

Zooey POV:

When Alize got done with me I swear I was a different person. I even felt pretty. She Dressed me in a red floor length dress. With Gold Trimmings at the top and bottom of the dress. . As well as a bow on my rump to finish it off. My favorite part was the bow. It added a girly but elegant feel to my look. My hair was pinned up in a neat bun and curls coming down my face. Plus according to traditions the Luna is not allowed to wear shoes or makeup. I Felt naked without some make up on but I have to be in my true appearance. Don't wanna break traditions.

" Damn girl... You look hella hot. If August manage to keep his hands off you I'll be convince he plays for the other team. " Alize said.

" Or maybe just maybe it's cause he got a girlfriend. " I said through gritted teeth. Damn I hate mentioning he got a girlfriend. It's like I'm stabbing my self every time I say it.

" The main focus tonight is welcoming the Luna to the Pack. The beta focus is to welcome YOU the new leader not his girlfriend. He better give you all the attention or else " she said angrily. Woah she was scary sometimes.

" Woah there tiger. Calm down. No need to go wolf mode. It's not a big deal. Here girl. ... " I start to pat her head. She pushes my hand away.

" Come on let's go celebrate. " she mumbles. Clearly irritated on my be half. Such a great bestfriend I have.

Well. Let's get this over with.


I heard the noise before I got there. I was still behind the back door waiting to walk through. I was so nervous. I wasn't nervous that they wouldn't accept me as Luna. I'm afraid August won't like what he sees. I mean compared to his little red head I'm a pile of poop. At least that's how I see it. I take a deep breath. Well here goes nothing. I open the doors.

Everyone was in there own groups chatting it up. Started drinking. Stuffing their faces. Enjoying themselves. Although soon as I walked through the doors all conversations ceased. I felt like someone put the spotlight on me for a little longer then necessary. I started feeling anxious. So I just started walking towards Benjamin's group of friends. The stare down they was giving me made me feel like I picked the wrong group to walk to.

" Um hello guys. My name is Zooey. And I would gladly like y'all to explain why everyone is looking at me like I grew a second head. "

" That's Because You Look Absolutely Breath taking ZoeZoe. You clean up quite nicely." A Voice behind me said.

August stood there in a black classic tux with a red bow. I was shamelessly checking him out. Oh my gods he looks scrumptdillyumptious. Yes I made up my own word. Why must the moon goddess tease me with this good looking man in front of me? On top of giving me such a doting nickname I can't help the heat that's creeping up my neck.

I blushed and smiled at him. " Thank you Beta. You don't look so bad your self. "

He smiled back.

" Of course MY MAN looks handsome" The red head from hell also known as Isabelle said. I rolled my eyes but ignored her and so did everyone else. Even August To my surprise and My wolfs delight.

" ATTENTION EVERYONE " The Beta yelled. " From this day Forwards This Beautiful lady known as Zooey Mckalith is The Luna Of the Thunder Moon Pack by LAST order of our alpha! She Will Guide us and Lead Us To Victory In All Battles! Protect us from Evildoers' Embrace us as family, give us courage and bravery! You saw how she fought today. Do anybody doubt Her Strength? " There was a chorus of No's. That wasn't much of a fight in my opinion but hey whatever floats there boat I guess. " Does Anyone object to her title as Luna? Speak now! " August Said Looking around at the other pack members faces. To think this is just to initiate me into the pack. To initiate me Into all great five Wolven Pack Alliance is a whole different ball game. Not much Etiquette have to be kept here. So its no Wonder Trash Immediately Came From Her Mouth.

" Well I Thought y'all Would never Ask "

Oh Gods..


August POV:

I really didn't wanna ask who objected to her being Luna. My wolf was begging me not to. But it's Our Pack tradition to honor members wishes and worries before initiation to show that we care about our people voice and I never break tradition. So when Isabel opened her mouth I knew all hell was about to break loose. I knew some how I had to stop it. She stretching the rules to her advantage.

