
Episode 4.1

“No!” I answered almost immediately. I start massaging his arms down and up. I tried not to anger him as I put on a sad face and began to be dramatic for him to pity me. I am hoping my acting will touch his heart and allow me to pass. “You know that no one wants to play nor be friends with me. I am different and weak and because of it, I am avoided by other Foxes. This is why I always sneak into the human world. It is my way of expressing my freedom. When I am in that world, I don’t worry about anything. Ever since I became orphaned, I have been left in my Pops’ care. I didn’t have the chance to meet my parents but— it does not matter. I’m used to it and even you, you are bullying me.” My voice cracked and my eyes became blurry because of the tears about to come out. I lowered my head as I bit my lower lips. I started sniffing and some muffled cries escaped from my lips.

“Alright. That’s enough. Stop your act. For so many years, I’ve been guarding this portal. I’m already old, it’s time for me to retire.”

I immediately looked up to meet his eyes. My heart is beating fast because of what I just heard. Is he kidding? “Why? Why do you have to retire? It’s — is it because of me.” I questioned. My heart aches because of the thought that he’s leaving. The white-haired man became a part of my life. Even if he’s quite scary sometimes, he always protects me when I get into trouble. My face can’t contort because of all the mixed-up emotions I am feeling inside. My tears started falling right on my cheeks. “Master white hair! I’m not going to leave the Raevisia Apples Frost again! Just don’t leave me.” I whined out.

“Alright. Enough. Don’t cry,” he gently said and wiped my tears away. “I am old enough and I already handed over my retirement to the heavenly realm and they already agreed. I only wanted to see you before I take my leave and give this to you.” He took something out from his sleeves. I blinked several times upon seeing the round thing in his hand, a badge for freely entering the portal. My nose crinkled and I looked at him, “No, I won’t accept it. I’m not going to the human world. Don’t leave me, Master!” I blurted out like a baby.

He gently caressed my head and I immediately felt the warmth offered by his gesture... “I don’t want to leave you too but there’s nothing permanent in this world. You have to be stronger to face the world. Kiddo, even if I leave, you will not be lonely. You just have to believe in yourself and trust your Pops. Do you understand?”

“No. I don’t want to be strong anymore. I just only want you and pops.”

“Silly.” He caressed the tip of my nose. “Here, accept this and I have to leave. I’m taking too long. This will give you the freedom to freely come and go to the human world. You must also take note that whenever you are in danger, just run and don’t try to fight back. Alright?”

“But—” he stopped me from talking, “No more buts. I still have to drink with your Pops before finally leaving Raevisia Apples Frost,” he mumbled and took a deep sigh. I can see the sadness in his eyes. I didn't expect this day to be too emotional.

He escorted me to the entrance of the portal. But I can’t bare leave him knowing that this will be the last day we will be seeing each other. Ever since I turned eight years old and learned about the human world, I always play with the master white hair and after that, he will let me enter the portal to explore the human world. I treated him like a family and I treasure him. He is the only person except for Pops who wants to talk and play with me. I became close and dependent on him and I haven’t thought that the day when we will bid our goodbyes will arrive.

I’m holding tightly to his hands, not wanting to let him go. I turned to him and he genuinely smiled at me and embraced me in a hug. “Master white hair, I will miss you. You will visit me and Pops, right?” I asked him and felt him nodding against me. My heart is getting torn into pieces. I didn’t know a goodbye would be this painful.

“I will. Don’t worry, little wolf.”

I hugged him tightly while my face was still drowning in different emotions. We both parted from our hugs and bid my goodbye. He just nodded and waved his hand at me before entering the portal. I turned my back for the last time and I saw him tilted his body to face his back at me. His other hand is holding a stick. He is aging. He’s just around the age of my Pops and he flew away from our home.

My face is painted with intense sadness as droplets of tears started pouring down my cheeks. I can feel its warmth against my skin. I started walking towards the portal and transported myself to a forest located in the human world. I walked like a zombie while on my way to the town. I somehow feel empty. I am still preoccupied with the thought of the white-haired master leaving us all. Why do I have to suffer from all this bad fortune? Why does everyone leave me behind? None of them stay and it hurts. I wanted to be surrounded by people that are good for me but sadly, they are all disappearing one by one.

Then the thought of Pops leaving me suddenly crossed my mind. It is breaking myself into pieces. He is the only one that I have. I can’t lose him. I shrugged off my thoughts and taught myself to be braver. Like what Master white-haired said, I have to be strong and he said he will visit us so there is no need to be this depressed and sullen. It is not really a goodbye. I will see him soon. We will only part ways in the meantime but I am sure I’ll get to be with him again in the future.

Yes. That's right. I need to be optimistic and enjoy my life. I don’t need to be sad because I still have to find my savior and repay him. Right! 'Anastasia, fighting! You can do this!’ I said this to myself to reassure myself that everything will be fine and that this happens for a reason. I have to erase all the negativity I have inside my heart. This is for the better.

I am casually playing with my bag’s bling-bling. I was rolling it in between my fingers when suddenly, groups of men caught my attention. I followed where they came from and I saw them hunting a white-and-black baby tiger. They are holding a sharp stick bolo and some are even holding a bow and arrow to hunt. Based on their shady brown clothes and messy hair, they all looked like a hunter.