
Chapter 3Zentobia Entrance Exam

The Entrance exam will begin and the examiner has announced that the entrance exam will begin. "All students prepare for phase 1 of the exam" the examiner said. And suddenly it got dark around and they gradually descended. When they got down, the examiner told them "phase 1 of your exam will take place here, all you have to do is follow me until we get to our destination". And the examiner started walking and as time went on he got faster and faster and it started to come off. Those taking the exam ran to catch up with the examiner. The banished ember and Gabby's group laugh because they say the exam is easy.

The other examiners looked at them, and they suddenly fell silent. Four hours have passed and they have run 50km. No one gives up on them and keeps running.

Lilith felt tired because her stamina was low, while Gabby's strength was low but she didn't give up, Andy is the same as Gabby, in Aika's situation she didn't feel tired yet because of the training she did, Emily and Emma are getting a little tired, Vaisyas is just like Aika who isn't tired yet.

  Meanwhile, King has separated from his group and he is behind the examiner. As for Conrad, he was looking for Kill because he knew that Kill was also got out of that world. But he couldn't find him. 

It's been ten hours and Gabby still hasn't changed, she's having a hard time and so is Andy. Emma and Emily are also tired, while Aika and Vaisyas are feeling a little tired. King and Conrad do not feel Tired. 

Many have fallen because they have run 120 km from the number of 1,378 down to 754. Only the strong ones are left and they have seen the light coming from outside. 

Gabby, Andy, Emma, and Emily are all out and very tired. And the others are not yet tired, the time is up when phase 1 is over and 754 have passed. 

Those taking the exam in phase 2 of the exam have been delivered to the examiner. When the examiners were delivered to the examiner in phase 2, the examiner left and the examiners waited for their next examiner. 

Conrad continues to search for Kill to kill him and in the middle of his search, Conrad collides with the lazy Raya. "Hey man, look at what you're going through" Raya said while he was sleepy. Conrad was about to punch Raya when Raya's aura suddenly appeared. Raya's aura was very dark and Conrad was speechless, so he continued to search for Kill. 

The phase 2 examiner has introduced himself and said what will be done for the phase 2 exam. All they have to do is beat a monster, it's up to them What Style they use and they have to survive in the allotted time. 

They started defeating the monsters. The strong ones have been filtered, Gabby's group easily Passed and also the banished ember. 

Lilith is still struggling because she was late for training. Lorelei just relaxing and is already passed. 

Phase 2 of the entrance exam has ended. And they immediately went to phase 3. 

In phase 3 of their entrance exam, they went to an Island and all they had to do was survive for seven days. It's up to them If they kill or they die. They were also given a GPS watch to see how they could be survived. 

On the first day, Gabby's group and the banished ember decided that they would be together so that they could help each other. When suddenly someone appeared where they were hiding.

This is Raya and he is the only one. The two groups made excuses and attacked Raya. And suddenly Conrad screamed. "Nnnnooooo!!!" You have nothing against that one". And suddenly they were silent. "Ohh just chill, I'm just looking for a place to sleep, I have no intention of killing you" Raya said to them and left. 

At the dawn of the full moon there was a woman wearing a cape and carrying a katana like Kill and she killed those taking the exam one by one in the silence of the night. 

From 754 who took the exam, the number dropped to 489. The woman who reduced the number of those who took the exam was Lorelei Whisperthorn. 

On the other hand there was a woman who was walking in the middle of the forest and she noticed someone following her So she stopped and said "get out of there you are just wasting your tiredness". The man was surprised and went out "Hana Aoyama, you're fine, are you worried about me? The man asked. "I guess, I'm not that easily to forget. You're Maxwell Whimsey Right? My stalker who is still chasing me" Hana said. 

"So what? You're now mine, no other is here so you're mine now" Maxwell said to Hana.

And Maxwell suddenly weakened and he looked at Hana and Hana smiled. Maxwell gradually fell to his knees and was suddenly stabbed in the neck. Hana stabs it and Hana leaves as if nothing happened. 

On the other hand there was a man who was looking for a victims, he is Alexander Hayes. He is always eager to fight and he is looking for a good toy. 

He saw a group of exam takers and attacked them. Those taking the exam were preparing for Alexander's attack but they were all caught because of Alexander's speed. 

They just died without doing anything 

It's the second day of phase 3 of the entrance exam and it looks like the group Gabby and also the banished ember are doing well. 

