
Chapter 2: The School of Zentobia

In Conrad's anger, suddenly a creature made of his aura emerged behind him. It was a manifestation of intense anger. His companions were surprised, and King immediately slapped him to prevent Conrad's anger from escalating further.

"Hey, how are we going to leave?" the man from the mysterious group asked. "Alright, take care on your way," Gabby replied. Gabby's group then left.

On the other hand, on an island located to the east, ten kilometers away from Gabby's group, there was a man carrying a katana and talking to a group of unknown individuals.

"Heh, it seems this batch is not to be underestimated, there are still some sharp ones. Let me introduce myself, I'm Kelly."

"Did you say you're the one behind all of this?" Kill asked. "Kid, you're sharp," Wilson, Kelly's companion, said. Kill smiled and said, "Heh!! It's actually simple. I noticed that after I killed all the monsters, something was happening in the sky and it seemed like it was releasing more monsters. That's when I realized that this place is just going around in circles." "Exactly, you're smart," Wilson said.

The whole area suddenly fell silent and tension rose between them. Kill suddenly drew his katana and attacked Kelly. Kill continued to attack, but he couldn't hit Kelly. Wilson laughed and said, "Too bad, kid, no matter what you do, you can't hit Kelly." As their fight continued, Kill suddenly weakened and lost consciousness. "HAHAHA, well!! Looks like he reached his limit." "That kid is okay, he has potential," Koenji (Kelly's companion in the organization, but he monitors a different batch) said. "Kelly, are you going to continue with that kid?" Koenji asked. "Are you kidding? Probably not, he's not ready for the next stage yet," Kelly said. "But he has potential," Koenji said. "If you're here to cause trouble, maybe your batch would have finished already, right?" Kelly asked. "Yes, you're the only ones left to wait for," Koenji said. "Don't worry, we'll hurry up," Kelly said.

Back to Gabby's group, they were digging a grave to bury George. After the burial, Aika couldn't believe what she saw, and Conrad was still asleep.

"Do you know that Kill guy?" Andy asked. "Yes, actually, we were with him in school but he tried to assault Emily," Emma said. "Is that so? He seems to be a servant of darkness," Gabby said. "He killed our friend, he'll pay for it," King said. "I wonder what he did to become that powerful?" Emma asked. "That's not important anymore, I'll personally pursue him," Aika said seriously, and suddenly the atmosphere changed, their tension became heavier due to Aika's continuously strengthening aura.

Kill continued to strengthen himself by killing while waiting for the right opportunity to escape from that world. Kill was extremely angry because he was just being played by Kelly. Kill wasn't yet strong enough to defeat the people in that organization.

(That organization is where the most powerful people live, led by the chairman along with the 12 zodiacs. Kelly belongs to the seventh zodiac, meaning if Kill and his companions escape, they would be counted as the seventh zodiac.)

A month had passed since George died at the hands of Kill, and Aika, Emma, Emily, and Vaisyas continued to hone their abilities to inherit their legacy. Meanwhile, Conrad and King continued their training to become even stronger. Gabby and Andy, on the other hand, were honing their healing abilities. And Doc Arata continued to explore ways to strengthen them.

Kill kills anyone who gets in his way, regardless of who they are. He only wants to escape that world. He strengthens his legs to run faster, making weights for training. As he trains, he feels his aura getting stronger, and he learns to imitate his katana. So he focuses on strengthening his aura and returns to the island.

Kelly and Wilson are still there when Kill arrives on the island. "Hey, how's the young assassin?" Wilson asks. "Enough with the small talk, let's get to the main point, are you ready, Kill?" Kelly asks. "Would I come if I weren't ready?" Kill philosophically replies to Kelly. Kelly attacks first, but Kill dodges and continues dodging Kelly's attacks until Kelly loses balance. Kill punches Kelly in the stomach, knocking him down. Kelly struggles to breathe and tries to stand, but Kill kicks him. Kelly loses consciousness, and Kill turns to Wilson. "Do you want to play with me?" Kill asks Wilson, his eyes hinting that he's in a dark place. Wilson suddenly trembles in fear, and he allows Kill through the portal.