" La belle your in No position to say weather you object to Zooey Being Luna or not. You opinion is not valid Or necessary " I said. Hoping it would shut her up. Of course I should know my girlfriend better then that. She has a sense for the dramatics.

" My status Is a the Same As A Beta since your my boyfriend is it not? "

La belle said.

" That would be the case of you was my mate. But you are not. Your just my girlfriend. " I said. The last part seemed to hurt her feelings. Although it didn't stop her from talking. What did I see in Isabel ? I Remember her coming at such a bad time in my life after losing my younger sister to cancer 5 years ago. I immediately felt the pain in my chest as I think of my little sister but shoved it down along with all the memories. I cant unbox those emotions right now. Isabel was the best thing to happen to me after that great loss. Her and Collin really kept me grounded for so long I almost feel indebted to her. How I feel right now however is like I'm meeting a stranger for the first time.

" Then Traditions say if a Member of the pack deems the Luna unworthy he/she can challenge the woman to a duel for the title of Luna. " Isabel said with a smile. Crap. She did pay attention in history class back in our school days. Idk how I'm going to stop this. What is she up to? Why do she wanna challenge my mate so badly ? ..... My mate... Maybe I can stop this. But that would mean exposing Zooey secret and potentially breaking up with Isabel. My Wolf huffed and growled at me to fucking do it already. I dig my nails into the palm of my hands equally frustrated with myself. How can I give up 5 years with Isabel ? I got distracted by Zooey voice.

" So You wanna challenge me to a duel? I'll gladly accept. Time to put the little mutt in her place " Zooey said smirking at Isabel . Great now I definitely can't stop this. Sigh. Why can't girls just be civil about things?

" Very well at sun down tomorrow we shall hold the duel. Until then everyone enjoy themselves today as we welcome our new Lone Luna Zooey Roxanne Mckalith! Thunder Forever More To you Luna!"

Everyone cheered for her and as I stamp our sigil onto her body the marking taking its shape. It swirled through her entire body, that I can see with my eyes. I can already feel myself losing interest in Isabel. It sucks that meeting my mate only made whatever little connection I had with her completely evaporate. I see she is only power hungry and to be honest just touching her makes me feel disgusted inside and out. My closest Friends and family been warning me about Isabel for years but I felt that I really needed her by my side. With the loss of my mate and little sister how was I suppose to continue living without her? I just don't want her to get angry. She will bother and poke at my mate if she finds out. And I don't want to do that to her. She just accepted herself in this pack. Don't need her running to the hills. Especially with the people out there killing Leaders of Packs. I shiver with the thought.

I wanted my first dance to be with my new mate but someone beat me to it.

" Hello There Beautiful. My name is Dimitri. And I would be deeply honored To have your first dance. " I'd give it to my brother. He has a way with words I Don't. My mate had the nerves to swoon. SWOON!! I thought girls only do that in those chick flicks. He can't have her! I narrowed my eyes at him and he caught me looking and smirked just in time. Bastard.

" Well it would be my pleasure. " She Smiled And my heart melted but my jaw clenched as Dimitri put his hands on her small back and leaded her to dance.

Well damn she didn't even give me a second glance... Maybe it's partially my fault. I do still have a girlfriend. I mean that shouldn't matter. She's my mate!! MINE. I wouldn't reject her just cause of a girlfriend! I was about to growl at them but a certain someone stopped me.

" Babe come on let's dance ! " Isabel said excitedly. I really didn't wanna dance with her. She just challenged my mate. I rather rip Dimitri's arms from around my mates waist. But that clearly wasn't happening since I'm not trying to scare her away but its so hard to control my wolf loud ass in my ear demanding for release.

" Sure La Bella let's Dance " Ignoring my wolf wishes.

I guided her to the dance floor and put my arms around her. Might as well ask her now.

