
Loki the God of Creation

Loki died and went to the Naruto world and died again, now he has became a god...

TachyonicCha · Cómic
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26 Chs

Loki the Comforter

As soon as Loki walked off, Damon began thinking about what Loki said, most of it made sense. He still is angry because after all, he did to try to free Katherine, he got nothing in return.

(At the Mystic Grill)

Making his way to the Mystic Grill for a drink, he meets Alaric at the countertop. "Well, hello Damon," greeted Alaric smiling.

Looking over to Alaric, Damon said, "Alaric, good day chap."

Ordering some drinks, Damon drinks two tequila shots. "Wow, seems something is on your mind, wanna talk about it?"

"No, mind your own business, whatever is in my mind is nothing you need to know," stated Damon downing another shot.

"Ah, Damon, I've been looking for you," said Elizabeth Forbes or the Sheriff.

Turning around, Damon raised his eyebrows, "What do you need me for Sheriff?"

"Well, there is a Founders Fundraiser, and I want you to be one of the bachelors."

Looking over to Alaric to find him gone, Damon agreed, "Alright, sure, it seems fun, but first can you do me a favor?"

"A favor? What do you want me to do?"

"Can you find information about Alaric Saltzman?" asked Damon.

Contemplating it, Elizabeth says, "Alright, I'll do this favor for you since you help so much in hunting down vampires. I am a little curious but what might you need the information for?"

"I have a bad feeling about Alaric, that's all."

"Alright, I'll see you at the Fundraiser," said Elizabeth walking away.

"Yeah, see you."

(At the Fundraiser which is located in the Mystic Grill as well)

Standing in front of a lot of people were the bachelors of the Fundraisers, Damon, Alaric, and some other random people. "Damon, I got the information about Alaric," whispered Elizabeth to Damon's ear.

"Alright," stepping off of the stage, Damon walked with Sheriff Forbes to the back of the grill.

Showing Damon Alaric's record, "He has a few speeding tickets, also his wife Isobel went missing a few years ago but she is presumed dead."

Looking at the wife of Alaric, she looked exactly like the woman Stefan was showing him. Thanking Sheriff Forbes, Damon went back to stand on the stage. "Let the raffle begin!" announced Mrs. Lockwood.

The raffle began and Mrs. Lockwood went to Damon and handed him the mic. "You know, I once knew this woman named Isobel, she was so delicious, that's all," smiled Damon handing back the mic.

Alaric was visibly red in the face, and Elena was horrified. 'Damon is the vampire that killed my biological mother...' thought Elena.

Running outside, Elena is stopped by Stefan, "Look, we don't know if Damon killed her, there was never a body so she might still be alive," stated Stefan.

Before Elena can talk, a man says, "Isobel doesn't want to meet you or know you, so stop trying to find her."

"Do you know where she is?" asked Elena desperately.

Stefan noticed that the man was under compulsion and says to Elena, "Elena, that man is under compulsion."

"Fine, I'll stop looking for her," stated Elena making the man smile. Then the man backed up onto the street where a truck hit him ending his life. "Oh," Elena noticed a phone and ran to pick it up. Stefan was looking around to find out if anyone saw anything. Walking back to Stefan, Elena says, "Let's just go back inside."


Walking back inside the Mystic Grill, Elena checks her phone. 'Where is Loki?' thought Elena.

Loki was at a table in the Mystic Grill and checked his phone to find Elena called him over 60 times but he was so occupied with watching his planets and coming up with a solution on how to find Sheila's soul that he forgot to answer the phone.

He also got some texts from Bonnie, and he of course answered back since he sympathized with her. *Heavy Sigh* Loki saw Elena talking to Damon and him leaving with a shocked face. Calling Elena, she picked up after Stefan left to talk to Damon. "Loki, why aren't you answering my calls?"

"Um, because, um, I was busy?" stated Loki.

Noticing Loki at a table, Elena hangs up the phone and approaches Mr. Ghost sitting at a table by himself. Sitting down, Elena felt a bit angry, "Where were you?"

"I was around, yeah," said Loki not daring to look Elena in the eyes.

*Sighing* Elena says, "Loki, I called you so many times, why didn't you pick up?"

"I was preoccupied with something personal, sorry."

"Alright, please just stop going missing, I don't want to lose another loved one," stated Elena.

"I am sorry but after Sheila's death I...anyways I'm sorry if I worried you," apologized Loki.

Smiling, Elena says, "Fine, but if you ignore my calls again, I will shove a silver dagger up your ass even if you are Immortal."

Chuckling, "Alright, so are we good?"

"Yeah, we're good," confirmed Elena.

"So what did you tell Damon, he left with a shocked face."

Biting her lips, Elena said, "Loki, you know that I am adopted right?" Nodding, Elena continues, "My mother's name is Isobel who is shockingly Alaric's wife. But...Damon killed her or did something to her."

"You think he turned your biological mother into a vampire?" asked Loki.

Elena nods, "Yeah, right, I have a phone, let me check it, I got it from the man who was compelled by my mother." Taking out the man's phone, she looked through the calls and saw a frequently called number. Loki got shoulder to shoulder with Elena and watched as she dialed the phone number. Waiting for a bit, Elena got a bit of a shock looking to her right to see Loki so close. "Why are you so close?"

"Um, so I can see the phone?"

*Clearing throat* Elena breathes in and out as she waited for the person to pick up. "Is there a problem? Have you found her yet?" demanded a woman's voice.

"Are you my mother, Isobel?" asked Elena, a few minutes of silence occurred then the woman hung up.

"It seems she is..."

Putting down the phone on the table, Elena was shocked and happy. Hugging Loki unexpectedly, Elena says, "My mother is not dead."

"Um, congrats?" said Loki as he patted her head, "Can you get off me?" Realizing she was hugging Loki, Elena gets off him.

*Ahem* "Um, anyways, it's getting late, I have to get going. It was nice seeing you, and stop ghosting me," glared Elena walking away.

Chuckling Loki waved back and teleported to the Salvatore Estate...