
Long Lost Twin

After the war against the hoplite of Kòrinthos, the Archon of Asgard fell ill and his lifespan reducing. With only a few more years to live he decided to choose the next king without any bloodshed. He chose Dion his last and adopted son but his other sons and relatives were against saying that Dion was not of their bloodline and should not bear the crown. This led to quarrels and scheme in the palace trying to kill Dion. After the death of the Archon, the Keres or Exile a group of death polemistís were sent to kill him and with fear he ran away far from home with injuries all over him but was saved by a girl of unknown origin living with her grandfather their love story began here. But it didn't last long as The Exiles discovered him, not wanting to implicate her ran away not knowing that she was pregnant. Few years later, the Archon of Asgard sent people to massacre the village they were staying and killed a lot of people. Her grandfather used his ability and opened a portal to teleport them but in the process of opening the portal got sperated from her older twin. Years went by and she discovered a shocking transformation on her surviving twin. Why did the Archon massacre the villagers?? What is the origin of Dion??? What change did she see?? What is her origin!!!? Will the twins ever meet!!!!?? Did the Archon really die???? Read to know more

Khaimah · Acción
Sin suficientes valoraciones
13 Chs

Chapter Six : The Truth (2)

" A coconut last long in the mouth of those that value it ".

At the Archons Chamber, the Basileia was seen sitting on the dressing chair gently combing her hair when suddenly a figure crept out of the dark and walked towards her.

" What is disturbing you my beloved " the figure spoke as he touched her shoulders

" Yo...You scared me " she said with a tinge of shock written vividly on her face

" Sorry for startling you my beloved " Charis said as he kissed her earlobe and proceeded to her nape

" mhmm " Demetra moaned slightly while giving him full access, when he noticed it his eyes darkened and he directly scooped her in a bridal style from the chair and brought her towards the bed and gently threw on the bed amd there they made love.

After that heated session, they laid on the bed talking to each other with Demetra hands roaming his chest

" Why are you tense " Demetra noticed he was tensed and lost in thought

" I am not you are probably overthinking again" Charis replied as he proceeded to kiss her but she turned her head and he missed it, when he saw this he laughed

" Do not try to deviate the matter am being serious " she said in a serious tone

" You are just overthinking, I am alright " he stared at her face and said it with full assurance, he was good at hiding his thoughts and she probably did not notice it.

" Are you sure " she asked again to confirm and clear her doubts

" Of course my beloved, 100% sure " he said with a smile as he pecked her forehead but deep within his eyes there were emotions hidden there.

I know this chapter is extremely short but I will try to update more. Yayayayay