
Chapter One.

To Say That Today Blows Would Be An Understatement ...

Here I was Volunteering to be a pack doctor just like my mom was. I always wanted to help out my packed in some way because let's face it I'm pretty useless with anything else. Let's not mention the fact that I still can't find my mate to save my freaking life. I'm 21 and still is single with no mate while my Bestfriend Alize over here getting it on almost every night with hers!!! I'm not jealous or anything , I'm just tired of being the only virgin in the pack house.

So anyway I'm helping my mom tend to the wounded when the doors bust open and chaos just erupted everywhere.

" Someone help him he's been attacked!"

"Doctor our alpha is Dying!!"

" I know he's Not your true alpha but please save him"

" I'll try my best but he doesn't look so well" My mom says.

I take a look because .. Well I'm nosy and I wanted to know.

Now lying in the bed is the one and only handsome alpha of the thunder Moon packed. Even all bloodied he looks like a model. Oh Gods I'm getting hot and bothered by a guys who's on his death bed !! I Feel something tugging at heart but I tried my best to ignore it under the circumstances we was facing. Moon Goddess Please save my soul...

He opened his eyes and stares right at me. Like rings into my soul. I swear to the moon Goddess that's what it felt like.

" You with the reddish brownish hair. Come by my side " He said.

Naturally I would have told him I have a Name and tell him where he can shove it But he used his Command on me to moved closer to him without much struggle.

" Hi my name is Zooey and I'm a volunteer helper. I'm not really a professional as of yet so if your looking for that my mother is the better option. " I started Giving Information he has yet to ask for.

" My name is Collins. I'm not interested in professional help. I know I'm dying and beyond saving. "

He paused to catch his breath but continued " No one can help me. Hey have you mated yet? " He says in a rasped voice. To say it was sexy would make me the biggest creep alive. .....But it was.

" No I have not mated with anyone I'm pretty single. Maybe it's better if you don't talk it will hurt less " I mean he can talk all he wants his voice is of the gods but I see it took much of his strength to do so.

" Then I Collins Stealtheart Alpha Of The Thunder Moon Pack Appoint Zooey Mckalith of The Silver Moon Pack As The New Luna of my pack. She is my Mate. " Was His Last Words Before His Heart Gave Away.






Four Days After Collins Funeral.

Days went by as I stood locked up in my room. No one could get me out of it not even to work. Of course the moon Goddess decides to curse me. ME of all people!! I'm not a bad person ... I try to save lives for crying out loud! But when I finally meet my mate he was dead. I couldn't even save him. I didn't spend any time with him. My wolf been in pain and agony for days with the lost of her mate. I didn't cry at all. I mean I understand that is my mate but I don't know him to cry over him. I was sad. I heard story of mates losing their minds over losing Their mates. Was that going to happen to me? Am I going to be a wanderer now?

People keep knocking on my door to see if I'm fine. I know they really want me to take up my duties as Luna. But how am I supposed to do that with no alpha at my side? If the alpha dies, doesn't the Luna no longer matter? So there's no need for me right? I have to leave my pack to join a pack I don't really know much about them. I'm so pissed at the moon Goddess for cursing me. This means I'll never be with my true mate like I always dreamed. Imma always be stuck. Never moving on. Never Changing. I felt my cheeks getting wet and realized I was crying...

Was I crying because of my lost mate .. Or because the reality of loneliness was just too sad for my heart to bare?

There was a soft knock on the door. I wiped my face and told whoever it was to come in.

" Hey girl it's just me " Alize Said.

" Hey what's going on" I replied

" You know what's going on!! You being cooped up in here like some phycho person. Let's go out get some fresh air. Enjoy the sun in our face!"

" Alize I just want to stay to myself for a little while longer ok? "

" sigh okay but the beta of the thunder moon pack said if you don't come down to his pack house he is going to drag u down there himself. He thought it would be better if I brought you. "


She watched me as I (very calmly might I add) jump in and out the shower, find me something nice but presentable to wear. Comb my very tangled barely touched hair into a messy bun, on put on some gloss.

" okay I think I look more confident then I feel. What do u think? " I asked

" I think you can put on something more sexy then a pair of jeans and a regular shirt! Jesus You look like your going for a walk in the park with your grandmother! " Alize so bluntly said.

" I'm sorry if I'm not trying to put to much attention to myself! It's not like I'm going in there to take title as Luna! I'm going to respectfully decline that title in the betas face and go on about my day. There no need to impress anybody. Jeans and a shirt will do! " I said.