" Why did you challenge our Luna? " I tightened my hold

" She is not our Luna! I was promised that role! I fought and bleed everyday to get that role. I wanted to prove to you that I deserve it more then anybody else! We've been putting aside marking me so I Can be Worthy Of being your Luna once your alpha.... I thought you was next in line babe? " Isabel said pouting her lips and rubbing my chest. Is that really all she thought of me? A way to gain power?

This girl probably lost any respect I had for her left. The way I feel right now is indescribable.

" Who promised you the role of Luna of this pack? It wasn't me or our former Alpha. Royal Alpha Collins words are final. Yet you would go against it and challenge our Luna. You will lose all respect from the pack If You didn't already. No one will listen to you because you wouldn't be the Luna our alpha has claimed. I thought you loved me for me. All you want is the title and power of Luna. Your disgusting and pathetic." I said angrily moving away from this women. How could I be so blind and stupid? I didn't even claim Zooey as my mate when we both felt the connection. All because I thought Isabel was the one for me. I felt so disturbed with myself right now. My wolf is continuing the mental attack of curse words at me wondering why I'm such a fuck up.

" No babe!! That's not it at all. Of course I L-"Isabel started to Claim.

" Sorry To interrupt But I would like to Know if I could have your next dance Beta " A Voice behind Me Said.

I Turned around and Saw My Mate Looking up At Me With her doe like Hazel Eyes. She Looks so beautiful with the moon light hitting her so nicely. I was so breathless for a minute I Forgot To respond to her request. My wolf begged for me to answer our mate.

" Of course Luna. " I take her hand and look towards Isabel Angrily.

" This Conversation is over. And So Are We. " I left her standing there with her mouth open and pulled Zooey towards the dance floor.

Zooey didn't say nothing but let me hold her for the rest of the night. That's all I Ever want to do.




Zooey Pov:

As I said earlier I never back down from a fight. Especially when someone is trying to challenge my strength and honor as Luna. Plus that person happens to be my mates girlfriend....AHEM SORRY I meant Ex girlfriend. When he dumped her right in front of me my wolf howled to the moon with excitement. Now I got another reason to kick her ass. She upset my mate for some reason. My wolf don't like our mate's feelings hurt. Regardless of the situation. Today is the day of the duel and I woke up with anticipation!

This is exactly how I'm going to prove myself!I forget the Thunder Moon pack is full of barbarians that love a good spar. This pack care about one thing only. Raw power. Although I was having small regrets about accepting the challenge. I mean she was personally trained by the beta. Who happens to be in charge of all military training with the thunder moon Pack. Which means she is the strongest of the strong. Maybe yesterday's victory was just a coincidence. Now I'm starting to second guess myself..... I know I need to be strong in order to truly be accepted into this pack. I don't want to lose the title of Luna. Especially when I just got it. It's the only way I can be close to my mate.!! My wolf whines with sadness..... Yeah we need to stay close to him no matter what. And be able to protect this pack as well. After all it is my new home.

Well my father didn't install fighting in me for nothing. I also happen to be the best fighter in silver moon pack before I came here. I'm just really against violence. Although I don't seem to mind fighting for what's mine. I just have to be the best at everything I do. I wanna be the perfect mate for August. There was a knock on my door interrupting my thoughts. Probably Alize again. Sigh. She's so excited for the fight. Maybe it's because I don't use my skills all to much. No one at my last pack actually gave me a good fight so I haven't got to let loose in quite a while. I went to open the door.

" Look Alize I told you earlier I wanted a clear mind sett today so-" I started to say till I say blue eyes staring down at me. Was August always that tall?

" Hey .. May I come in?" He said.

" I.. Y-You... U-um.. " Gods I can't speak straight when he is around me. I'm over here a stuttering mess. Why was he here? At my door.

He just a chuckles and walks inside.

" So I would like to talk to you about the fight this evening." He started to say. I should've saw this coming. Sigh.

