
156: I DARE YOU TO.....

Amanda had to end the call abruptly and settle herself down to think. She didn't know what was true and what was wrong. She didn't know what to trust, her eyes or her imaginations? 

She felt like she was dreaming, shaking her head, she walked to the cabinet where she had created after the death of her husband and got a drink. 

Gulping the content into her throat, she closed her eyes and laid on the sofa that was in the office. 

"No, I saw Brown, that was his sound, I saw him" she started debating with herself again. 

Standing up from the sofa, she paced up and down and decided to call Vin again. 

"Can you please come into my office, ASAP!" She shouted over the phone before throwing it on the sofa and walking out to check on his secretary. 

Arriving at the reception, she was not there. 

"Where the hell are you, woman?" Shouting like a madwoman, every staff around scattered away leaving her alone. 

She climbed downstairs to look for her and they accidentally met on the stairs, pushing the files she was holding in her hands she grabbed her hands and led her into the office.

"What's wrong?" She asked as she stumbled on the office door.

"You were in charge of Brown's body, did you see when they lowered him to the ground?' She asked her. 

"Yes ma'am, just like you asked, he was lowered. Where is all this coming from?" Asked the lady in a shocked voice as she removed her glasses.

Amanda didn't reply, instead, she pulled her hair in frustration and sat on the floor, frustration washing all over her face. 

"Are you okay? Should I can for Mr Clank?" Asked the lady in a worried voice as she saw how Amanda was behaving. 

She has never seen her this defeated, she knows her as a woman who is strong and wears her armour everywhere she goes. 

She moved closer trying to collect her but she didn't want to wake up from her position, instead, she rolled over groaning in frustration until she was under the table. 

The secretary wanted to call someone but Vin barged into the office. His hair, a mess as always and his shirt flying all over his body. 

"What the fuck Amanda, I was doi....." He stopped with his shouting when he saw Amanda curled up under the table acting afraid. 

Vin looked at the Secretary who explained to him what had happened. 

Kneeling, he looked at Amanda, she was deep in thoughts. Vin became afraid that something might have happened to her. 

"Has she been taking anything?" Asked Vin.

The secretary looked at Vin and shook her head in disapproval. 

"For clarity's sake, use your mouth!" He shouted scaring the Secretary.

"N..no, she is not on any meds, she only takes the ones for her headaches and that's it," she said walking far from Vin. 

She couldn't escape from the room, she knew Vin will shout and make her return back into the room.

Vin didn't believe that, she has never asked for any meds. He felt like she was using different types of medicines for her head and are probably causing hallucinations.

He grabbed her and sat her on the sofa. He had to slap her on the cheeks to bring her back to reality. 

His hands were caught mid-air by Amanda's!

"I thought you were in a trance, what's your problem?" He shouted as he removed his hands from her grasp.

"I told you I saw Brown, I am not lying Vin!" She shouted.

The Secretary gave a shocked expression, she was there when Brown was being prepared for the burial ceremony, she saw everything done and during the burial ceremony, she was the last person to make sure he is lowered into the ground until his grave was covered. 

"How can this be? I was there, I saw everything!" Defended the secretary.

"You hear what she is saying? She was the one who saw everything," insisted Vin as he woke up from the sofa. 

"You don't believe me?" Asked Amanda as she followed Vin.

Vin was now angry and frustration was kicking in. He felt like all of her drama was taking a toll on him and he might break and hurt her badly. 

"I don't trust what you've been taking, you need to stop with your silly medication and he's serious, if you feel like the CEO's job is not for you just step down and let your dad do the job, he can manage the company better!" 

Vin walked out of the room and left Amanda and her secretary looking at each other. 

Seeing that Vin was not paying attention to her anymore, she kicked her heels and ran after him.

"I am ordering for excavation, this minute to prove you wrong!" She said to him.

Vin was at the elevator waiting for it's to open when she heard her voice. 'Don't tell me she is still persistent about this issue, she started with Emma being a spy, though it was true there was no need to kill her but she still insisted on it and now Brown! I am just tired!'

"Don't you dare! I am calling the committee to have you reaped off your title right now!" 

Vin didn't want to reason anymore with her. He knew it was going to be pointless given that she is not in her right state of mind. 

"As if you can?" She shouted back. 

The staff downstairs were waking at them, they wondered what was happening today. They never heard their boss argue with anyone openly unless one of them has done something bad. 

Today they were shocked when they saw the exchange of words that were going on between Vin and Her. They have seen Vin several times with their boss's daughter but they didn't know that he had so much power to shout back at their boss.

Vin turned and looked at her, walking back towards her direction, he signalled for the secretary to get out of the area. 

His arms folded in his chest he looked at Amanda. 

"You want to see me do it or should we use the main phone?" 

"You know I am the one supposed to take over after the death of my husband so no one can deny that," she said boastfully looking at him.

"Aha," Bin chuckled sarcastically as he looked at Amanda. 

"Wait, do you know I can just start reporting all your dirty tricks to your daughter, like uh, her real mother and how you have been placing the chips in her head and how you molested her when she was a kid and the nights when you br....."

"Just shut it, it's the drugs working, satisfied now?" She cut Vin off before he could complete his statement.

She walked back into her office and shut the door crying her heart out. 

She knew Vin has a point, she might be overreacting and maybe it's the jew medicine taking effects on her. 

Walking out of The Clanck's building, he smiled to himself, 'I think I have just found her weakest point now,' Vin said to himself.

Inside the Restaurant,

Vicky still couldn't believe her eyes when she saw Brown. He looked different from the last time they met. Mike had introduced him when they were in college but the clowning that had been done to him changed him completely.

She couldn't even bring herself to say that this is the same Brown she used to know. Looking at Mike who signalled for her to come in, she was supposed with how he identified him with the changes that had been inflicted on him.

"Brown, Vi....,"

Brown couldn't wait for her to finish her words. He stood and higher her tightly, "do I still have a chance to eat baked muffins and guava juice?" He asked while hugging Vicky.

Vicky broke the hug and looked at him, "you still remember them, so it's you?" 

Brown nodded and offered him a seat next to her. 

"Babe, how did you manage to do it, I can't identify him even if he is alone, trust me," complained Vicky as he did a close examination at him.

"Let's say I have the deep eyesight to figure things out," chuckled Mike as he looked at his wife. 

The truth was, he identified Brown when he visited their office and he still had a collection of the business books that he had borrowed from Mike during his college days and he sued the same words he used to tell him when they were in college. Though It hired him when Brown couldn't recognize him.

"Shall we?" Asked Mike as their food arrived and Andrew pulled a chair to join them for their meal.

Mike had ordered Browns favourite Chinese meal with some steak to accompany it with. This is what they always desired to eat when they were on campus and right now Brown looking at the meal he had desired to eat with his college buddy, couldn't stop from shading a tear.



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