

it's tells us about broken relationships, broken promises, past love, sadness, loneliness, depression, past life's, hope but once again true love that still exist. it's mila again hope u guys love the story,

that_girlmila · Ciudad
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4 Chs

ch 1:

Once upon a time ,there was a girl called Nichole ,she was 18 years old. she was currently in a relationship with a guy called Zack.

On this current it was Zack birthday ,so Nichole wanted to surprise him in his film trailer where he works as an actor. she got to the trailer ,opened the door but shockingly , Nichole saw Zack with another girl half naked on the bed with him. she fell down on her knees and burst into tears ,she got angry and threw his surprise birthday cake on him and ran out of the trailer. she stopped for a moment hoping Zack would come outside but he didn't ,right there on that spot Nichole promised herself that she would never step her foot in that place ever again. she then got into her car and drove back home.

cherry[Nichole sister]: hey Nichole

Nichole : [ignored]

cherry: Nichole! 

Nichole: what!

cherry: what happened sis, I thought u said u were going over to Zack's place to surprise him 

Nichole :don't ever mention that fool name around me again

cherry : what happened sis ,did he break up with u or something

Nichole : that would have been more better , but he he.....

cherry : what'd he do sis , tell me please

Nichole : he cheated on me with Sarah , the girl who works with him in his film industry

cherry : what are u serious ,how ,what ,are u sure

Nichole : I wouldn't also believe it if someone told me sis, but I saw him myself

cherry : how can guys be so wicked

Nichole : I know right ,right now am just going to try to forget about him ,cause love doesn't exist anyway

cherry : come on sis ,will u let that asshole discourage u about love ,it ain't worth it sis.

Nichole : seriously ,am done with anything called love or whatever cause it doesn't exist

cherry : it does sis , it's just.....

Nichole : lies cherry ,it all lies. it ain't real.

It was night time ,Nichole mum came. she made dinner then called all both of them to the kitchen so they could all have dinner together ,but surprisingly to the mom it was only cherry that came 

mum : cherry darling ,where's Nichole

cherry : umm ,she is in her room. she went to bed early

mum : y

cherry : it's a long story mom ,I will tell u later ,I also need some sleep ,it's been a long day

mum : okay love ,goodnight 

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