

Davids arrived at the restaurant, he felt nervous. After what happened yesterday she knew she was stupid to throw her registration at Damien. 

They walked inside the restaurant to say hi to Mr Marcus, he was now a family friend and they had to know how he is before they move to have their meal.

"Morning Mr Marcus how are you doing?" Greeted Brian as he sat with Marcus who was busy checking some books.

Marcus looked at them and flashed them his smile, "Davids, how have you been?"

Davids moved closer and accepted the hug. 

Brian sat and outer after Marcus didn't allow him to hug him. "Come on Brian, you know I can't miss hugging you!" He said and higher him tight.

Bringing them into his small office, they sat down as they enjoyed the ice-cold blended juice. Davids was been irked to ask about Damien but she held herself back and let Brian do the talking as she listened.

"So, Mr Marcus, any specials that we can deepen our hands and mouth into?" Asked Brian in her cheeky voice.

Marcus looked at them and smiled. He knew The Blacks are fancy when it comes to eating and their meals. The days that he has served them, they don't mind the money they spend on good but they mind the service and the way the food had been prepared and he was not planning on letting them down any time.

Though he was afraid the first time when Mr Black came to order his food, he had to get into the kitchen and make a special meal to attract him, though Mr Black was a simple man, he appreciated his effort of doing it.

"Anything for my favourite customers," he flirted a little with his hands. 

"Stop with your flattering, my younger sister here needs something meatier, well-roasted some pepper salad and wine to accompany it," explained Brian.

Marcus held his chin as he looked at them. "Just some thirty minutes if you are not in a hurry but for your waiting, I will be serving you the new wine that was brewed six years ago."

"Anything for our huge bellies Mr?" Asked Brian partying his belly before giving him a friendly path on his shoulder.

Davids was seated and was giving them a look. She just admired how Brian freely flirted with him but in a professional way. If someone could have walked on them, he or she might confuse it though she knows his brother loves to be all flirty when he is talking, he doesn't force it because it's her natural appearance.

"Anything to help you with Mr Marcus as we wait for our meals?" Interrupted Davids, Brian gave her a questioning look. 

He knew Davids didn't want to stay bored but asking for work? He wanted to just use wifi, and google his stuff than work for Mr Marcus.

"Are you sure, I mean I had lots of work to file and some to be computers into the system and I won't mind brilliant hands at work to help me with that," said Marcus.

He has been very g help from Davids most of the time and he loved how she did her work, keenly, diligently and focused, that is why he didn't mind having her help him with work.

Davids nodded and Marcus walked out to gather the documents that he wanted to be helped with.

"Are you seriously going to work? I am using WIFI and filing is your work," said Brian as he fished his phone and went to ask for the password from Davids.

David's sighed and she also removed her phone and turned the wifi on, adding the password as she smiled at Brian as if he didn't just ask for a password. He knew if she doesn't give him the password he will heh for it because he wants to be online every time to check on some of his work.

Brian sighed in displeasure, "you win, we will help him van you get me the WIFI now?" 

Davids chuckled and helped him connect to the wifi. 

Marcus returned with the files and they had to get to work as they waited for their meal. There were lots of things that needed to be filed but they were placed on the order so it wasn't complicated.

Davids and Brian just focused on the filing and they didn't bother to look at what they were filing as that was not their area of speciality. 

"If this is your way of saying sorry them you need to try harder asshole," said Damien as he stood at the door's entrance.

Brian looked at him and laughed, "I thought you are better than that or is that your way of saying good morning too, Brian?" 

Brian raised his eyebrows as he looked at him. He knew that Damien was angered with Davids behaviour last night but Brian was not going to sit and watch their friendship go under the bridge.

Damien looked at Brian and walked to greet him. He knew it was stupid to argue with Davids but he hated her for being so stupid last night.

Davids stretched her hand to greet him but Damien assumed it and walked out of the room.

"Sorry, but you better correct this, I didn't bring you here for nothing, so go, we need to have out the meal," told Brian as he pushed Davids out of the room.

Davids was not sure if Damien will listen to his side of the story, but he was determined to tell him anyway. She knew they had a good relationship ever since they met and she didn't want it to end.

Walking out of the restaurant, she wondered whether she is going to make an enemy or a friend?

She met Damien midway, he was talking to his uncle. His uncle said something to him and he looked back at Damien. Damien excused himself and walked towards Davids.

"Can we please talk outside Damien?" She begged while looking at him. 

Damien walked out first and she followed him. 

"What was that Davids? Blaming me for everything after what was done to Daniella?" Shouted Damien even when they barely arrived outside.

Davids didn't speak, she knew he had all the right to shout at her. Waiting for him to calm down before she spoke.

"I am sorry Damien, I didn't mean to hurt you, I was just frustrated," said Davids I'm a low voice.

Damien looked at him and cursed, Davids, has never seen him this mad and acting all hurt.

"The next time you think you are the only one hurting, think, think Davids, you are not the only one hurting, we are all hitting but we don't make it about us!" 

He was right, not everything is supposed to be about herself, though for that time, that one t it was about herself and the girl she loved. 

"It won't happen, I promise," said Davids as she looked at him. She knew begging for forgiveness was easy but getting someone to give you and accept the apology was hard.

Damien avoided his gaze and walked towards the seats near the coast. Davids followed him. She didn't know if things wi work but she was determined to make this work. 

She held Damien's hand but he was pushing her away, "are you serious, wait, is this about me abusing you or it's another issue Damien?" 

Damien looked at her with anger burning in his eyes, "you think what you did and told me was fin, you didn't have to blame me, just listen to you speaking all that shit!*

Davids was now shocked. He thought Damien was going to reason with her and forgive her instead, he has made things quite serious 

He walked towards him and k welded down next to him, she was destined to do whatever it takes to make things right. He wanted him to be by her side and help figure things out with Daniella. 

"I am sorry Damien, you are my friend and I admit messed up, forgive me and this won't happen," she cried.

Damien was trying his best to control himself not to lose it but he shouldn't. He suddenly let out a burst and Davids was shocked and looked at him.

"Did you fall for that?" He said as he went on laughing.

Clara and Daniella walked from their hideout laughing as they watched Davids shocked face.

"Did you guys plan all this?" She asked as she walked to Clara and Daniella.

Daniella walked to her and higher her tightly before packing her cheeks.

"Come on babe, don't be mad, he just wanted to see how you would react," said Daniella as she pinched her cheeks playfully.

Davids felt stupid, the whole time they were just playing a prank on her and she felt like they were being serious about it. She walked over to Daniel and slap him on the cheeks before running away with Daniella.