" So why ask me My Opinion if you're not going to take my advice? "

I roll my eyes but change my jeans into a regular black pencil skirt my mom has brought me when she thought I was going to go on a date a long time ago but it was just with Alize. As well as a white blouse with black flower patterns on them with some black flats. I look towards my Bestfriend again. "Better?"

She takes My Ponytail out " Much Better "


Alize drove up to the thunder moon pack house 30 minutes later and to call it a house would be putting it lightly. The whole house is big enough to be six football fields. There's kids running all over the place. And pups. There's a training squad left side of the house. Ooh and they got no shirts on yummmmm!

" Are you Done Drooling? We still need to go inside " Alize said.

I rolled my eyes but started moving to go inside the house. I was so nervous. Not many people rejects an alphas wish. Even to their Beta. Oh gods they can kill me on site if I even breathe wrong. Yes this pack is that powerful. There power alone puts fear in any villain you read in comic books heart. And here I am about to tell them no! Maybe I'm losing my marbles.... Well can't lose my confidence now.

" We are here ! Go inside " Alize smiles at me.

" Your not coming? " I asked confused.

" Naw you can get killed by yourself. I'm more interested in the sexiness I saw in the training field. If you survive Don't worry I'll save you some "

She winked at me and left.

I huffed. Some Bestfriend she turned out to be. I knocked on the door.

" Come "

Well I tried to open the door but once I turned the knob I was pulled inside and thrown against the wall.

Someone growled in my ear. " What's Your Business With Our Beta? "

I raised one eyebrow and awakened my wolf. We don't like feeling threatened.

" Answer Now Or Lose Your life "

I growled Back leaning his face " Is that how you Talk to Your Luna? Maybe you want to lose your life!"

His eyes widened and he immediately let go and got on one knee with is fist over his heart.

" I apologize Luna I didn't know it was you. You didn't have Collins scent on you. Your scent was unfamiliar. I forgot you didn't get to mate with.... (Cough) any way I still apologize. I understand you have to punish me now. "

Naturally I had no idea what he was blabbering about but I was glad to be released. " Punish you? Don't be ridiculous. You was protecting your beta. I understand after everything that's been going on. My Name Is Zooey. And you are?.."

" My Name Is Benjamin but Ben for short. And this is August Huntings. Beta of Our Pack. " he said.

I finally got to look at the beta called August and good Gods it's like my heart stopped. Everything in the room seemed to be frozen. I saw nothing but his cold blue eyes staring back at me.

" Ahem So anyway doesn't look like I'm needed so Imma just guard the outside door.. Laters " Ben left.

Not like we was paying much attention to him we was Too busy staring at eat other. ... Then he smiled and I swear I wanted to melt. I never felt this reaction before. But I knew right then and there I would do anything this beta said. I need to get myself together. I'm here on a mission damn it!

" So I see your accepting the role as Luna then?.." He asked.

" Actually no I just said that so he wont kill me. But I don't see the need to be Luna when my mate who is alpha has died. Shouldn't the beta then take the role as alpha and his mate be Luna ?" I asked.

" Naturally that would happen but due to our alphas last dying wishes you have to be Luna of this pack And whoever you deemed right to date/Marry will become alpha of this pack. The moon goddess herself says the alpha word is absolute whether dead or alive. " August said.

" So no matter what I say I have to be Luna. I didn't ask for this. And I have to create my own mate? What kind of bull.... I really am cursed. Great just great. Perfect. " I just started muttering to myself at this point.

" Well your not the only one at lost. I lost my mate as well. I never knew her she died when she was young. And well... I found love somewhere else. I have a girlfriend. You don't have to be lonely. The moon goddess if giving you a chance to choose your own mate. You get a say so when other wolves didn't. It's not really a curse. Look at it as a gift. Just look besides the fact that u have to pick an alpha for us and the fate of this pack lies in your hands and shoulders and u should be fine "

Sorry if I didn't really pay much attention to what he said after he said he had a girlfriend. I just felt a pang in my chest. Shit even my wolf was sad. My life can't get any worse. All the good men is either dead or taken. Not a curse my- ... Hold up. Rewind. My wolf is sad?

" I'm sorry but can I just touch you for a second it will be quick "

I didn't wait for him to answer the need to know was to great. My heart was pounding so hard I knew the whole house heard it. I touch his hand and I immediately felt it. The spark that ignited my body. It sent shivers all over my body. Very delicious shivers might I add. And my wolf was whipping her tail with excitement.