Lilith is hiding inside a cave until phase 3 of the entrance exam is over. He played safe to make sure he could pass. 

Lorelei is in the falls and training himself. And when night came, he left to kill those taking the exam. 

The entrance exam is over and from 489 their number dropped to 173. 

Those 173 passed but Zentobia only needed 160 So they will eliminate 13 students using the magic crystal. 

Using the magic crystal you can know how strong a person is. So the students entered the room one by one to find out how strong they are. 

The entrance exam is over and they will announce who will be removed, and where they belong. 

Lorelei Whisperthorn in Class-A was included because she was the most killed in phase 3 of the exam. 

Lilith is in Class-D She was included because of hid cowardice. 

And Alexander is in Class-Aincluded but he threatened the upper school so he was included in Class-C. 

Hana, she belongs to Class-A because her clan is one of the 7 deadly clans. 

Whereas Raya was in Class-D because she was too lazy. 

Gabby has gone home and Conrad is still annoyed because his plan to kill Kill failed because he didn't see Kill in the entrance exam. 

They were very happy So they decided to have party with the banished ember. In the middle of their fun, Conrad decided to tell Aika how he felt, so he took all the attention at the party. "Good evening to all of you, I would like to take this opportunity to say how I feel for a woman, none other than Aika. Aika, the more time I have known you, the more I feel for you. I would like to say that I want you." Conrad said to Aika looking at her eyes with compassion. 

Those who were with them cheered because of what they heard and encouraged Aika to answer Conrad. "Conrad If it's possible, I hope you can wait a little while. I'll hunt down Kill first and then you'll know my answer. Aika replied "That's fine with me Aika, Kill has to pay for what he did first" Conrad said.

And their fun continued. In the middle of the night on the rooftop of Lorelei's building. Lorelei and Alexander were talking "What do you want to say?" Lorelei asked.

"It's nothing important, I just want to say hello Lorelei" Alexander said.

"Are you really clever? I heard that you tried to kill one of the teachers in this school?" Lorelei asked.

"It seems like that, because I thought there were strong people in that school, it's boring, so I just challenged One of the teachers but still nothing boring".Alexander said.

"You will also find what you are looking for Alexander, there is a thorn in that school who is bruised, and he even beat Kelly" Lorelei said.

"Ahh, that Is Kill the killer?" Alexander asked.

"Exactly, I've met him once. He has a different aura compared to other students". Lorelei said.

"Are you saying he belongs to us?" Alexander asked.

"Yes, he came from the Ravenshroud family," Lorelei said.

"Ahh, Ravenshroud I think this is going to be good" Alexander said and suddenly he smiled as if delirious. 

When the morning came, Lorelei visited Kill but she didn't find him there. It was as if he had left and the things he could carry were gone. Lorelei wondered if he actually took the exam or no because he didn't feel his presence during the entrance exam. So Lorelei went home so she could be ready for class to start. A week before class starts and in the room of the seventh zodiac, the leader of the seventh zodiac Oliver Libra and Kill Ravenshroud are talking. 

You're really prickly, kid, you think you can turn the people in the Council so effortlessly" Oliver said.

"Why don't you straighten me out, I don't want to go around anymore" Kill said.

"Ohh, I really like to just say that you're smart because you didn't have to take the entrance exam" Oliver said.

"Is that so? I think so too" Kill said.

"You manipulate the people in the Council have twisted their brain, now where do you want to be?" Oliver asked.

"In Class-D, I want to move in the shadows" Kill said.

"What I would expect from an assassin, but I will tell you that you have a long way to go to get to the top" Oliver said.

"What do you mean?" Kill asked.

"Nothing, I just want to say that there are many better assassin than you" Oliver said.

"Is that so, it's simple, I'll climb to the top and I'll be the strongest assassin" Kill said. "You're also good at illusions even though you came from that test room but I'll tell to you, the assassins have no emotions, from their training They have thrown away everything that could interfere with them, and I think that's your weakness" Oliver said.

"What are you talking about? I don't have any emotions because I even killed my best friend" Kill replied.

"You think that will be enough? You still missed something. The girl named Aika. You have feelings for her, right?" Oliver asked.

"Don't got into others life, just care your own life" Kill said and he looked at him badly.

"Ohh  easy. Don't worry you will also learn to throw away your  emotions" Oliver said. 

Kill left and went to his room to rest and prepare for the start of class in Zentobia.