
Lord of All Races: The Interstellar Era

William, a young man with a passion for gaming and a deep love for strategy games like Warhammer, finds himself thrust into the interstellar era, a realm fraught with peril and unknown dangers. Armed with his strategic mindset and gaming experience, William must navigate the treacherous expanse of space, scavenging for resources, forging alliances, and deciphering the tactics of alien civilizations. ///////////////////////////////////////// If the artwork is yours and you'd prefer it to be removed, just say the word, and I'll take care of it promptly.

A_N_V · Militar
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25 Chs


"What do you want?" William barely kept his growl hidden as he barked to the envoy. 

"At the crimes of early aggression towards the Secessionists and the republic. You have clearly made your intentions clear that you are trying to cross the treaty!" 

"We demand that the declaration of war be revoked! And the Dawn Empire to compensate Krossar and Seccessionts for all the damages that Dawn Empire has caused!" 

"A-And let the Bright Kingdom's military open access to military technologies so that we could judge whether it is safe for battle deployment!" 

Gwen's outburst sent shockwaves through the court, her rage threatening to engulf the delicate balance of diplomacy that had been carefully cultivated. As she lunged towards the envoy, her anger palpable in the air, it was only through the quick intervention of her butler and a few loyal soldiers that disaster was averted.

In the tense silence that followed, the weight of her actions hung heavy in the air, casting a shadow over the proceedings. The envoy's blasphemous words, delivered with calculated intent, had struck a nerve, pushing Gwen to the brink of fury.

While the Bright Kingdom's intervention in the war was expected, the audacity of the envoy's final statement had crossed a line, challenging the very foundations of honor and respect that governed diplomatic discourse. In the eyes of the court, it was a grievous insult that could not be ignored or forgiven lightly.

As Gwen struggled to regain her composure, the courtiers exchanged uneasy glances, the tension thick enough to cut with a knife.

"Do you think I sit on this throne to hear your ridiculous claims?!"

As William shouted at the envoy, the entire court was stirring flames of anger inside themselves, and William's mind raced with conflicting impulses. The urge to lash out, to mete out justice in the face of such brazen disrespect, warred with the knowledge that such actions would only serve to deepen the rift between Dawn and its neighbors.

With a heavy heart, he quelled the rising tide of violence within him, knowing that the path to true diplomacy lay not in retaliation, but in restraint.

Though the envoy's words had tested the limits of his patience, William understood that his actions would be scrutinized not just by the court, but by the neighboring powers whose trust he sought to earn.

"Although I am not going to touch you. Sent the message to your so-called Queen that I will be coming to pay a visit. It would be better if she made the bed ready early. It would be less hassle that way." William smiled as he finally saw a reaction in the eyes of the head of the envoy. 

The man was pale, and was, right now, trembling with anger. If looks could kill, he would be dead a thousand times over. 

"You have repeatedly crossed bor-"

"Lower your voice, envoy!!" William's voice cut through the room as it gained pin-drop silence. "You are in the presence of a King, no matter who!" 

"Always remember that if there was no Dawn, there would be nothing Bright!!" William's shout reverberated through the court, cutting through the tension like a sword through silk.

At that moment, the weight of history bore down upon them all, a legacy of betrayal and rebellion that had shaped the fate of their world.

His grandfather was betrayed by his wife and rebelled successfully. 

In the face of such injustice, it was no wonder that William's grandmother, a woman of intelligence and resilience, had been driven to stage a coup to liberate herself and her people from the shackles of oppression.

Her actions, though controversial at the time, were now seen in a different light, as a daring act of defiance against a tyrant who had wielded his power with impunity.

And yet, even as the truth of his grandfather's misdeeds came to light, the stain of rebellion still marked the Bright Kingdom as a faction born of defiance and upheaval.

Though their cause may have been just, the means by which they had achieved their independence remained a point of contention among the neighboring powers.

But that didn't change the fact that they were just a rebel group. 

"How dare you slander the name of the Bright Kingdom! I will let my Highness have your head!!"

As the envoy's outburst escalated, William's senses sharpened, a primal instinct urging him to action as the situation spiraled out of control. The sight of the envoy's defiance, coupled with the ineffectiveness of the soldiers in restraining him, sent a chill down his spine, a warning of impending danger.

In a swift motion born of urgency, William's hand closed around the grip of his revolver, the weight of the weapon reassuring in his grasp

The realization dawned on William like a bolt of lightning in the darkness, a sudden clarity amidst the chaos unfolding before him. The failed attempts to restrain the envoy, coupled with the unearthly growl that emanated from the struggling mass of soldiers, sent a chill down his spine, a warning of danger lurking beneath the surface.

Turning to Gwen, he found reassurance in her steady nod, a silent affirmation of their shared understanding.

With a grim determination, William checked the loadout of his revolver, his fingers moving with practiced precision as he ensured that every chamber was loaded and ready. 

It was full. 

Then, it was good. 

A roar came out from the mass of men, and screams started to emerge from his men. 

Five seconds. 

That was all it took to rip his men to shreds. 

As the blood of his men splattered across his face, William's heart sank like a stone, the weight of horror and disbelief settling like a shroud over his senses. Before him stood a creature of nightmare, a black beast that seemed to have sprung from the darkest recesses of his imagination.

Its form, reminiscent of the gargoyle from the game he once played, filled him with a sense of dread unlike anything he had ever known. But where the gargoyle was a mere figment of fantasy, this creature was all too real, its crimson eyes gleaming with an intelligence that sent a shiver down his spine.

Though it bore some similarities to the Vargulf, its fully bipedal form and unmistakable aura of menace marked it as something far more sinister. In its presence, William felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end, a primal instinct urging him to flee from the looming threat.

An eerie protrusion from the upper spinal area added to the grotesque spectacle before him. As the creature's mouth opened, revealing rows of serrated teeth glinting in the dim light, a wave of revulsion washed over him, threatening to engulf him in a tide of fear and despair.

The sheer malevolence radiating from the creature was palpable, its intentions as clear as the feral gleam in its crimson eyes.

"Ah, finally off the that hideous hu-" 


As the creature's guttural voice grated against his ears, William felt a primal fear grip his heart like icy claws, its proximity sending a shiver down his spine. The creature's grimace in response to the bullet only served to heighten his terror, its gaze piercing through him like a predator sizing up its prey.

In that moment, William felt the weight of his vulnerability like never before, his courage waning in the face of such raw power and malevolence. The creature's eyes, gleaming with an otherworldly intelligence, bore into his soul, leaving him feeling exposed and defenseless.

William felt genuinely scared. 