Oh Gods

He pulled back his hand so fast you would think I have an disease. My wolf over here excited jumping around over our new mate she didn't even take notice. Is he going to reject me. ? I start to panic. Oh gods why it had to be this scrumptious Beta? The one with the girlfriend to be my new mate. How is that possible. ? It shouldn't be. ..

" It's impossible my mate has died a Long time ago there's no way. It must be a mistake. We're probably just tired and our minds is playing tricks on us..." He exclaimed.

He thinks that of course, But I knew in my heart he's my mate. And now Imma end up alone once again cause my mate is already taken. Probably doing the nasty with his girlfriend everyday of the week. My wolf started to growl. I don't think she likes the idea of someone else touching our mate. Quite frankly neither do I.

" Well I've decided to change my mind. "

What in the name of The gods am I saying?

" I would like to take title as Luna of this pack. " Oh my goodness I'm really am losing my mind. Someone help me!!

" Oh ? Well I'm glad to hear that Zooey. We naturally need to train you. In fighting. We don't want a typical Luna. We need a strong one. Since our alpha is no longer of this world. " He was talking but he wasn't looking me in my eyes. Is he saying I'm a typical Luna? Only good for breeding and house work? Do I look that useless? Well maybe..Hmph I'll show him though!!

" I don't Mind training Beta. Just be gentle ok? I am a Typical girl right ? Don't want to hurt your Luna..." Put emphasis on typical so he can hear my sarcasm. How dare he insult my strength ! I show him typical.

" Why don't we start today then? Since your soo eager. Meet me in the training gear in 5 minutes. Alize will suit you up for training. " He said.

If he thinks he got me cornered he is sadly mistaken. Time to open a can of whoop ass on this pack.

Ready or not here I come!!!!


After Alize Suit me up I felt like I was ready for war. I walked to the training field with my head held high....and then I saw the trainers. boy did all my confidence vanished. These men and women looks ready for blood. Maybe it was a bad idea.... No! I can't coward out now. I'm not a typical girl. I don't back down and I don't run from a fight. No matter how tough. My Father Taught Me That. So with a deep breath I begin my training.

" Alright Ladies And Gents this young lady right here has agreed to be our Luna!! " August said. They started dog whistling and giving me looks up and down. I can tell some approved and some didn't. Didn't really care to be honest.

" She starts her training with us today. Her name is Zooey. Let's show her how we run the thunder moon pack. Any volunteers to be her spar partner??" A lot of hands went up. That was a surprise. Maybe they all wanted to kick my ass really badly. August picked a green eyed red haired Women. She was really beautiful. So beautiful even I didn't want to fight her. I would totally date her if I went that way.

" Okay La belle you are the lucky person to fight the Luna today. Zooey this is Isabelle A.K.A La belle. She is my girlfriend and your spar partner. " I take that back. I hate her guts already. My wolf wanting to be released to tear her to shreds but I held her back. It's not Isabelle fault I'm going to be lonely for the rest of my life. I shouldn't take it out on her.

" Um maybe you should give me a different spar partner. I don't think it's wise to fight this um...( cough ) lovely person (Dam it hurt to say that) I rather fight a guy in all honesty. " I said. Don't need my wolf going hay wire the entire time. Really not worth it.

" You Don't Think I'm strong enough Luna. ? Just because your Luna doesn't mean you automatically have strength. You have to earn your title and From the angle I'm looking from you look weak. I have been training with this pack for five years. There's no way you can beat me. I'm one of the best fighters. " Isabelle boasted. There was a lot of Oohssss from the group. You know she was a sweet person until she opened her mouth. At this point my wolf is begging for me to destroy her. Although I was starting to have doubts. Well here goes nothing.

" Very well I'll accept your challenge Mutt. " I smile knowing all wolves hate the word mutt. I don't really mind it all that much. I can see the steam coming from her ears. It was satisfying to know I got her riled up. We took our standing and I signaled for her to come at me. And boy did she ever. Next thing I know I was tackled to the ground. Damn she was fast. And the trainers was all laughing and Isabelle was smirking.

" I told you you're weak. Hmph wasn't much of a challenge. Why don't you give the Luna title to me. ? So me and my boyfriend can take over this pack like we are meant to. Right Babe? " she asked August flirting with him like his mate was not here!! Well she didn't know I was his mate but still. I was mad. I got up from the ground and dusted off. I growled at her." Again "

" You didn't have enough? You have nothing to prove. We all know how weak our Luna truly is. Is sad really. Maybe Collins made a mistake...." She said shrugging her shoulders patronizing me.

Oh hell no she didn't. This bitch is evil. The trainers was snarling at her for mentioning his name. And so was I. I took my stance and signaled to her to attack me.

