
Episode 4.2

I looked at the wounded white-and-black baby tiger and she looked so scared. Where are her parents? Did they just leave her here all alone? I looked around to find her parents but I failed. That is probably the main reason why those hunters are so brave in hurting the baby tiger. Nothing is here to protect the small baby animal so they took advantage of the situation. They are such heartless humans.

Suddenly, a bulb light popped up in my head. “Ah, the magic powder!” I grinned and searched for a small glass bottle inside my bag. Pops is too worried about me. He assumed I might put myself in danger so he taught me how to make one. He is intelligent and skilled in making poisons and weapons so he served as my mentor. At first, I am not really good at this but after a while, I get the hang of it. I created this powder to protect myself and use it in case of an emergency. I always put this in my bag wherever I would go.

“Let’s see how I will deal with y'all!” I muttered in the air and walked towards them. Before they could kill the baby white-and-black tiger, I splashed them with the magic powder and carried the baby tiger, and ran immediately away from those hunters. I also tried to find a place to hide.

“Ahhh! I can’t see!”

I heard them say those words when I threw them the magic powder. It will make you blind for a few minutes and your eyes will become itchy. I saw a giant plant and I decided to hide there.

“Who the hell did that!”

“Come out, you little piece of sh*t!”

“I will make sure to cut you into tiny pieces when I see you!”

“You, go there. We go here. Go bring them back to me!”

I heard them talking and cursing. They are enraged because of what I did. I giggled as I hid ourselves behind the giant plants. When they were finally gone, I took a deep breath and felt relieved for not getting caught. Maybe I have a talent when it comes to these things. Perhaps I am really good at sneaking.

I heard the baby tiger groan in pain. Oh my, she’s bleeding. There is a wound on her arm and it is making her wince. I put her down on the grass and got some medicine in my bag. I saw the one I always put on whenever I had scratches or wounds because of being clumsy. I opened the cover of my snuff bottle and put the white powder medicine in her wounded arm. Right after that, I tore a piece of cloth on my white dress and tied it around her wounded arm to stop it from bleeding.

“Roar~” I heard her soft growl in a pained voice. I carried and caressed her right after. Her fur feels so soft and fluffy. “It’s fine, you are safe now. I don’t why you are alone and I won’t ask where your parents are. I myself too don’t know the whereabouts of my parents. I don’t even know whether they are dead or alive. But from now on, I’ll be your family. Alright?” I said while soothing her and put her inside my bag to hide her. She’s a female tiger and I should think of a name for her. Well, my bag can carry more than what you think. May it even be a thing or an animal or even a human. This bag is a gift from my Pops which he gave me on my birthday. It is a magical bag. I am not sure if he made this or not but that it is not important. I love the bag and it is adorable too!

I started leaving the forest after the hunters were gone. After a couple of minutes, I already arrived at an inn outside the mountain forest. The housekeeper let me rent their horse for me to travel easily

to the capital. “Five silver,” he bargained.

My eyes widened at what he just said. “Five silver?!” I exclaimed as I showed him my five fingers. I am certain that a look of horror is painted on my face.

He looked at me rudely and started moving his lips to answer me. “Yes, five silver. Take it or leave it.”

I pouted. For one horse, it’s too expensive. I still have things to buy and my money won’t be enough to buy all of those. “Sir, can you please give it to me for a lower price? I’m begging you; I still need to buy something and my money isn’t enough. If I will pay five silvers for just one horse, I will be left with nothing,” I argued while holding his sleeves and trying to make him pity me. I even batted my eyelashes at him to make myself look adorable but he just threw me a stare of a dagger.

“Aiyaaa, if you can’t pay my asking price then don’t rent it. I still have more customers,” he said while leaving but I immediately gripped his elbow to stop him. “Alright, I will pay for it!” I make a face and get five silvers in my bag. Am I doing the right thing? Am I really paying this huge for just one horse? But I guess I have no choice.

I held the five silvers tightly in my hands. I can’t stand to give it to him. But then, he forcibly took it from my hand and signaled his boy to hand me the — “I said a horse! Why are you giving me a donkey all of a sudden?!” I fussed. “Lord, why is it just everyone is so bully? My five silvers!” I cried out loud. This is so unfair! I deserve better than this! Goodness, gracious!

I tried to ride him but he doesn’t want to walk. He just stays grounded and only eats some grass. Because of this, I put all my strength in my throat and shouted, “Giddy up!” he still keeps on eating. I tried to kick his body but instead, he pulled me off him and I fell to the sand. My butt hit the ground and it is painful!

“Arghhhhhh!!!” I throw myself on the ground like a child whose candy is stolen. This is just so ridiculous. I just want a hassle-free ride but everything and everyone is just giving me a hard time!

All the way long, my face is sullen while holding the rope of the donkey. I couldn't ride him so I had to pull him until we reached the capital. I couldn’t bear to sell him so I decided to let him come along with me. I tied him in the ranch and began to stroll all by myself to the capital. I’ll get him when I am ready to leave. I am hoping he’ll be a good boy and not escape or else, I will say goodbye to the money I paid for him.

The Capital is very far from the serene looks of the Raevisia Apples Frost. It has countless of massive infrastructures that can make your mouth fall open. Several people are walking freely in the open area, each minding their own business. Some are even running, perhaps they're late over something urgent. Carriages are also present and the horses are undoubtedly healthy. There is also a small stream nearby wherein a bridge is built over it. The culture of the place is very evident. It is well preserved along with the large ancient houses and buildings. The smell of savory food also lingered in the air. Dumplings, dimsum, spring rolls, and a lot more delicious-looking food are seen everywhere.

“Boss, can you give me two tanghulu?” I asked the man who was selling the said delicacy.

“Alright. Four coins,” he handed me the two candied fruit sticks. It looks delicious. The fruits are pierced with stick and they are mixed with sugar. “Thank you, boss.” I thanked him and continued strolling. I took a bite from the stick and giggled at how sweet this treat is. At least something good is happening after all those mischiefs.

The place became a market because of the numerous kinds of voices. Some are from the buyers and consumers while the others are from little business owners. Everyone is shouting their products for sales talk. They are convincing other people to try and buy what they are selling. Others even demonstrate their products to influence people to buy them. While I am here, casually walking as I just taste different kinds of foods vendors are selling.

I looked at the expensive restaurant on my right. It looks prestigious and classy. I take a glimpse of my bag’s pocket. I grimaced when I realized that there are only a few coins left in my bag. I am wishing to eat their bestselling food. I heard of it from other Foxes since it is not only me from Raevisia Apples Frost who sneak into the human world. They said that the restaurant has the most delicious food in the capital so I badly wanted to try it. I sighed and started walking. I also ask the people around if they saw a long white-haired man, the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen— others are just laughing at me while some are telling me to go to the palace because it might be a prince but he’s beyond that. I know for sure he is not a prince. A king maybe? Who knows? All I know is that he possesses a beauty only heaven can bestow.

So, instead of being disappointed again, I just enjoyed my freedom and had fun in the city before finally deciding to go back to the Raevisia Apple Frost before dawn.