

Synopsis/ Blurb: Michael Evans, the heir to Evans Enterprises is being pressured to get a spouse so he can produce an heir to keep up their legacy. But what happens when he tries to elope with his disapproved lover and along the way, he gets involved in a car crash and forgets everything about his past life? What will become Michael’s end?

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16 Chs


Michael's POV:

"We need to get a divorce". Cara said. I have been trying to avoid that statement for the past two weeks now and yet it seems to just come loosely from her mouth.

"But what if we can make it work, what if we can learn to love each other ". I said. She shook her head repeatedly and told me it was just a waste of time.

Since the accident, it has always been Cara, though I can't seem to remember my past life with Cara was so beautiful even though we agreed on an arranged marriage.

She helped so much throughout my recovery process and she tried to assist in bringing back my memories but it got to a point where I just gave up about everything in the past because nothing seemed to be working.

We've been married for two years now, hence the contract we agreed on but I just couldn't find it in myself to let go of her since she was the only one I knew.

Cara was the daughter of a wealthy billionaire, she was being pressured by her father to bring home a man but she wasn't seeing anyone so we both agreed on the arranged marriage.

The story about us meeting, we met suddenly. She saw me while driving at the spot where I crashed and had an accident. Without hesitation, she rushed me to the hospital and paid for all my bills and she was a constant guest in the hospital.

I went into a coma for months but then when I finally woke up, I didn't remember a thing about my past.

She was devastated at first and tried to find any of my relatives but couldn't find anything. Still, she stood by me since I couldn't even remember my name, she called me Blue.

I was in a blue shirt when she took me to the hospital. Then the time came when she was being disturbed by her father and I knew deep down, I had to repay her for her kindness when she brought the contract. But what she didn't know was that I had begun to fall in love with her.

For some reason, she reminded me of someone. Her ginger hair and emerald green eyes, it was like I was reliving a moment like we knew each other from the past.

I kept on persuading her so we won't get a divorce but her mind was already made up. She was my only companion and if she leaves, I do not know what to do with myself.

She kept on persuading me that we would still be friends and that we would always meet at work but she just never knew that I loved her. She finally finalized the divorce and we went our separate ways. I had my apartment so I moved back and I was back to me, myself and I.

The next day, it began to rain but I needed to get some provisions at the food mall.

On getting there, I had gotten soaked but I got what I wanted to get, paid and dashed back into the rain and in the blink of an eye, I almost got hit by a car. I looked up and saw it was.

It was Sam, Cara's brother. He was already apologizing before he realized it was me. He was surprised because it's been a long time since we saw each other. We hugged and we decided to talk over a coffee at a breakfast not far from us since it was still raining.

Sam always came with Cara when I was in the hospital and he was also a constant face when I was recovering. I could say I felt he was like a brother to me. But then at a point, he stopped coming and I wondered why.

I would always ask Cara and she wouldn't say anything or she'd get angry and tell me to never ask her about Sam again.

We quickly settled in and asked for our orders. We talked and talked and tried to catch up with whatever we missed in each other's lives and he never hid the fact that he was shocked that I had married his sister along the way.

I explained everything to him and he understood everything. I asked him why he disappeared and he told me in detail how he being the billionaire son was putting him in a tight corner.

His father wanted to mold him into this perfect image and didn't agree with whatever decision he made so he knew if he continued to stay under the same roof with that man he might lose his control.

So he ran off somewhere so he could live the modest life he had always wanted. I told him he could have told his sister before doing that because she was devastated and even though she barely showed it, it was so obvious she was missing her big brother.

Sam's disclosure opened up a new view for me. As we continued to share conversations over our coffees, there were mixed emotions and relief from understanding Sam's disappearance and relief that he came back to apologize to his sister. The rain continued to pour heavily outside which also contributed to my uncertainty at heart.

I couldn't ignore the fact that there was a connection between me and Cara, something deeper than our arranged marriage.

From that moment onwards, I was determined to figure out and unravel my past. Sam sensed my inner conflict and offered me a piece of advice, "If you truly love my sister, don't give up.

People make choices, but sometimes those choices aren't really what they want. It is not too late to fight for what matters".

Inspired by Sam's words, I rushed over to Sara's apartment to let her know how I felt.

I just couldn't let her go because I knew I was madly in love with her and I was determined that we could solve this issue and hope it could work out. She was surprised to see all of me soaked at her doorstep.

Without hesitation and not giving her enough time to talk, I blurted out "I love you Cara and I mean that; I don't want us to get a divorce, I am very happy being your husband ".

She just stood there speechless for a while, I had to tap her to bring her back to reality. With tears in her eyes, she grabbed me close then whispered "That's all I wanted to hear "then crashed her lips into mine.

Our mouths moved in sync until she finally broke the kiss and ushered me inside since it was still raining. She offered me a biscuit and tea and encouraged me to change into something else since my clothes were all soaked.

She offered me some of her brother's clothes that she said she couldn't seem to let go of because it was what she used in remembering him since he vanished.

I wanted to let her know that Sam was back but then I realized it wasn't in my place to tell her and I shouldn't bother since they would be seeing soon anyway. The next day, I went home to get ready for work. We had both agreed that after work we would both come over to my place for dinner.

Sam showed up during work hours and went to his sister's office. From the view from mine, Cara was so angry to see him, she began to punch him and kept on screaming "I hate you" repeatedly. He got her to stop and the next thing I knew she hugged him and quietly cried on his shoulder.

When she was calm, he was able to give her reasons why he disappeared and all but she kept on saying he could have told her that from the onset and he kept on apologizing.

At the end of it all, they reconciled and she invited me over for dinner at my place later and he agreed. Dinner came and we talked over the meal. I wished it could forever be like this, I felt like I was part of a family. Then Sam invited us over to his town for vacation.

He said there was a nice vacation house for couples not far from his street. He also told us we don't need to pay any expenses since he is friends with the owner of the place.

We thanked him and told him we would come since we were planning on taking a three-month leave from work before. We continued the rest of the night chattering away and reminiscing old memories. It was my best night ever.

Sam left the next morning and it was left with Cara and I. She went home to begin to prepare for our vacation while I stayed home thinking about a gift to give Cara to show her how much I care.

On getting to the vacation house, we were happy with the scenery, there was even a small pool by the side of the house. Cara couldn't wait to get into the pool. We planned to go over to Sam's the next day since we were very tired from the journey.

I offered to get some stuff from the supermarket we passed while coming. I was about to pay for what I got when I sighted Sam down the aisle. What a coincidence he said and he asked why Cara and I didn't notify him that we were in town.

I further explained how we just got here not long ago and how we had planned to give him a surprise visit the next day. He began to laugh and we talked but then we felt like someone's eyes were on us.

We both turned and we both saw a woman. Sam then said," Rose meets blue, blue meets rose". As I extended my hands to her for her to shake, she ran away in a blink with Sam calling her name and trying to catch up.

I stood there speechless and wondered; she looked so familiar and I was very much sure I knew her from somewhere. Before I knew it, the world went upside down and everything went blank.