
Lost Reality

A being who is in constantly dying for which he does not know. A curse has put him into a state of death, a disease on his soul. Each life he lives with an open mind, but then the clock strikes ten and the chapter is done.

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4 Chs

Hour 1: The Droplet

Then I started to feel like I was falling deeper and deeper. I felt like I was reshaping. My arms flowed in and my body shrunk. I felt like I was dropping. Around me I heard a weird sound. Like rain drops hitting leaves, and water flowing down a mountain. Then I hit something, something soft but weird. I started to fall into that thing going deeper into the thing.

Like it was a dream, I landed on something… woody? It was curled and rough. It felt like it had dirt on it.

I was pulled to it. My body felt like it was being drained, pulled apart from itself. My atoms were being separated. I started to rise up in a kind of swervy pattern. I started at the bottom taking a left then a right then a left then another left, before finally going a straight up.

After about 5 minutes of going up, I stopped and it felt like my body was being separated between something, into 15 pieces. I could not tell where I was or what was going on but then I felt it. It was like if a tree had fur. With many small darts out. I felt like I was dripping and then vanishing after touching these things darting out. I think the thing I was on was a fir tree. But that does not explain these weird feelings.

It felt like only I was left. I mean it was only me to begin with but it felt like I was part of a larger whole made up of me that separated. Like water. I was sucked up by a fir tree, like water, then I separated into different molecules like water, and now I am the only molecule left.

Am I coming up on a leaf?. Okay. Well, I cannot move, so I might as well accept it.It felt like I was rushing, stretching between something. All I could do was flow.

I flowed and flowed until finally reaching an end? Maybe? It felt like a point, maybe it is one of the leaves on the fir tree.

I started to fall, going down, falling. As I fell, a splitting pain entered me. Until eventually hitting the ground. It felt like hard rock as my body was spatered about. My body spread out and started to vanish and combine with other parts of the world.

Then suddenly, unlike before where the ground cracked, the ground just opened. I started to fall and fall and fall. Ever deeper. Instead of my body being pained it felt like my body aged backwards.

"When the Clock Strikes Two

Return as a New, Thus Back

Upon Ten Times Tracks"