
Love And Mafia Ties

In the intricate web of fate, Scarlett, an unwitting pawn in her father's debt to the ruthless mafia boss Carlo, found herself wedded to a man shrouded in the shadows of crime. As Scarlett becomes a collector for her father's debt, a vendetta unfolds. Carlo’s past, scarred by the tragic loss of his parents at the hands of a rival mafia's driver, resurfaces when Scarlett is kidnapped by this very driver. In a desperate quest to rescue his wife, Carlo discovers the depth of his feelings for Scarlett. Unbeknownst to her, Carlo's dual life as a mafia boss complicates their relationship. The revelations unfold, exposing secrets and alliances. Amidst the chaos, an unexpected bond blossoms between Carlo and Scarlett, transcending the dark circumstances. As the truth unravels, Scarlett comes to terms with her husband's clandestine life. Despite the odds stacked against them, love triumphs, leading to a happily-ever-after. The couple's journey, marked by danger and deception, culminates in the joyous arrival of two children, sealing their destiny in a tale where love conquers the shadows of the past.

Oliviafabian · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
24 Chs

Walk through the unknown

The days spent at Ivan's apartment were a mix of nervous anticipation and strategizing for their next steps. The small, cluttered habitat, with outdated furniture and piles of old newspapers, seemed both like a refuge and a confinement. Scarlett spent a considerable amount of time anxiously looking around, plagued by constant fear and uncertainty. 

Ivan had told them to remain hidden, which meant not going outdoors and always keeping the curtains closed tightly. The gloomy lighting in the apartment created spooky shadows, making them even more uneasy. While Ivan guaranteed their current safety, the possibility of Carlo's men finding them was a menacing presence, like a looming storm cloud. 

Scarlett walked back and forth in the crowded living room, feeling extremely anxious. Tired and tense, she found no comfort in the distant noises of the city. Amber perched on the sofa, idly toying with a stray thread on her shirt, her gaze far away and her forehead furrowed with concern. 

"Are you confident that Ivan can truly assist us?" Amber finally murmured, her voice barely noticeable. 

Scarlett stopped walking back and forth and glanced at her friend, noticing that Amber's eyes reflected her own anxiety. 

"I am uncertain."

"I wish," she responded, feeling a lump in her throat. 

"We don't have a lot of options."

In the corner, Ethan sharpened his pocket knife, the rhythmic sound of metal against metal both calming and unsettling. Looking up at Scarlett, he flashed a small, comforting smile. Ivan has contacts. 

"If anyone is capable of accomplishing this, it's him."

Liam, sitting close to the window, looked through a small opening in the curtains before turning towards them. 

"We need to have faith in him. Currently, he is our top chance of escaping this predicament." His voice resonated clearly. 

His voice carried a weight of responsibility that made Scarlett's heart clench. She could see the strain in his face, the guilt and determination etched into his features. She walked over to him, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"We're going to get through this, Liam. Together."

Liam gave her a tired smile, his eyes softening. 

"I know. But we have to be careful. Carlo's men are relentless."

The tension in the apartment was tangible, but as the hours turned into days, a weak routine formed. They ate together, slept in shifts, and shared stories to keep their spirits up. It wasn't much, but it was enough to maintain a pretense of normalcy amid the chaos.

On the third night, Ivan returned with news. His arrival was indicated by the sound of a key in the lock, the door creaking open, and his heavy steps on the floorboards. Scarlett's heart skipped a beat, the familiar rush of anticipation sweeping over her.

Ivan's face was harsh as he stepped into the living room, his eyes scanning each of them before he spoke.

 "I've got everything arranged. New IDs, tickets, and a plan to get you out of the country."

Scarlett felt a surge of hope, but it was tempered by the sincerity in Ivan's voice. 

"What's the catch?" she asked, her voice steady despite the turmoil inside her.

Ivan sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. 

"It's not going to be easy. We need to move tonight. Carlo's men are getting closer, and we can't risk staying here any longer."

A wave of anxiety washed over the room. Scarlett felt her pulse quicken, the fear she had been trying to suppress rising to the surface. 

"What's the plan?" Ethan asked, his voice calm but with a rim of speed.

"We'll travel in stages," Ivan explained, his tone methodical.

 "First, we'll use a hidden compartment in a delivery truck to get out of the city. From there, a fishing boat will take you along the coast. Finally, you'll take a cross-country train ride. We have to be smart and avoid attracting any attention."

Liam nodded, his face set with determination. 

"Whatever it takes. When do we leave?"

"Soon," Ivan replied.

 "Get your things. We can't afford to waste any time."

The desperate rush to gather their belongings was a blur of anxious movements and hurried whispers. Scarlett's hands trembled as she stuffed clothes and essentials into a small duffel bag. This was it, the moment they had been waiting for, yet dreading. They were walking into the unknown, leaving behind everything familiar in a desperate bid for freedom.

