

       "You look pretty" he said "kai, please stop you're making me blush" I said as we laughed. He opened the car door as I entered then he turned around to take the wheels, the supermarket wasn't far at all and I taught it was a big deal, we got there in no time.

"First thing, I would like to check the pet stores" kai said holding my hands as I came out of the car.

We entered in the first pet store, kai has this love for dogs, the first thing which caught his eyes was a really cute sibenan husky, it's really cute with shinning eyes, wow it's really pretty.

"You want one" he asked as I continued looking at it "no worries am fine" I replied.

We but dew more things for the dog then we visited a few more places before we finally decided to go back home.

Kai parked and I came out first because I really don't want any attention or something but I was greeted by kimber's face "oh Lord" my heart almost left me.

"You went out without my brother right" she asked "kimber please I just went to the supermarket that's all" I said in defense

"Fine I'll let it pass, but you have to come to the beach we're having fun time and you must be there don't chicken out" she said

"But kimber... " I tried saying

"Make sure you're there shy bones" she said as she sighted Darren, I sighed as I walked towards the direction of our room.

As I entered I met preston still in same position as the last time before I left him

"Prest!! " I called him sweetly because I knew he wouldn't look at me or even care to reply, this was the best way to go about it.

He looked up then back to his phone "what would you like to eat" I asked but he stood up as he walked to the couch.

"FINE" I said as I was about leaving "where are you going" he asked "that's non of your business" I replied as I tried opening the door, but he pushed it back and pined me against it.

"Where did you go to" he asked "nowhere" I replied "don't tell me that, you took your bag leaving this room and you're coming back by this time and you're saying you didn't go anywhere" he asked but I kept quiet

"You went out with kai right" he said after a little silence "preston I don't understand if I go out with kai that's non of your business and besides we came to have fun here so why can't I do what I like" I replied, men I was getting really tired of preston attitude towards kai.

"I asked you a simple question" he said looking at my face, "yeah I went out with him" I replied

"I told you I was hungry but you prefer going out with someone than make me something to eat, I taught you were to be by my side" he said narrowing his gaze

"I just asked you what you wanted to eat but you completely ignored me so what am I supposed to do" I said defensively.

He was about you say something when his phone disrupted us, he looked at it then back to my face but he didn't take the call

  "We're having lunch at the beach and it's already starting already" he said still caging me "we're not done with this" he said as he removed his hand. He opened the door as he went out first, gosh I can't believe him am so sick and tired of him sometimes I just want to kick his ass.

When we got there everyone was already sitted and I and preston got a sit at the end of the round bench, we played games but he wouldn't join on because he was just on phone throughout. Kimber was the whole master planner, we played a particular game this time preston was interested when he heard about the game.

Kimber took a roll of servert paper, she gave them to bracyen who put it in his mouth and the next person is to take it out with his mouth, skyler took it followed by cloten next kaira, kai millie, westly and then iris. The paper was reducing in size then Darren and then kimber, she looked around then back to me, she took the whole quantity into her mouth leaving out just a little out quantity out, are you really kidding me. I frowned a little as I took it out, unluckily for me just a piece was in my mouth.i turned to look at preston who was obviously happy even without saying a word he bent to take it out, our lips was about touching when suddenly we got interrupted by a Fermiine voice everybody turned to see who it was.

  "Chloe" Preston's blind date pattern, I recognized her as soon as I saw her because I happened to see her picture when she posted on the net, she hugged him as she kissed both sides of his checks, I suddenly felt a string of jealousy hit me. Preston looked at me but I looked away as I threw the stuff in my mouth away.

    Kimber already looked angry she eyed her as she stood up and walked away, I put my hands under the table as I rubbed them together, he looked down and noticed it but I ignored everything, she already took her seat clinging to preston, westly looked at preston as he stood up too walking away.

"Emm I think we will be excused too" braycen said as he took skyler away.

Iris stood up as she came to me "walk with me on the beach" she whispered into my ears, I stood up and followed her when we got further she turned to me

"You're okay right" she asked and I gave her a weak smile "are you sure you're okay with Chile here" she asked again but I didn't reply

"You like preston" she added "you can stop hiding it already" she said

"I don't know what to do, I don't know what to feel am confused, I really didn't want to fall for him this bad but I already am even when I try to stop it wouldn't listen to me" I said as I pointed at my chest"I said as I started at the water.

"If he really has anything for you he would definitely come after you" she said "and besides kai likes you, even he doesn't want to kai would" she added as he held my hand

"I know kai likes me but I don't feel the same way towards him he isn't really my type what I feel towards preston is completely different from kai and even if I decide to be with kai I can't because millie really likes him more than I even do" I said faking a smile so that my tears wouldn't drop.

"It's fine" she said trying to cheer me up "I'll leave you alone ok" she said as she walked back to westly.

