
Lord of All Races: The Interstellar Era

William, a young man with a passion for gaming and a deep love for strategy games like Warhammer, finds himself thrust into the interstellar era, a realm fraught with peril and unknown dangers. Armed with his strategic mindset and gaming experience, William must navigate the treacherous expanse of space, scavenging for resources, forging alliances, and deciphering the tactics of alien civilizations. ///////////////////////////////////////// If the artwork is yours and you'd prefer it to be removed, just say the word, and I'll take care of it promptly.

A_N_V · War
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25 Chs


William's senses were ringing, reverberating throughout his mind, yet his body remained paralyzed by fear. The monster's crimson eyes seemed to pierce into the very depths of his soul, instilling a terror that rendered him immobile.

Fortunately, William had royal guards and seasoned veterans of both guard duties and combat.

Among them was an old man who shadowed William like a devoted protector. In a moment of sheer instinct, the old man lunged forward, tackling William out of harm's way just as the monstrous creature swooped in, landing menacingly upon the throne.

The debris flew everywhere as panic set inside the court. William himself was grappling for some semblance of sense, but sadly, none found him. 

The old man shouted into his ears to wake him up. It was only then that William really woke up from this nightmare. William hurriedly got up and was escorted to safety. He saw multiple mechs going inside his court with heavy weapons. 

William gingerly touched his throbbing head, withdrawing his hand to find it stained with blood. His head pounded relentlessly as if it had borne the brunt of a sledgehammer blow.


William's gaze fell upon the horrifying scene unfolding behind him. The monstrous creature, now engaged in a brutal assault, maimed multiple victims with savage ferocity. Explosions rocked its massive frame as grenades relentlessly struck its body and head.

Desperation etched into its crimson eyes, the creature lunged forward, aiming to prevent William's escape. Yet, a formidable barricade of both metal and meat stood resolute before him, thwarting the creature's advance.

He was quickly taken to the attention of the best medic present in Dawn, and he then lost consciousness. 


William slowly blinked his eyes as he looked around, seeing a flurry of doctors and nurses checking on his body. 

"Easy now," the man's reassuring voice broke through William's haze as he attempted to shift in his bed. A smile softened the man's features as he spoke, his words carrying a comforting tone. "That blow to the head was quite hefty. It'll take a couple of days for you to bounce back."

William grimaced, the pain throbbing relentlessly within his skull, though he forced himself to endure it.

William looked at the man that was trying to see if he was okay. The man was kind and had a gentle smile on his face that seemed to put anyone at ease. 

The contrast between his jet-black hair and warm brown skin highlighted the contours of his chiseled features. His intense blue eyes flickered with focus as they scanned the diagnostic screen, his fingers dancing across the keyboard with remarkable speed and precision.

"Don't stare too much, you're majesty, People may get the wrong idea in their heads," The man said with a soft chuckle. 

"No problem, I'll have your head as an explanation," William grunted out as he leaned into the cloud-like sofa. 

The man gave a nervous laugh, which William ignored, and looked at the man again. "How is it? the situation in my head," 

The man's unease was palpable, his movements fidgety as he struggled to articulate the situation. William waved a dismissive hand, urging the man to proceed with his report despite his evident reluctance.

"Your Majesty," the man began, his tone cautious yet earnest, "while the effects of the blow to your head will likely dissipate within a few days, there's another concern that weighs heavily on your well-being. You're severely sleep-deprived, and it's taking a toll on your vitality. Your body can only endure so much strain before it succumbs to the exhaustion of an overtaxed mind."

The man's solemn words cut through the air, his concern etched deeply into his features. "Your Majesty, I don't mean to alarm you, but the situation is dire. Your mind is teetering on the brink of hysteria, and hallucinations may soon follow."

With a grave expression, he held up a mirror to William, revealing a barely noticeable scar on the top left side of his head.

The man gestured towards William's reflection in the mirror, drawing attention to his bloodshot eyes, tinged with an extreme reddish hue from prolonged sleep deprivation. Dark circles underscored his eyes, casting an eerie resemblance to the hollow gaze of the undead.

But it wasn't just the lack of sleep that marred William's countenance. A sickly yellow patch mottled the whites of his eyes, a telltale sign of vitality draining from his exhausted body.

With a heavy heart, William sank deeper into his bed, a weary sigh escaping his lips. He had harbored hopes that this situation would not manifest until after the impending conflict with the Secessionists, perhaps even after the resolution of the ongoing war with the Krossarrs.

But fate had dealt him a cruel hand, thrusting him into a battle against his own weary body before he could face the external adversaries that loomed on the horizon.

But he knew that it was just silly thinking. 

Despite his silent prayers, William acknowledged the stark reality that there was no divine intervention forthcoming. The situation had indeed arrived, and he had no choice but to confront it head-on.

With a determined nod, William resigned himself to the imperative of rest and recuperation in the hospital. As he lay there, contemplating his next steps, he resolved that it was time to seek the guidance and support of a therapist to navigate the tumultuous waters of his troubled mind.

Acknowledging his aversion to having his weaknesses pointed out, William resolved to confront them himself before others could do so.

As William engaged in conversation with the doctor, Ben Fedrick, he was taken aback to discover that Ben also served as a royal therapist. 

William couldn't help but acknowledge the convenience of the situation, realizing that someone had orchestrated it so that he could receive the necessary care. However, rather than feeling suspicious or cynical, he found solace in the fact that there were individuals who genuinely cared about his well-being.

It was a comforting thought amidst the chaos of his current predicament.

Contemplating the intricacies of his family's legacy, William understood the importance of safeguarding the heirs of the imperial family. To shield them from exploitation, a network of royal doctors, nurses, and therapists was meticulously assembled to attend to their needs and ensure their well-being.

Finally, he had fixed the date with Ben, which was tomorrow. He prayed that it would do some good. 


William's therapy is a session where I will show how William's far future army would be, and the records of William's feat in the future, and how different factions viewed different things about Dawn Empire.