

Synopsis/ Blurb: Michael Evans, the heir to Evans Enterprises is being pressured to get a spouse so he can produce an heir to keep up their legacy. But what happens when he tries to elope with his disapproved lover and along the way, he gets involved in a car crash and forgets everything about his past life? What will become Michael’s end?

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16 Chs


Marie's Pov:

I woke up to the noise of my children; what could they be possibly up to by this time of the day? "Mama, mama; come see, it's a giant bird," they both said.

I was still feeling sleepy but then I couldn't ignore their beautiful eyes and the excitement in their faces to come see what they were talking about.

I got dressed as fast as I could and I followed my four-year-old twins as they led the way. Behold what they seem to call a giant bird is an ostrich.

I had to explain to them that it was an ostrich but both of them, being adamant, continued to call it a giant bird. I was too lazy for an argument, told them to go with their guts and went inside to make breakfast.

I contemplated for a while but I ended up making pancakes and eggs. It's been four years of raising Jada and Jasmine alone as a single mum. I miss him, I won't lie but I hate him for leaving us.

We were supposed to elope together, we were supposed to live happily ever after but yet I remember that day like it was yesterday, me patiently waiting for him by the old Rogers Bridge hoping and believing I would see my lover so we could go live our dreams and so I can also tell him the good news that I was pregnant but sadly Micheal never came.

A tear slipped from my eyes but I wiped it away as soon as possible, I had made a promise never to cry over him again. Jada had his emerald green eyes, Jasmine had his curly hair.

Oh, they remind me so much of him in so many ways, it hurts me sometimes that I couldn't breathe. But I know I must be strong for them because they are all I have and they are my happiness.

I called them in for breakfast and while eating, they bantered away. I couldn't care less, I love them talking; it is far better than the silence within me.

Then we had a knock on the door, I already knew who it was, it was Sam, our neighbour (the farmer).

He probably just got back with some farm produce and would love to give me and the girls some. He does this almost every day.

I opened the door and he was there, he came with fruits this time." Hi, Rose bought some fruits for you this time around, and your dress looks beautiful by the way``.

I blushed and told him thank you as I collected the fruit basket from him.

He has been making moves on me and flirting with me for some weeks now and he is cute don't get me wrong but I couldn't bring myself to go out with another man after Michael's incident.

As I was about to close the door, he asked me if I was free for dinner and that he would love to host me and the girls in his house if I didn't mind.

I was ready to say no as always but then I realised that if I should continue like this, I would probably never love another man again so to both his and my surprise; I said yes.

He had a huge grin on his face, he told me he was expecting me and then he ran off excitedly to his house.

On getting back to the dining room I then realise that I just actually agreed to a date with another man. My heart began to hurt badly and I felt guilty like I was cheating on Michael.

Jada noticed my inconvenience and asked what was wrong. But I told her, I was fine. I cleared their plates and held on to the sink and whispered;" What have I done?"

I spent the rest of the day with mixed emotions. As evening approached, I began to doubt the idea of going on a dinner date with Sam.

The thought of it alone made my heart heavy and left me confused. Jada and Jasmine continued to play around the garden with joy in their faces, their laughter echoed through the walls of the house.

I tried to do some menial chores to try and take my mind off the uneasiness in my chest. Time seems to fly by and I find myself getting anxious towards the moment I will be face-to-face with Sam for dinner.

It was time and I hurried to put Jada and Jasmine in their best floral dresses. Even though I am having second thoughts about going, I knew I shouldn't let Sam down and wanted this dinner to be a positive experience for my girls.

They giggled and chattered away while I was still trying to fight the knots in my stomach.

We strolled over to Sam's house since it was just a stone's throw away.

After three knocks on the door, we were welcomed by Sam with a wide grin on his face. He had this look on his face like he wasn't sure I was going to show up and that he was pleased that I came.

This was the first time being in his house so I was shocked by his beautiful interior design and the cosy atmosphere.

Throughout the evening, Sam showed us his culinary skills through the feast he had used the whole day to prepare for us.

The sight alone had won over my girls, they ate away like they had been starved for days. I also couldn't deny the effort he had put into making this night special.

As time went by, Sam kept us company by telling us stories about his life and how he had married and his wife had died in a car accident.

I felt sad for him but he told me had gotten over it and tried to move on from the past. This made me think and wish I could be brave like him.

There were also happy memories that made us laugh and I find myself finally letting go of the guilt that was built inside me earlier.

Sam's genuine kindness and joy he gave to my children relieved the ache in my heart. I was so glad he was good with them and they loved him too.

However, a part of me still held on to memories of Michael and made me not want to embrace the idea of moving on.

Night came and it was time to go home, he escorted me to my home and waited for me to tuck my girls in so we could still have a conversation. He insisted we went for a stroll around our street since the night was still young and I agreed.

The cool breeze and rustling of leaves created this calmness within me.

I wasn't surprised when he began to tell me about his feelings for me.

He told me he understood if I did not want to have that with him yet and that he was ready to wait for the right time.

He reassured Me that he wasn't planning on replacing Michael in my life but to offer me companionship and support. His saying made me realise that he might be the one to make me forget about my past.

After strolling for a while, we decided to get something at the supermarket down the street. While getting some ice cream for my girls, I then realised that I was ready to give Sam a chance because it's not bad to try.

As I make my way to the counter to meet Sam we can pay and go. From afar I saw him talking to a man with his back against me. They talked like they had known each other for a long time.

It was like they could notice me staring because as I moved to take a step, they both turned my way and I gasped." No it can't be, I must be dreaming", I whispered to myself.

I found myself standing face to face with Sam and the devil himself.