
Iruk's loss of one eye

We sat down on a floating swing chair and Queen Sara continued with the story.

"Iruk never accepted defeat, she still tried to fight for Joel, she needed the throne badly. In the woods, it is believed that there is a spirit point where fairies with dark powers live and worship their god mother 'Morek Resha', Iruk joined forces with them.

"Her light powers became even darker than before. she started sacrificing to Morek Resha endlessly. Her powers were refilled again. Her eyes glowed red and dark, she became a threat to the living animal on this planet.

"Morek Resha added more and more dark powers that covered her vision thinking that no amount of power can defeat her. She pushed and pushed, she burnt many villages and killed many fairies.

"She joined two dark fairies and these three forces combined caused total destruction. Your father sent strong soldiers but they never came back.

"Fingers were pointed to Joel. Joel's monarch almost collapsed."

"Lafnis? You look sleepy, what's happening this early morning dear"

"Mother it's nothing, I'm not sleepy." I said rubbing my wet eyes.

"Iruk pushed it too far one day. She. decided to dominate the castle. since all the fairies feared her it was easy for her to enter the castle.

"But Joel couldn't take it any longer, he jumped off the window and flew to Iruk. The other dark fairies tried to fight back but they were shadow to Joel. He swung his sword as if he was holding a feather and chopped off their heads.

"Joel picked Iruk with great force and they headed to the woods, I and General Ramon followed behind, although General Ramon never wanted me to go after them because if anything would have happened to Joel I'd have taken the throne on my own but I had to help my husband no matter what happens.

" I picked my bow and arrows, I have powers to control arrows without using a bow and even to stop a speeding arrow.

" Iruk freed from Joel's power and ran to Morek Resha's shrine to beg for powers refill. Joel didn't care for her begging for reinforcement he needed to finish her completely. They started to fight, we joined the war but my tactics were blocked, they were effortless.

"Joel knew the only power source of Iruk is her eyes, since he didn't want to kill her, he targeted her eyes, he took an arrow and aimed her eye but he missed,Iruk was an experienced arrow shooter too... she knew every tactics defeating Iruk wasn't easy.

"General Ramon joined in to destruct Iruk. Iruk focused on destroying General Ramon's existence but Joel had a steady move, he controlled an arrow towards Iruk's eye and plucked her eye off.

"Iruk fell on the ground powerless and groaned of pain. Joel called the arrow back and took her eye. Iruk begged for mercy but Joel took the eye but spared her life. From there till now we haven't heard any case from her. Iruk was sent away from the kingdom to the woods and Morek Resha's shrine was destroyed."

I sighed and asked

"Do kings really have to fight when they have thousands of soldiers?"

"Yes, once in a generation there is one chosen king to reign, the king must be very powerful than any other fairy in the planet, that's why there is only one king in one planet, the king fights when no other fairy soldier can fight."

The story is incredible but we need to be in the practicing field now, we can't train today because we don't have a super trainer like my father and General Ramon.