Gabby's group continues their journey. They encounter no more resistance from monsters until they reach the island. They see Kelly and Wilson. Wilson points at Andy and says, "Just go back if you're not strong enough." They look at Kelly, and Kelly's terrifying aura emerges, as if they're surrounded by countless monsters in the forest. They kneel and retreat.

"Darn it, just when we're close to getting out, we get scared again, annoying!" King exclaims. "If they're the bosses, then?" Emma asks. "Seems like it," Conrad says.

Training stops again, while Kill has already left and seen the real world. It's no different from the world they fought in. A woman approaches Kill and asks, "Are you Kill Ravenshroud?" "Yes, why?" Kill asks. "Come with me, I'll take you to your temporary residence," the woman, Lorelei Whisperthorn, says. 

They reach their destination, and Lorelei tells Kill where to find the things he'll need until the last day. Lorelei bids farewell to Kill and says, "Goodbye, Kill, we'll see each other at Zentobia school." Kill ponders as he realizes Lorelei is also a student.

Meanwhile, Gabby's group and the Banished Ember are running out of time. King notices changes in the sky and a voice from the sky says, "Time's up, everyone who survived, head east, and you'll find the island." Gabby's group prepares and heads there. They meet the Banished Ember again.

"Hey, we meet again, I forgot to introduce myself before, I'm 'Kael'," "I'm Seraphina," "I'm Thorne," "L-Lyra," "I'm Garrick," "Astrid," "Dorian," "I'm Elara," "How are you? I'm Rennox." "We are the Banished Ember. Seven men and two women, and I'm their leader," Kael says.

"Enough with the pleasantries, enter the portal," Kelly says. "Are you the only ones who passed?" Wilson asks. "Yes, it seems so," Gabby says. And they enter the portal.

Days pass, and Kill explores the city, familiarizing himself with it. He starts training for the upcoming entrance exam at Zentobia school. Two weeks later, Gabby, Andy, Conrad, Emma, Emily, Vaisyas, Aika, King, and Doc Arata, along with the Banished Ember, leave. Doc Arata goes to the Cosmic Insight Laboratories (CIL) to assist other doctors in research.

One night, Kill encounters a mysterious person who seems to be his age. "You must be Kill, right?" He asks. "And what if I am?" "You're sharp-tongued too, huh? If you have something to say, just say it," "Nothing important, I'm Lilith Smith." he introduces himself and leaves. Kill breathes deeply and continues.

Meanwhile, at the Luminous Apex Foundation led by Chairman Orion and the Zodiac Council (TLAFlbCOZC), the chairman and the 12 zodiacs are discussing. After the meeting, the leader of the seventh zodiac and Kelly talk. "I heard you lost to the one you were watching?" the leader asks. "Forgive me, I underestimated him," Kelly says. "It's okay. What's his name again?" the leader asks. "Kill, Kill Ravenshroud," Kelly says. "Ah, Ravenshroud, HAHAHA, they're really amusing," the leader says.

In the morning, a letter arrives for the survivors, stating that the Zentobia entrance exam, organized by TLAFlbCOZC, is in 3 months. Kill trains for a week, focusing on strengthening his aura.

While Gabby's group and the Banished Ember train at TLAFLBCOZC's facilities to prepare for the upcoming entrance exam, please make sure to correct all grammar errors.

On the other side, Lilith and Kill met again, and Lilith invited Kill to practice, but Kill declined because he didn't want to reveal his fighting style, fearing it might be his weakness. Kill left, and Lilith's sole purpose was to befriend Kill, but it seems he was disappointed.

Continuing their training two months before the exam, Kill focused on strengthening his physical strength, while Gabby and her companions focused on enhancing their aura.

Conrad has gained control over the creature created by his aura (which first appeared when George died), while the magic arrows of the women continue to strengthen.

The Banished Ember sought help from the Council to further strengthen themselves. Lilith's father is training him on how to wield a sword.

Lorelei meditates to expand her knowledge, along with others preparing for the exam.

A month before the exam, they continued their training. A week before the exam, Kill meditated to stay calm. Three days before the exam, Gabby's group focused on strengthening their physical strength, and a day before the exam, they bought the necessary supplies.

Everyone gathered outside the school for the exam. Gabby's group and the Banished Ember were greatly surprised when they saw the massive and expansive Zentobia School.