" Oh well your Funeral. " she said and advance towards me. She was putting all her strength into this next attack. I'll just use that to my advantage. I moved to the side before she could grab me and took her arm. Then I pivoted and swung her as hard as I could to the ground. After Satisfyingly watching her squirm for a couple seconds I twisted her arm till she begged to be let go. My wolf seemed satisfied so I let her go and dusted off my hands. That's when I notice how quiet every one was..

" Um... So I passed or?..." I said. Scared of their reaction. Next thing I know everyone was cheering and patting me on the back. I was so surprised. Even August seemed to be smiling and that made me so happy. My wolf was doing the happy dance.

I was walking towards August with a new formed confidence. Maybe he saw my strength and wanted to be with me! No I can't get ahead of myself. I have so much more to prove. By the time I reached him he was helping Isabelle up.

" Babe I think my my shoulder is dislocated. " she pouted at him. I was instantly jealous. " oh it is ? I'm a doctor .. Kind of. Let me help you. " I didn't wait for her to answer I simply felt around her shoulder to feel any displacement and found none.

" Hmm it doesn't seem dislocated. Maybe your ego is too big for your shoulders to carry. " I smirked at her. Everyone started laughing. Shows her to flirt with my mate In front of me. Hmph. She just huffed and went inside to get it checked.

" Wow Luna you are pretty strong! "

" Can you teach me that move? It looked badass! "

" That will teach her. She's way to cocky for her own good."

" Can you go out with me?! "

The last comment had me blushing so hard. I wasn't used to so much attention. I just scratched the back of my neck embarrassed. " Um I'm not really a fighter guys. I rather patch bruises up then Cause them... " I exclaimed.

" Well none the less it was impressive. No one can really beat someone I personally train for five years. I didn't really think you had it in you. You're slowly earning your title Zoezoe. " August said. My face went to another shade of red in seconds. He didn't realize it but he just gave me a nick name and a Compliment. In the same sentence. I was really a happy camper at that moment.

" Zooey I heard u kicked Isabelle ass. Boy was I waiting for that to-

Oh hi beta. Sorry didn't mean to talk bad to your girlfriend in front of you. I was just so excited for my Bestfriend. ... " Alize muttered about.

" Don't worry about it. Your boyfriend almost beat me today by the way. .. You should be proud of him as well " August Gave as Cocky smirk towards Benjamin.

Wait hold the phone....

" Benjamin is your mate? Why wasn't I informed?! What kind of Bestfriend are you!? You and I literally talk every day! " I yelled at her for the most part.

" I told you he's from another pack. You didn't seem to care. " she explained.

" You Didn't Say he was from the pack of royalty! " I exclaimed.

" I'm sorry I didn't wanna boast about my mate when you didn't have one!.... Shit Zoe I'm sorry.." She said.

I just shook my head and headed inside. But before I went in August grabbed me.

" We are having a meeting tonight in your honor. Dress in Our packs traditional colors. And don't worry you have a mate..." He smirked and let go of me. I was shocked but tried not to let his words go to my head. I hurried inside.

Mate... He said I have a mate... Did he mean him?!? Please moon goddess I never asked for much. But please give me him... I silently prayed.


Alize has been apologizing all night. So I caved in and told her who my new mate was and boy her reaction was funny.

" W/hat the fudge balls do you mean new mate? How is that remotely possible? And the beta of all people ?! You are such a lucky wolf. " she blabbed the whole time.

" I don't know how it's possible. But I'm not lucky. He got a girlfriend he has been with for five years. There's no way I'm Coming between that. I'm not going to hope he leaves her for me. Even if I am his mate. But it hurts to see him with her. Knowing that should be me. " I said.

" Girl You don't have no worries. No one really likes her. I don't even think August likes Her. He's probably just with her because of strength and beauty. She wants the title of Luna so badly. She even tried to hit on Collins for it but he wasn't interested. " Alize said.

The fact she tried to go after both of my mates made my wolf very upset. But I held her back. Its Not Like your Any Better.

'Hey they are both mated to me but the moon goddess' I told my snobby subconscious.

" So u think I have a chance then? " I asked.

" Girl he's already yours. You should have seen the way he was looking at you the whole time. Like you was the only diamond in a sea of rocks. He barely gave what's her name a second glance. Besides All the guys are making fun of the nick name he gave you. That's probably why Isabelle got upset and left. Come on girl lets get ready for your special night. Time to make you irresistible !! "

Oh gods Alize is going to dress me up. I'm in for a long night.