
Love: A Twisted Curse

Love is a gift, at the same time it is also a curse... "From this day on prince of darkness, I curse you with the six stars of David..." At this point, Lucian had to cough to prevent himself from laughing out loud at Nikel's ridiculous curse. "The day you find love in the hands of a human maiden, the day your destruction begins." Lucian, demon prince of wrath had been cursed to die by love by the great archangel Nikel during a bloody battle. Four thousand years later, the curse manifests and Lucian, who had avoided women found himself falling in love with a young human maiden. The secret about his curse also gets out and his enemies seek for a way to kill him by using the curse. Love is a wonderful feeling, and Lucian knowing that his love for her would lead to his death still tries to fight for his love and fight for his life. Will Lucian conquer the curse and manage to live happily with his love or will the curse manifest and lead to his death in the end?

Chukwuemeka_101 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
25 Chs

Jealousy Or Toxicity


"It's happening again... It's happening again!" Lucian said in panic as he held his head in his arms. His body was craving and yearning to catch a glimpse of Elora's face or even hear a whisper of her voice. He had tried to resist the urge but it seemed useless because the more he tried the stronger the urge returned.

He was literally going mad because he had taken that frustration out on the inanimate objects in his room, if one would take a look at his room, one would see that his clothes were scattered everywhere, his fake human documents were littered across the whole room and a half filled keg of blood was sitting beside him on the floor where he lay– in an unbuttoned white shirt and a plain black trouser.

His eyes were red and the curse mark on his abdomen burned, it would be very embarrassing if one of his minions saw the almighty Lucian, demon prince of wrath craving for a human woman

His hand reached for his phone and he dialed Elora's number,

It rang twice before she answered.

"Hello?" Her sweet voice sounded over the phone,

"Hi." He responded warily, he had suddenly begun to get a feeling that something was wrong.

"It's been a while, how are you doing?" She asked with all the warmth her voice could muster,

"I'm not fine! I'm not fine at all! I need you." Lucian was tempted to say that but he knew better so he simply replied, "I'm doing great, and you?"

"Ahhh..." She exhaled in fatigue, "I'm doing okay, just the stress from work and all."

"Yeah..." Lucian said, "it's everywhere."

"So to what do I owe the pleasure of your call?" Elora asked gently,

Once again, the urge to tell her that he needed her came up again but he suppressed it inside. It was too early to start simping.

"Well... Nothing really. I was just calling to know how you were doing."

There was a brief silence over the phone and for a moment, Lucian thought he had said something wrong and was about to divert the topic when Elora burst out whining, "Awwww... That's so considerate of you, I didn't know you were this caring..."

Lucian felt annoyed with himself when he felt his heart flutter at the compliment, 'Alright, that's enough! this is ridiculous! What the hell am I doing right now?'

"Alright, I'll be going now." Lucian said sternly, his voice no longer had that warmth and craving it had when he called,

"Okay! Later!" Elora replied cheerfully, she obviously didn't notice the change in Lucian's tone.

Flinging the phone across the room, Lucian yelled and broke the half filled bottle of blood beside him.

"What the hell is wrong with me?"


"Who was that?"

Elora turned in surprise to see Derek standing behind her, his eyes blazing with rage. She didn't even know when he entered her office.

"My friend, the one who called that day." Elora said casually,

"That friend?" Derek retorted, his unstable tone told Elora that he was about to fly off his hinges, "what could you and that 'friend' be talking about that you'll have to use that tone with him?"

"What do you mean Derek?" Elora shot back wide-eyed and surprised at how Derek could be acting so immature over such a trifle matter, "he just called to know how I was doing and I was so touched that I had to reply that way, it's not what you're thinking."

"He called to know how you're doing?!" Derek yelled, "he called to know how you're doing?!"

"Shhh! We're in the office, you'll attract unnecessary attention." Elora tried to calm Derek down but he screamed louder,

"Tell me why someone who's just a friend will call to know how you're doing!"

Elora was surprised and hurt at the the way Derek was yelling at her, this was so unlike the loving and soft spoken Derek that she knew. It was as if he had become a completely different person.

"Why are you acting this way!" Her voice was shaking and tears had already begun to form in her eyes, "he's just a friend! Can't I have a friend? It's not like you don't have friends too."

"I have friends– yes– but I have friends that you know about– friends that will not be of any detriment to our relationship," Derek seethed, "tell me why you'll be the one to have a friend that I know nothing about. By the way, who the hell is that guy?'

Elora was crying so much that she couldn't speak. Derek rushed towards her and yanked the phone out of her hands to check the name that she used to save the person she was talking to.

"Lucian." The contact information read and Derek's anger increased– probably because he didn't know who Lucian was and the Lucian could just be any Lucian in the entire city.

"Who is Lucian?" Derek spat, "who the fuck is Lucian?"

Elora could only shed tears as she felt her heart break into a million pieces. She knew that Derek was jealous but this jealousy was just too much for her to bear.

"Why are you overreacting Derek?" Elora managed to ask amidst sobs but though Derek knew that what he was doing was wrong, his pride refused to allow him apologize and he dropped her phone on her table.

"Fine! You don't want to tell me who Lucian is, you can keep it to yourself, I'm out of here!" With these words, Derek stormed out of her office leaving her heartbroken and in tears.



"I've got big news..." Lilith said as she smiled appealingly and walked closer to Angelo.

Placing her index finger on Angelo's chest, she licked her lips and looked up at him, "you know how much we both hate Lucian right?"

"Everybody hates Lucian, Lilith. Go straight to the point." He didn't even seem affected by her futile seduction tactics,

"Always so uptight!" Lilith said, the smile never leaving her face as she gave him a light push.

She walked away from him, swaying her hips like a hungry prostitute till she finally stopped and gazed into the forest. "Do you know why Cedric called for this meeting?"

'I swear if you ask me one more question, I'll rip your head off your neck.' Angelo said in his thoughts as he tried hard to hide his annoyance at the serpent woman before him. Despite his anger, he still managed to reply calmly, "I have no idea why he called the meeting but he said it was very important and that we all needed to hear it, stating how it would change our positions in the power rankings. Initially I didn't want to attend but when I thought about the prospect of rising in the power rankings, I decided to give it a chance but it seems it was all just a waste of time."

"It isn't." Lilith turned towards Angelo, she was still smiling.

'this woman... she knows something...' Angelo thought,