" I'm not backing out. She is trying to embarrass me and take my title. I don't care if you think imma get hurt or if you still care too much about Isabel to let us fight (think I almost shed a tear saying that) I have to prove myself. To you and this pack. So if that's what your here for you can take all that back to where-" I didn't even get to finish my insult because he started laughing. Like slapping his knees, Tears coming out his eyes laughing. As sexy as I found this action I felt insulted. And so did my wolf. So I growled at him.

" What in the gods name do you think is funny ? " I snarled. He stopped laughing right away. Wiped the tears from his eyes real quick. Cleared his throat.

Put a fist over his heart and bowed slightly.

" I apologize Luna I did not Mean To insult you. In fact I came here to do the opposite and wish you luck. I also was here to give you pointers if you deemed it necessary " he said. Even gave me the puppy eyes for forgiveness. The way he spoke made me feel... I don't know powerful in a way. Like how Dimitri made me feel yesterday with the way he spoke. It was a weird feeling indeed. I'm use to feeling out of place all the time. I Just Raised an Eyebrow at him.

" N-not that you need pointers. I mean I'm sure you're super strong with or without my help... W-what I was trying to say was-" He Stop cause now I was laughing.

" Don't worry about it beta. I think giving me pointers about your ex weak points is called cheating. I fight with honor. I don't stoop to anybody level of trickery. Also if you want to try to train me till tonight I would have to pass on that as well. " I said with confidence. When In reality the thought of us two fighting, getting close and touching each other really got me going. It won't be training after a while. ... Well not for me.

" Do you believe that is wise Luna? " August asked.

" There's no need to call me Luna, Beta August. Call me Zooey. And I don't wanna wear my body out. I need to fight with a clear mind and a clear heart. It's how I fight after all. " I said.

" Very Well Zoezoe. You can Call Me August instead of beta. And I will trust you judgement. " he said with a smile.

Man I almost dropped on my knees then an there. I don't even know what that saying means but I know I wanna do whatever it means. I think....

" Anything else Be- August? " I asked after a moment of silence. Not that I didn't want him to stay. I definitely did, but I need a clear mind.

" Yes actually about us Being Mat-" He was starting to say but was interrupted.

" Hello Luna. I would have knock but the door was already opened. I wanted to know if you would like to have a picnic and a tour stroll around training grounds before your battle in a couple hours..... Oh Good Morning Beta. " Dimitri Said with a smirk.

" Dimitri.."

They was having a stare down after a while. They Kind of look a like. Just one have blue eyes and the other one have hazel. I wonder what their parents looked like. I guess I'll find out eventually. It's kind of hot how intense they looking at each other. Like their having a silent communication through their minds. I'm probably drooling now cause they are both looking at me.

" What? " I asked.

" Are you busy right now or can you accompany me to a picnic? " Dimitri asked again. Right he did say that. I don't really wanna go. August started to say something about us being mates... Gotta turn Dimitri down nicely.

" Yes She is Quite Busy. Now and forever. " August said Glaring at Dimitri. He look like he was ready to pounce on him at any giving moment. I touched his arm in efforts to calm him but it was almost like I wasn't here.

" I'm sorry but to the last of my knowledge I was asking the Luna. Do You speak for her only having to met her two days ago? And since when can't I offer my companionship to Our Luna. ? "

Dimitri said grabbing my hand with his. Instantly made my wolf growl at me for letting him touch us. I personally thought telling everyone August was my mate was To soon after Collin And Everything with his ex. However that plan is proving to be futile. Its Not like he has feelings for me anyway. My wolf told me to stop thinking like that but I can't help it.

August growled at him for touching me. He growled so loud it started hurt my ears a little bit. Dimitri instantly submitted to August.

