

it's tells us about broken relationships, broken promises, past love, sadness, loneliness, depression, past life's, hope but once again true love that still exist. it's mila again hope u guys love the story,

that_girlmila · Urban
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4 Chs

ch 2:

The next morning Nichole and cherry woke up ad were both ready for breakfast ,just for their mom to tell them to go change that they are going to be having breakfast at Golden Eateries. Nichole and cherry got ready and together with their mum they went to the restaurant. They finished their breakfast but decided to wait a few more minutes until Nichole saw Zack.

 Nichole : mum ,please can we leave like right now

mum : baby y ,I thought u like it here 

Nichole : I do , but can we leave

mum : y baby , look even Zack is here

Nichole : can u please not say his name and let us leave 

mum : fine ,only because I see how desperate u are

Nichole : thanks mum

mum : but just know u gonna tell me exactly what is going on , on our way home

Nichole : yes mum ,cherry let's go

 As they were about leaving the restaurant ,Zack followed them shouting

Zack : Nichole ,Nichole ,please wait 

Nichole : God.. ,just leave me alone Zack

Zack : just wait ,let me explain what happened

cherry : are u deaf ,she said to leave her alone 

They entered into their car and drove off ,then Zack went back into the restaurant. They all reached home

mum : now can someone please explain what the hell is going on

Nichole : umm , well what happened is that , is that

mum : what's wrong just tell me already

Nichole : umm

cherry : don't worry sis ,I will tell her , so mum , u know yesterday was Zack birthday right 

mum : yeah , go on

cherry : so like Nichole wanted to like surprise him in his trailer. but when she got to his trailer she ended up being the one who received a surprise

mum : what , like he cheated

Nichole : yes mum , he did with some girl called Sarah

mum : what!

Nichole : no worries mum , it's easy to get over something that is not real , just like how our relationship was so is love 

mum : no baby , it's not ,love is real that boy Zack is just a fool

Nichole : mum please , I know as my mum you are trying to cheer me up ,but the facts still remains , love not real

mum : I am trying to cheer u up but the truth is love is real baby girl , don't u let some guy discourage about the fact of love not being real

Nichole : ok mum ,have heard am going to my room

mum : baby ,u alright

 Nichole : yes mum , am fine ,I will just be in my room

mum : okay hun , do u think she's gonna be fine

cherry : yeah ,she just needs time

mum : I pray it don't take too long

cherry : me too mum , me too.