I looked back and saw millie taking kai away, kimber chasing after Darren and the rest now am alone, I stood there watching the waters I sighed as I remembered what happened a few minutes. Maybe what am feeling now isn't really right, maybe am just an helper or a random person in his life.

    What am I even thinking even if he wants to date me when have slept on his bed that's all he can have another if he wishes, I removed my hair flying on my face as I pushed it behind my ear.

"Jolie!!!" I heard my name I turned to see who called it turned out to be preston and chole was with him too, I looked at him trying to act natural but God knows it wasn't working.

"I want you to walk with me" he said looking deeply into my eyes but I looked down to avoid any form of contact

"But preston am here, I can walk with you" chole said, I really want to walk with him at least for the first time but I can since I know she was gonna tag along and that would hurt really bad.

"No it's fine I can walk by myself" I said trying to walk away but he held my hand "I insist" he said really Persersive. Preston please stop pushing I shouted in my head, I removed my hands from his.

"It fine I'll just go, I want to check something in the park" I replied

"There are no parks around here" he replied "emm I'll just to the shopping mall I forgot to get something" I said again

"I'll drop you off" he replied "u want to visit the shopping mall too" she said in a baby voice.

I looked at preston who was staring at me the whole time, the wind was already becoming strong it blew my hair away exposing the place he gave me the love bite, he looked at it, I quickly  used my hair to cover it again.

"I'll leave first" I said walking away, first I need to get this stupid mark off me I said as I entered the washroom, I tried washing but it wasn't working so I gave up and went outside again, I sat  by the fountain I became kinda calm down a bit, God this thing is really frustrating, I sat down for a while longer I didn't even eat breakfast or lunch and am seriously hungry.

I went back to the room at least to prepare dinner since preston already stopped ordering food, I simply made steak and nachos. I wait for almost like and hour but he still wasn't coming. This vacation is really a boring one for me because everyone is doing what they like and am here doing nothing, I think this vacation is kinda like a couple's thing and an the only one here but it wasn't really my fault since it's my first time going on vacation. I checked the time bit was already 9:pm yet preston wasn't back yet. I had my bath ate mine and retired to bed, I used the duvet tj cover myself since the night was cold.

The door knob finally twisted but I didn't bother to look at him, he walked to me as he removed the duvet from my body.

"Am hungry" he said his hot breath touching my face "I made dinner yours are on the dinning table have eaten mine" I said closing my eyes.

"Jollie you're acting cold I don't like it" he said "did I do anything wrong" he asked

"No it's nothing it's just that am cold" I said clutching the  duvet, the room temperature because warmer "thanks" I said as I turned to the other side to sleep.

I heard the movement of plates and spoon after a short while he joined at the other side he kissed my hair as be entered the bed, why does he likes punishing me, am trying to let go but he keeps pushing on.

"Try saying my name" he said but I didn't open my eyes I felt is nose touching mine no his going to kiss me again am not ready for this am not really ready to kee6 pushing on, I don't know how but the door opened but I didn't look because I already his my face.

"Preston am scared I can't sleep alone" a voice came up, wait how did she get a key to the room, I opened my eyes preston examined my already angry face I hated that he had to see me like this. He held my hand from under the duvet, I looked away because I already hated that I just showed him am not comfortable wi6 chole around him.

   She came to the bed, this bed just fits for just two people how do she expect to fit in, she crossed me as she laid in between me and preston, now I was really disgusted because she also wore an exposing. Nightie.

I stood up as I picked my phone pud and sweater, input on my head warmer I opened the door as I went out, there's really no need staying in there it's just like hell.

I entered the beach as I sat down on the sand,i plugged my earned and connected it to my phone. I listened to music from it, I do6 know where to stay and the others might be fast asleep even if they are not I can't intrude and I don't want a situation where they would find out what is going on, it's gonna be a very long night, the beach sparkled blue wow it's really beautiful, I was trying hard not to doze off. I saw someone shadow approaching I taught it might be a guard or something but he walked towards me and put a sweater around me, it's preston.

"Why did you leave the room have been looking for you" he said "umm the bed won't fit and besides I have things to do, I have to study online and lots more I can't sleep now, so don't worry you can go and sleep" I said avoiding his eyes

"Jollie you can't lie to me, please it's cold out here come with me" he said

"Look it's fine, I love it here you can go back to bed I don't want people to say preston has dark circles because of me" I said removing his hands from mine

"I don't care what people say ok, jollie please stop doing this an you just to obedient for once just listen to me" he said again

"I said am fine okay" I replied "fine if you ain't going to follow me then am definitely not leaving" he said again

"Preston please don't be hard am.... " but I got interrupted before I could finish

"Preston!! " chole called "preston please leave" I said in a low voice as I picked my things then I gave him his sweater.

This whole thing is hurting me but I can't do anything about it I just need to be strong that's it.....