" Since you ask the reason is as follows. You are a player. You can't offer any girl companionship cause you don't know how to keep it in your pants. Luna is on a higher caliber then you will ever began to understand. Two. You think you can gain some source of power by befriending her since she is new to the pack and don't know of your conniving ways but let me assure you Dimitri I will Never let you have her. Brother or not I won't ever trust you. " August said.

Wait they're brothers? No wonder they look so similar. I mind linked him I'm fine and can handle myself.

" I apologize if I offended you Luna and beta August. I only wish to befriend our Luna. There was no ill will behind my actions I promise the both of you the past is behind me. You see I stop bothering Benjamin as well? I Don't Care About my rightful place as this pack gamma. I just wanna get back in everyones good graces again. I thought being the Luna friend might help that. " Dimitri said but it was my turn to growl at Dimitri shocking both of them.

" Wait Your the asshole thats been harassing my best friend and her mate these past two fucking years?!!!" I said getting fired up as I remember nights my bestfriend and her mate came to my parents place frustrated and defeated. My anger feels like its radiating off my body as he started to kneel instantly face plants into the ground shaking. He whimpered in fright for his life.

" My Luna please my past actions have been granted leniency. -"

" I Don't give a fuc-"

" Whats going on in here your waking up the whole pack house. " Alize came out in her pjs and look and felt the atmosphere. Benjamin came out behind her and August mind linking him the details.

" Luna please understand as much as we love to have banish this pompous asshat he is still of royal blood and thus cannot be banish for his actions. He is still serving his punishment everyday at the dog shelter and extra work load. We are trying to move past it. We ask you two do the same. Plus After They lost..... Ahem they parents didn't want to lose anymore kids so we respect they decision overall" She Said. I Started to simmer down my anger as my wolf started to pace back and forth. After They Lost one of they kids? I looked at August to see if he would tell me but he was looking elsewhere with his hands clenched at his side. I sighed.

" Get out my Out my face. Get out my room. You're lucky I didn't kick you out this pack house . One false move and I'll Banish you. I don't give a shit what type of blood you have. BEGONE." I use My Authority to compel him to leave. As Soon as He Left my body felt nauseous. I've never being able to do that before so I immediately felt lightheaded. As I swayed to the floor August Swiftly came and caught me before I hit the floor.

" Zooey!"


August POV:

As I caught Zooey I couldn't help but notice how light she feels. Almost frail. She looks so strong though and full of power. How Can I let Her go through with this fight knowing she's over exerting herself? How could I be called her Beta? Shit how could I be called her mate? I laid her on her bed so she could get some rest. I Left with Alize and Benjamin into the kitchen.

" Holy Shit August our Luna have quite the temper. Gonna Have to be on our guard to not piss her off. Especially you August. Word on the grape vine is our moon Goddess truly love you and granted you a second mate. Not just ANY Mate might I add. THE Luna. " Benjamin whistles at me Clearly impressed. Alize elbowed but gave me an empathic look since she knows her best friend the best. I smiled truly happy I might get to experience her being angry with me one day.

" Yeah smile now while you can. " Benjamin said and Alize smack him on the arm cause us to laugh. Then Alize face turned serious.

" Are You going to talk about 'her' to Zooey soon. " She asked me. I immediately tense up knowing exactly what she's talking about.

" I don't think I'm ready yet. " I said fidgeting with the table cloth trying to escape Alize unwavering gaze. Here we go. Alize the protective.

" Well if You Don't tell her and she gets the wrong idea don't you think its better to avoid hurting her in the long run then save yourself the pain. As her mate You have to think about her this time around August. Let Her Help You Grieve Properly. Please August. We Cant Stand To see you in pain anymore! Isabel as a girlfriend Couldn't help you Grieve In the whole five years it happened. You never truly let anyone into your Head. At Least Give the Luna Enough decency to try. Don't Reject her!" Alize Said Emotionally For her best friend.

The Fact That she cares So much about me to didn't go unnoticed either. There's just one thing I don't understand.

