
Love And Mafia Ties

In the complex web of fate, Scarlett, a pawn in her father's debt to the ruthless mafia boss Carlo, found herself getting married to a man surrounded by crime. Carlo's past, marked by the tragic loss of his parents, resurfaces when Scarlett gets kidnapped by the same mafia boss who killed his parents. In an urgent need to save his wife, he discovers his feelings for her but his life as a mafia boss complicates their relationship. In the midst of the chaos, an unexpected bond grew between Scarlett and Carlo, overshadowing the dark circumstances. As the truth unfolds, Scarlett comes to an agreement with her husband's undercover life. Will their love survive the heat?

Oliviafabian · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
26 Chs

Captured and taken home

Scarlett and her friends moved quickly towards the crowded train station, their breaths shallow as they tried to blend in, in the sea of strangers. The announcement on the train's TV had sent shockwaves of fear through them. Carlo's men were closing in, and they needed to vanish.

"Stay close," Liam whispered, taking the lead. 

Scarlett's heart pounded in her chest as she followed him, her mind racing with gear.

Amber gripped her arm tightly, her wide-eyed betraying her anxiety, while Ethan brought up the rear, his face a mask of tense focus.

They navigated their way through the crowd to the exit, each step feeling heavy with the weight of impending danger. Scarlett scanned the sea of faces around them, her stomach knotting with suspicion. As they neared the door, a sudden tension in Liam's posture made her freeze. 

"Keep walking," he said briefly, but Scarlett's instincts screamed that something was terribly wrong.

Before they could react, a group of men in dark suits emerged from the crowd, their movements synchronized and purposeful. Scarlett's stomach dropped. Carlo's men. 

"Run!" Liam shouted, but it was too late. The men closed in like a vice, their grip unyielding. 

One of them grabbed Scarlett's arm, pulling her back. She struggled, panic flushing through her like a tidal wave.

"Let go of me!" she screamed, but her plea was swallowed by the noise of the station. 

Amber and Ethan were quickly overpowered, their resistance futile against the strength of their captivator. 

Liam fought bravely, his fists swinging, but he was quickly overpowered. The sight of him being overpowered pierced Scarlett's heart with a sharp pang of helplessness. 

Tears of frustration and fear blurred Scarlett's vision as they were forcefully escorted out of the station. Curious onlookers watched but did nothing to intervene, the scene unfolding quickly. The cold realization of their capture sank like a stone in Scarlett's stomach.

They were shoved into a waiting black SUV, the doors slamming shut with a finality that sent shivers down Scarlett's spine. The vehicle roared to life and sped down the road. She glanced at her friends, their faces pale and filled with fear. Ethan's eyes met her gaze, his eyes filled with apology and determination.

"This isn't over," Ethan whispered, his voice a strained whisper.

Scarlett nodded, swallowing her tears. 

"We'll find a way out," she echoed, though the word felt empty in the oppressive confines of the car. 

The drive was long and silent. The dark-tinted windows prevented any view of the outside world, deepening their sense of entrapment. They were being taken back to one place  Scarlett dreaded the most, home but under Carlo's men's watchful eyes.

Scarlett leaned her head against the cool window, trying to calm her racing thoughts. The memory of her father's betrayal burned within her. 

Mark had unknowingly led them to this point, his debt to the Mafia becoming Scarlett's nightmare. She longed for the simpler days, where her biggest worries were exams and social dramas.

As the SUV finally slowed and turned off the main road, Scarlett's dread grew. She recognized the familiar streets leading to her house. The sense of normalcy on the outside clashed violently with the chaos she felt inside.

The vehicle came to a stop, and the doors were pulled open. Scarlett was pulled out roughly, her legs weak and unsteady. She saw Amber, Ethan, and Liam being escorted beside her, their faces reflecting her own fear and dread.

They were led up the driveway and through the front door of her family home. The familiar setting was both comforting and weird. The house was strangely quiet, the air thick with tension.

Inside, the men shoved them into the living room. Scarlett's eyes immediately fell on her father, Mark, standing there as if he had been waiting for them.  His face was a mask of anguish and guilt, and for a moment, she saw the man she once loved and trusted.

"Dad…" Scarlett's voice cracked, the words heavy with betrayal and heartbreak.

Mark's eyes filled with tears. 

"Scarlett, I'm so sorry," he whispered, his voice trembling. 

"I never wanted this for you."

"Then why did you do it?" Scarlett cried, her anger surging to the surface. 

"Why did you sell me to Carlo?"

Mark's head dropped, and a deep, shuddering breath escaped him. 

"I was desperate. They threatened to destroy everything. I thought… I thought I could protect you."

"You call this protection?" Liam spat, his voice laced with anger. 

"Look at what's happening. You've handed her over to a monster."

Scarlett's mother, silent until now, stepped forward, tears streaming down her face. 

"We made terrible mistakes, Scarlett. We were trying to fix them, but we didn't realize the cost."

The door opened again, and Carlo Luciano himself walked in, his presence commanding and terrifying. His cold, calculating eyes scanned the room, and finally landed on Scarlett.

"Well, isn't this a touching family reunion?" Carlo's voice dripped with sarcasm, a cruel smile forming on his lips.

Scarlett's blood ran cold. 

"What do you want from us?" she demanded summoning strength she didn't know she had.

Carlo approached her, his gaze unsettling. 

"Your cooperation, for starters. And your silence. You see, Scarlett, you and your friends have caused quite a bit of trouble. It's time to end this game."

Ethan stepped forward, his stance protective. 

"You won't get away with this, Carlo. We have evidence. You're going down."

Carlo laughed, a harsh sound that echoed in the room. 

"You're brave, I'll give you that. But you underestimate my reach. For now, you'll stay here, under guard. Any attempt to escape will not end well for you or your families."

Scarlett's heart sank. The thought of being watched, imprisoned in their own home, was suffocating. But she refused to show Carlo her fear. Instead, she met his gaze defiantly.

"This isn't over," she said, echoing Ethan's earlier words. 

"We'll find a way to stop you."

Carlo's smile widened, but it didn't reach his eyes.

 "We'll see about that. Guards, keep a close watch on them."

With those parting words, Carlo left, his men spreading to stand watch. Scarlett collapsed onto the couch, her strength momentarily drained. Amber sat beside her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.

"We'll get through this," Amber whispered.

 "We have to."

Ethan and Liam stood nearby, their resolve hardening. They knew the fight wasn't over, it was far from it. They were trapped, but together, they were determined to find a way out and bring Carlo down.

Scarlett looked around at her friends, her family, and the house she once called home. It was a place of memories now tainted by betrayal and fear. But through the haze of anger and worry, one thing was clear, they would keep fighting. As long as they were together, there was hope.