
Lafnis and Sara

we took our armor and I enveloped my mother with a tight hug and headed direct to the training field. it's a blissful day, I almost forgot Sara slept here.

Since the day is still young and the training field is not heavily guarded I and Sara decided to sneak out again and visit her mother. We sneaked out and landed on Sara's village. it wasn't easy for me to cover my identity.

"Sara took a rag from the ground and covered my wings. Since I was a Prince I savored so sweet, Sara took mad on the ground and applied it on my hair and on my face, I frowned but it was for my own good.

"You look great now." Sara said ironically. She was so beautiful and her wings reflected the sun rays and beam of colours floated in the air.

Sara has resilience ability. She uses her ability to heal others from depression. We all have the same powers but most of the fairies have a unique ability.

We walked down the village and most of the residents didn't recognize me. I'm used to fairies bowing to me but today is so different. It feels so good to be normal person at least parents have all the time their children needs.

We walked though the market and I saw everyone doing different type of trade, mostly barter trade: exchange of goods by goods, mostly they exchanged clothes with food.

Sara picked one apple and gave me. I was hungry already. As I was walking with Sara, one fairy approached me and told me "Cover your wings well, I can see them, Prince Lafnis." I think he understood more what I was trying to do, he didn't bow and I thank him for that because he would have drawn alot of attention.

We went to Sara's residential area and found her mother outside enjoying the sunbath, Sara rushed to her mother it was a cute scenario seeing Sara enveloping her mother with a blight smile on her face.

The rags on my wings were being uncomfortable now.

"Who is your friend? He looks messed up, what happened? Have a seat son?" She said. I'm not surprised for her not recognizing me.

"He's Lafni..." Sara paused and looked at me. I gave her a sign of clean assurance.

"Mother, let's go in we will talk about this inside." Seems like Sara noticed that I'm uncomfortable and my identity can't be hidden no more.

We went inside and I removed the rag from my wings. Since Sara's mother was agog to know who I am, soon as I removed the rag from my back and my wings spread freely in the air Sara's mother was left agape.

"My Prince!" She almost bowed but I rushed to prevent her, it was embarrassing see my best friend's mother bowing before me.

"What are you doing here? You aren't heading to the woods, ain't you?"

"No mother I'm here to check on you. "

"Ok don't take long I don't want to be seized."

I really want to spend time with them, I might be wealthy but I admire the love Bera has for Sara. I adore Sara's mother she's so beautiful and caring. We had a little catch up together and I headed back to the castle. It was fun being outside the castle I wished I could have the same fun too.

I rushed towards my room trying to cover my tracks of where I was but it was too late. I met my father on my way in.

"And where were you little charming?"

"Good evening father? I went to escort Sara to her home"

"Without guards?"

"I'm sorry it won't happen again?"

I promised and rushed to my room. My father being in today is a tremendous surprise.