" Why would I Reject Her?. I admit At first I was just Shocked I've been mated but Zooey She's.... More Then I deserve to be honest. Us Being Mated..... I'm To scared it might be a mistake the Moon Goddess Made. " There Was A low growl behind Me And I Closed my eyes And Prayed That She heard More The just the last sentence.

" So thats what you think. Us being mated is a mistake. Fine!! Wont be the first time I've lost my mate. " Zooey said her lower lip quivering as she's trying to hold in all her tears. My heart Instantly breaking at her pain. My wolf is covering his ears trying to drown out her whimpers. Fuck. Fuck.


" Please Zooey don't -" Alize Tried To Convince Her Bestfriend and I was too stunned to say anything. All I can do is watch Zooey choke on her tears and continue to break my very soul with her next words.

" Hereby Reject Beta August Castings Mating Bond-"

" Zooey its a misunderstanding!- "

" Do You Accept My Rejection. " She whispered that part Knowing hearing me say those hurtful things will definitely cause major damage to her wolf. I won't stand for this shit any longer. I couldn't Growl At my Luna So I punched A hole into the Refrigerator door completely destroying it functions.

" Like Hell I'd Accept! I Reject Your Rejection Luna Zooey. I Meant No harm by my sentence I wish you'd Let me explain instead of causing so much hurt especially to your wolf. you better apologize to her later. For the both of us. I Want Nothing more then to try with you luna Zooey I Just-" I tried to find the right words.

" Your just too in love with your ex to care for me?" Zooey asked me her tears finally stopped streaming down her face. I shook my head.

" To Be Honest I'm Still trying to figure out if I was ever in love with her at all. All I do Know is she's Never made me feel how you do Zooey. We not even marked but I'm Terrified of these feelings I have For you. Im Terrified that once I fully commit myself to you the moon goddess will take you from me like a gotcha ad. Your To perfect for me Luna.I'm Undeserving. I'm Used Goods. I let someone whose not my mate touch me. I'm Worse Then Scum-" I Could Have Went On but she put her hand over my mouth.

" Don't Let me EVER hear you talk about yourself like that ever again August. I'm Sorry I misunderstood. So much bad stuff been happening to me I just assumed the worst. Let me decide whether your deserving or not. Lets at least try My Beta. Clean Slate?. "

Zooey offered her hand to me and I Couldn't help myself as I Grabbed it and pulled her closer to me into a hug. Her scent was so intoxicating. Peppermint and Jasmine. How perfect she is. She hugged me Back as her ears started to turn red. We heard aww's all beside us and saw Alize and Benjamin holding a tissue to their eyes. I Rolled My eyes but was to happy to care. I kiss the top of Zooey head cause her to blush harder as she touch the top of her head.

" We can take it slow. No worries. " I told her. Remember Alize telling me she never dated anyone ever waiting for her mate. That thought alone makes me feel like shit. It was Supposed To be Collin Not Me. I swallow my guilt before Zooey saw it in my eyes. She nodded but Detangled herself from me shyly.

Well its almost time for the duel between her And Isabel. I have A Load Of paperwork to do before the match so I kissed her head again and let her have some space from me for the time being. Although my wolf hated every minute apart.




I arrived at the training fields just in time. Thank god for my speed and agility. Isabel and Zooey is in fighting stance. Zooey looks so determined to win. Looking beautiful as ever in her training gear. The wind is hitting her face nice and soft making her curls flow. Man this girl is so close to perfection. She looked and my direction and smiled. Well that's my Que.

" Alright Guys. " They both gave me the death glare. " (Cough) I mean alright girls I want a clean fight" I pointedly look at Isabel but she just rolled her eyes at me. " This Fight is to see who is the better person to rule as Luna. You two shall fight till one passes out or till I or our Gamma decides the match is over. Me and the Gamma is the only two who can decide on this. As we know our Gamma is Benjamin. ....Alright you may begin! "