Her mind flooded with what-ifs and worst-case scenarios, but Scarlett pushed them aside, focusing on the task at hand. She glanced at Amber, who was packing her own bag, the same look of determined will on her face. Ethan was already by the door, his knife safely tucked away, ready for whatever lay ahead.

Liam gave Ivan a nod, signaling they were ready. Ivan led them out of the apartment, down a narrow staircase, and into an alley behind the building. The cool night air was a shock after the oppressive uncertainty of the apartment. Scarlett pulled her jacket tighter around her, nerves on high alert.

A delivery truck was parked at the end of the alley, its engine idling quietly. Ivan opened the back, revealing a hidden chamber beneath stacks of boxes. 

"Get in," he instructed, helping them climb into the cramped space.

Scarlett pressed in beside Amber, the tight quarters adding to the rising sense of claustrophobia. Liam and Ethan followed, and Ivan pulled the panel back into place, leaving them in darkness. The truck's sudden lurch forward jerked them, and Scarlett grabbed Amber's hand, seeking comfort in her friend's presence.

The confined space intensified every bump and jolted as the truck navigated the city streets. The scent of cardboard and exhaust filled the air, mingling with their shared anxiety. Scarlett tried to steady her breathing, focusing on the rhythmic hum of the engine.

Minutes felt like hours as they made their way through the city. Scarlett's mind raced with thoughts of being discovered, of Carlo's men catching up to them. The fear was suffocating, but she clung to the hope that Ivan's plan would work.

Finally, the truck came to a stop. The engine cut off, and they heard the sound of footsteps approaching. Scarlett's heart throbbed in her ears, this was the moment of truth. The back of the truck opened, and Ivan's familiar face appeared.

"Coast is clear," he whispered, helping them out of the compartment and into the open air. 

They were in a private dock area, the scent of saltwater and fish filling their lungs. Ivan led them to a small fishing boat bobbing gently in the water.

"This will take you along the coast. Stay below deck, and whatever happens, keep quiet," Ivan instructed, pressing a piece of paper into Liam's hand. 

"These are your final instructions. We have to part ways here. Good luck."

Scarlett felt a lump rise in her throat as she looked at Ivan, his face a mix of fierce determination and silent encouragement. 

"Thank you," she said softly, feeling the weight of his help and their obsession with strangers to survive.

Ivan nodded, his eyes meeting hers. 

"Stay safe. You've got this."

As they boarded the fishing boat and clustered below deck, Scarlett's emotions surged. The cramped space smelled of fish and salt, and the gentle rocking of the boat added to the surreal feeling of their journey. She sat close to Amber, the weight of their situation pressing heavily on her chest.

Amber reached out, squeezing Scarlett's hand. 

"We're almost through," she whispered, her voice tremulous but filled with hope.

The boat's engine came to life, and they felt the gentle push of waves beneath them. Scarlett closed her eyes, imagining the open sea carrying them to safety. The fear was still there, a gnawing presence, but it was accompanied by a flicker of hope, a faint light at the end of the tunnel.

Hours passed in a blur of darkness and motion. The boat moved steadily along the coast, the sound of water lapping against the hull a delicate counterpoint to the tension in their hearts. Scarlett lost track of time, her world narrowed to the small, confined cabin and the steadfast presence of her friends.

Eventually, the boat slowed, and they heard the muffled voices of the crew above. Liam peeked out from a hatch and then motioned for them to follow. They climbed onto the deck, blinking in the early morning light. The boat had docked at a quiet, secluded harbor.

Descending quickly, they moved towards the train station, careful to avoid any curious eyes. The streets were still asleep, bathed in the soft light of dawn. Scarlett felt a strange mix of relief and fear, each step bringing them closer to freedom but also closer to potential discovery.

They reached the train station and found their assigned seats in a near-empty car. Scarlett sank into the cushioned bench, the tension in her body finally easing slightly. The train's interior was a stark contrast to the cramped quarters of the truck and boat, a small oasis of comfort amidst their strenuous journey.

As the train started to move, Scarlett let out a long breath, feeling the motion carry her worries away, if only for a moment. She looked around at her companions. Amber rested her head against the window, Ethan scanned their surroundings, and Liam finally allowed himself a moment of peace.

A news bulletin flashed on the train's small TV screen, catching her eye. Her heart skipped a beat as she saw a familiar face, Carlo. The announcer's voice cut through her trance, the words sending chills down her spine. 

"High alert has been issued across multiple provinces as Carlo Luciano's men intensify their search for Scarlett and her companions, believed to be armed and dangerous."

Scarlett grabbed Amber's arm, her voice trembling. 

"Look," she whispered, pointing to the screen.

Amber's eyes widened, and she quickly nudged Ethan and Liam. They all exchanged worried glances, the gravity of their situation sinking in anew. Liam clenched his fists, taking a deep breath.

"We need to get off this train," he said, his voice low but resolute.

 "They're getting too close."