
Love: A Twisted Curse

Love is a gift, at the same time it is also a curse... "From this day on prince of darkness, I curse you with the six stars of David..." At this point, Lucian had to cough to prevent himself from laughing out loud at Nikel's ridiculous curse. "The day you find love in the hands of a human maiden, the day your destruction begins." Lucian, demon prince of wrath had been cursed to die by love by the great archangel Nikel during a bloody battle. Four thousand years later, the curse manifests and Lucian, who had avoided women found himself falling in love with a young human maiden. The secret about his curse also gets out and his enemies seek for a way to kill him by using the curse. Love is a wonderful feeling, and Lucian knowing that his love for her would lead to his death still tries to fight for his love and fight for his life. Will Lucian conquer the curse and manage to live happily with his love or will the curse manifest and lead to his death in the end?

Chukwuemeka_101 · Fantasía
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25 Chs

I Want You

"Do you know something Lilith?" Angelo asked warily,

"What if I do?" She said seductively,

"I honestly don't care, I don't think this concerns me so I'll be taking my leave now." With that said, Angelo opened a portal and began to walk in.

"Okay wait! I think there's finally a way to kill Lucian." Lilith said desperately as one of Angelo's legs disappeared into the portal.

"Huh?" The look on Angelo's face was one of genuine surprise, he didn't ever think that anyone would discover a way to kill Lucian and if anyone ever did, he didn't expect it to be Lilith.

"You heard me right..." Lilith was calmer now that Angelo's attention was back on her, "and Cedric planned to inform you guys, that was why he called for this meeting."

"If he planned to tell us then why didn't he show up?" Angelo asked, as if Lilith had an answer.

"I don't know," Lilith shrugged, "something must've came up."

"I don't really care about that now," Angelo's portal disappeared and he took slow, confident steps towards Lilith, his eyes were "tell me what you know about killing Lucian. Now."

"You don't really expect me to tell you just like that, do you?" Lilith asked him with mischief in her eyes.

Angelo sighed and closed his eyes for some seconds, "alright, what do you want?"

"Follow me back to my home, I'll tell you there." With that, she turned on her heels while swaying her hips provocatively as she stepped into a portal that would take her back to her cave.

"Here we go again." Angelo sighed and calmly walked after her.



They appeared in Lilith's throne room; a large rectangular room with bones and skulls of different creatures scattered all over the floor. The most prominent feature in the room was her large throne that could perfectly accommodate her gigantic stature. Behind the large throne was a larger statue of Lilith in her half humanoid-half serpent form, it looked intimidating.

"Fine!" Angelo said loudly as he raised his hands in exasperation, "we're here, now, what next?"

Lilith turned and looked seductively at him again, "don't tell me you think i'll just give you such invaluable information for free."

She walked up to her throne and sat on it carelessly, widening her legs so that her skimpy mini skirt wouldn't have anything left to cover. Angelo wasn't surprised that she had no underwear on– and he didn't care.

"What do you want? Souls, blood, weapons, a steady supply of humans? Name your price." Angelo offered, he was ready to give anything to get that information.

"Oh no no no no," Lilith said with a frown, "i'm disappointed that you should offer such mundane things. What are those things that i cannot get for myself?"

"Then what do you want?"

"What i want?"

Angelo didn't reply her, he just stared at her with a hard gaze that told her that he was running out of patience.

"I want you." Lilith smiled broadly and Angelo raised one of his eyebrows in slight surprise, "you heard me right Angelo, i want to have sex with you, right here and right now."

With incredible speed, she appeared in front of him and pressed her lips against his. He didn't even know how her clothes came off because now her brown nipples were staring at him, begging him to suck them. She tried to kiss him but he mustered every ounce of self control in his body and avoided her lips.

"Will you tell me what i want to know if i agree to do this?" Angelo asked, it was really hard for him to maintain every sense of reason when standing so close to one of the most tempting seductresses in the entire universe.

"It all depends on how you're able to satisfy me." Lilith purred,

"Haven't i always satisfied you?" Angelo asked,

"You have... But it's been so long, you must've lost your touch."

The idea of losing his touch didn't seem to sit well with Angelo because the next moment, his lips and hands were skillfully traveling over Lilith's body as his clothes were coming off.


"Are you ready to tell me who Lucian is now?" Derek asked harshly,

He was sitting on a bench in the office park and Elora was standing beside him with an apology coffee in her hands. After their fight, she weighed her choices and she myopically came to the conclusion that she had better chances at happiness with Derek than Lucian and so she came to apologize.


"I can see that you're not ready for this conversation yet." Derek said and stood up to leave,

"Derek please wait!"

Derek paused but he didn't turn towards her.

"Lucian is just a friend and i don't want him to be the reason we lose this bond between us..."

"You don't want him to be the reason we lose this bond yet you're acting all shady about the whole thing!" Derek yelled,

Elora sighed sadly again,

'what has come into him?' she thought,

Derek saw the downcast expression on her face and his mood instantly softened, he realized that he would lose the forbidden fruit if he continued losing his cool like this. What he didn't know was why he was getting particularly angry about this Ray.

"I'm sorry Elora."

She looked up in surprise, 'did he just say sorry?' she thought,

"I'm just jealous and it's getting more and more difficult to control it..." Derek recited in that loving voice of his that always sounded soothing to Elora's ears, "i hate seeing you with other men, it just pisses me off, i just want you to be mine."

Elora was already trying hard to supress a smile. Now this was the Derek that she knew and loved, the one that would always be so possessive about her.

"If you want me to be yours so badly then engage me." Elora suggested shyly and Derek smiled at her while thinking, 'in your dreams.' but he simply said, "maybe someday."

"Are you still annoyed with me?" Elora asked cutely,

"No," Derek replied softly, "just promise me one thing."

"What?" Elora didn't really need to ask, she already knew what he wanted to say.

"Please cut of all your ties with Lucian..." He said it as if it was nothing, "I don't want anything threatening our bond again."

Elora paused for awhile then she sighed and said, "okay."