FpMxgdeAf7

_Elle · Ciudad
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331 Chs

Past or present?

As I predicted the news spread fast, so fast that in the next hour everyone came to talk to me to let me know how sorry they were.

I didn't need their complacency, I just needed them to stop talking to me and asking me how I was.

When I told them I was fine, they seemed disappointed as if I had to cry or complain about the failure of my marriage.

Some of them even glowered at me, they probably expected me to tell them about every salient detail of the wedding.

Unfortunately for them and the gossips of the city, our relationship ended without any drama involved. I didn't key his car evenalthough the thought had crossed my mind for a moment when I was drunk.

I didn't even threaten his family or cried desperately asking him who he cheated me with.

We just closed the page of our history as if it was one of the books you loved to read but you hated the last chapter. Slamming it close violently wondering how it was possible that you liked a book so much even if it ended in such a terrible way.

The relationship with Carl was like that, an amazing book with a terrible ending.

"There is a client who wants to buy one of the exposed cars, but he keeps complaining about the prices." My assistant came and I immediately stood up, walked to the second floor where all our best cars were exposed.

I quickly ran up the stairs and as soon as I reached the top of the stairs I gasped for the air. I took deep long breaths and after I caught my breaths I walked slowly across the floor looking for the client.

He turned around and there he was, none other than Carl holding a bouquet and smiling at me.

"I told Sophie to make up this excuse because that would be the only way I can talk to you." He said, but I shook my head and immediately turned around to walk back to the stairs.

He grabbed my hand and turned me around, he took one step forward.

"I noticed you removed me from your friends list on every social media; I am sorry, that was a terrible way to tell you the girl I cheated you on is…"

I interrupted him, "If I removed you from my friends list it's because I don't want you to see anywhere!"

He held my hand gripping onto it and pulling me closer to him.

"My purpose wasn't hurting you, I never wanted to hurt you or to confess my mistakes in such a terrible way. I hope one day, we can start over."

His words gave me a headache, he was telling me to start over when I was sure his assistant, also known as his lover, was at home waiting for him.

"I am fine, I am glad you moved on because I did as well," I said, pulling away from his grip and taking a few steps back.

His gaze grew concerned and perplexed, he tilted his head to the side and contemplated what I just said for a few seconds.

"Have you met someone?" He asked with a vulnerable voice.

"It's not your business." I scoffed mentally cursing my assistant for having lied to me.

I didn't want to see him, he had this great talent of ruining my days.

"I am not surprised, you're a beautiful woman.." I heard him start as I walked away, but I ignored his nonsense talk to climb down the stairs.

He called my name a few more times until his voice faded and the last thing I heard was the noise of the door opening and my steps echoing inside.

"Never do that again." I rebuked my assistant in a scolding strict tone of voice.

"Never," I rectified and the girl blushed to bend her head, "never again. Or I will have to fire you."

The girl immediately apologized to me multiple times until I softened my face and smiled at her to let her know I accepted her apology.

I wasn't really mad at her, I knew she did it with good intentions but as someone in a good position I had to set boundaries and she crossed the limit the moment she lied to me.

Three coffees and several hours later I finally locked my office and left work, as soon as I sat in the car I turned my phone on and the notification of a message from an unknown number lit up my screen.

I skimmed through it, 'I guess I have changed my mind, I have a desperate need to get my jacket back. As soon as possible.'

I giggled and quickly texted back, 'I'm sure you have plenty of jackets at home, Mister CC.'

I let the phone fall in the bag and I started the car, smiling like an idiot as I drove back home.

I took my phone as soon as I parked the car, I had never wanted to read a message so much since I was in college.

'Yes, plenty is not enough to define how many jackets I have. But none of those is the one I am looking for right now.'

I giggled loudly, I doubted he was referring to his jacket now, my fingers began to tap loudly on the screen but I had to stop myself before I sent the message I unconsciously typed.

I deleted it as fast as I typed it and typed a new one, 'If you insist, I just came back from work. I can send you the jacket to your address.'

I smirked, I knew I was making it hard for him but I wanted to know how much he wanted to see me using such a silly excuse as the jacket.

'I need it now, I will come to get it.'

He replied and I smiled, I felt the fluttering in my stomach and my heartbeat increased, I was so happy to see him that I immediately forgot the terrible day I had.

The happiness lasted about a few seconds until I remembered the awful condition I was in, my make-up needed to be fixed, my clothes changed and I probably had to take a shower too.