
Long Lost Twin

After the war against the hoplite of Kòrinthos, the Archon of Asgard fell ill and his lifespan reducing. With only a few more years to live he decided to choose the next king without any bloodshed. He chose Dion his last and adopted son but his other sons and relatives were against saying that Dion was not of their bloodline and should not bear the crown. This led to quarrels and scheme in the palace trying to kill Dion. After the death of the Archon, the Keres or Exile a group of death polemistís were sent to kill him and with fear he ran away far from home with injuries all over him but was saved by a girl of unknown origin living with her grandfather their love story began here. But it didn't last long as The Exiles discovered him, not wanting to implicate her ran away not knowing that she was pregnant. Few years later, the Archon of Asgard sent people to massacre the village they were staying and killed a lot of people. Her grandfather used his ability and opened a portal to teleport them but in the process of opening the portal got sperated from her older twin. Years went by and she discovered a shocking transformation on her surviving twin. Why did the Archon massacre the villagers?? What is the origin of Dion??? What change did she see?? What is her origin!!!? Will the twins ever meet!!!!?? Did the Archon really die???? Read to know more

Khaimah · Action
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13 Chs

Chapter Five : The Truth

" The jumping of a gorilla from tree to tree doesn't make it a monkey"

" All of you leave " Charis said to the crowd of maids and guards but his eyes never once leaving Dion's.

When they all left, there was a stifling silence and tension even the air in the conference room was heavy and suffocating. Princep Zephyr and Princep Aspas were very happy about Dion's misfortune

"My lordship, he is just a child " Basileia Demetra begged on Dion behalf.

Charis looked at her but did not heed her words but faced Dion. " Come with me to the royal study"

Dion nodded and followed him to the royal study when he crossed path with his so called "brothers" they laughed at him and gave him mocking glances but he overlooked their childish act and kept walking though he was younger he matured quite early.

When they got to the door of the study room the guard present bowed

" Greetings My Lordship " the guard said with his head pointing downwards

Charis nodded and walked into the study room followed by Dion.

When they were inside the Archon took his seat and rested his hands on the table and looked at Dion who was still standing but did not ask him to seat.

Charis stared at him as if he was scrutinizing him and spoke slowly " You said you will take her, can you bear the responsibility? "

He answered decisively without much hesitation and thought because if he showed any bit of hesitation he would look like a coward and he wasn't one " Yes come what may "

" Hahahaha, that's my son " Archon Charis said with a proud tone as he walked towards Dion and patted his shoulder

But Dion refused " I do not think so" he responded

" What did you say? " Charis was baffled and preplexed

Dion repeated in a calm but firm tone " I said i don't think i am your son"

Charis was shocked and bewilded " Who told you that "

Dion stepped backward when he noticed Charis moving towards him " You don't need to know

" Its a lie, you are my flesh and blood "Charis said with a tinge of gentleness in his eyes which was actually rare because he was known to be a cold blooded person

" Flesh and blood " Dion replied in a sarcastic tone " How long are you planning to hide it from me ten years or maybe forever that I am not your son but some road side kid you happen to pick, I was not even adopted " Dion yelled at Charis as tears kept flowing from his eyes he was still a child and it hurts

Out of anger Charis slapped him and roared " Shut up, you are my son my flesh and blood, I raised you and took care of you " Charis said softly after he had calmed down and got back his rationality, he knew he had acted on impulse

When he felt the burning sensation on his cheek and the ringing in his ears he was puzzled because his father has never slapped him before with anger and fury he retorted " Flesh and blood my foot " and left while banging the door even the guard outside was shocked he couldn't hear what happened as the Study room was sound proofed and well mechanized.

" Get back here " Charis roared at Dion when he noticed him leaving but Dion ignored him. Charis could have used his powers but he did not want to be harsh on him.

Once Dion left, he went back to his seat and sat down looking like he had aged five years in a span of seconds " It seems its time" Charis said to himself as his body became blurry and finally became invincible.

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