
Vol 1 Prologue

A child opened its eyes. Blue eyes looked around in wonder as it lay there. Snow began to fall, and a flake fell on its nose. The child sneezed ,its eyes started to water and it began to cry. A pittar patter of feet was heard as a blue woman ran into the room. She with great sadness picked up the child.

"Know this my son, I will always love you." She said while rocking the child. Her time has come but she won't let the little one suffer for her choices. Gently rocking and humming to her child, she began her journey. Asgard was going to invade Joutenheim, and in there lied her child's salvation. Her son was afterall half Giant and half Asgardian. Odin would not kill the last remainder of his own brother. The only brother who stood by his side and when the time came for it. He choose to protect him even at the cost of his own life.

She had reached the deserted temple. A place of worship long bygone. Her little one was finally asleep. She began to look at him fondly for this may be the last time she may ever be able to see him. He looked so much like his father, the face and the kind eyes. Atleast the little one inherited her eyes. A color of emerald shining through the darkness. Her child had turned his skin color blue, that miffed her a little bit. He had inherited his father's talent in magic but there was no need to change himself, he was perfect just the way he was. He did not need to change anything. She gently placed him down, it was time for her to go.


The bifrost had opened up and Odin was here. He had taken an oath to defend the nine realms to the last. Joutenheim's attack on midgard had crossed a line. He had personally led a counter offensive and had driven them out. It was now time for the final clash between Laufey and him. A base of operation was being set up, his wife making a complex series of wards to defend against scrying and other types of magic.

His mind began to wonder about the amount of threats faced by Asgard and the nine realms. As such thoughts were creeping in his head, he was drawn toward a temple. He remembered it, during a time when relationship between Asgard and Joutenheim were peaceful. His mother Bestla used to take him and his siblings there. For old time sake, he entered the temple.

He found a blue skinned child lying down on the ground infront of him. The child felt familiar to him. Memories of his own adopted brother assaulted him. The only one who stood by his side when he was betrayed from left and right.

The movement woke the child up, it began to extend its hands towards Odin. Odin continued to stare at the child until it changed its skin color to match Odin's. A smile graced Odin's face. So the child inherited his father's talent in magic.

He picked him up and returned to the camp. His wife staring at him as he brought the little one back. The boy tugging on his beard.

Frigga looked at his inquisitively. "His name is Loki." Odin told her. A pained look crossed her face when she realized who the little one was. Stepping forward, she took him from his arms. "And he is my son." Continued Odin.

"Our son, he will be raised with Thor", said Frigga. A smile crossed Odin's face. A thoughtful expression crossed his face. "The men must not know." Odin urged looking at her imploringly. They were with war with Joutenheim. He could not let any danger be directed towards Loki.

Frigga understood, she used her magic to hide him and left from the main camp.

"Heimdall, open the bifrost." Odin ordered.

The bifrost opened up and Frigga stepped through.

"My lady, are you sure about this." Heimdall asked her. A sharp look entered her eyes. Holding little Loki, she had started to feel a little kinship with him. This would be her son, no this is her son.

"Careful Heimdall, He is of royal blood." She warned once.

"I have no doubt of that. It is Asgard that may not be ready for him. They would look at his talents with fear." Heimdall gently reminded her. It is in the nature of people to fear what they don't understand. The Prince's child was teeming with magic potential. And what people cannot achieve is almost always vilified. Anyone can learn how to swing a sword but not many can learn how to use the forces of magic. Heimdall felt that the child will prosper within Alfheim the land of magic. He would be respected there.

A thoughtful expression came onto the face of Frigga. For the moment, she decided to take him to the nursery. She saw Thor peacefully sleeping, sucking on the toe of his foot. Smiling, she had another cot prepared next to Thor's and placed Loki within it.

"Mother", a voice said. Turning around she saw her firstborn daughter Hela enter. Last Frigga had heard, she had been leading her own company of Valkyries while driving the frost giants away from earth. Seeing her daughter had placed a smile on her face. She had once almost lost her. A part of her will always resent Odin for trying to take her daughter away from her.

Her husband had once being someone who had been a conqueror not a protector. He had once aggressively expanded his influence everywhere he could. However, he began to become weary when he saw no end to the carnage in sight. In his hubris, he had thought that if he conquered everything, he could end all war. How foolish he had been. He had made Hela in his own image. Training her and making such cruelty a norm for her. He had forgotten to teach her love or anything like that.

In his quest for power, he had sough all the infinity gems. When the price for the soul stone was the fact that he had to sacrifice what he loved most. He had woken up truly, he had looked around himself and realized that he had become a monster. His daughter was a killer without any understanding of compassion and mercy. He had ordered his Valkyries to deal with her. She was his flesh and blood and so he could not kill her. She would be trapped and history would be rewritten. That was his original plan, until he had been punched by his brother Loki. This had been the first time his brother Loki had punched him.

Loki had gone to her side and had actively fought against both Hela and the Valkyries preventing them from coming to blows. Creating illusions and using misdirection to prolong the fight as long as possible. He had proclaimed Hela his goddaughter and had taken her away to go on a journey. They both had disappeared for decades.

Hela had felt betrayed by Odin. She only did what she was thought but somehow, Loki his brother managed to teach her something that he never could.

He had remained on Asgard believing that his brother had betrayed him, until Asgard was assaulted by forces led by Thanos. He was completely taken by surprise until his daughter and brother had led reinforcement. During the battle, his brother had gotten in the way of Thanos and had been mortally wounded.

Hela had cried as she had held Loki. Loki had wiped a few of her tears.

"Hela send me off with a smile. I have no intention of this being the last scene I see." Loki had told her and then with a soft smile he had said. "Look after my son, will you?"

Turning to Odin, "Stop being so stubborn you old fool. Look after your daughter properly this time."

Hela and Odin had scoured the cosmos in search of Loki's son. That was until Joutenheim had launched an offensive against Midgard trying to create an ever winter.


"Mother", Hela greeted as she entered. She had ordered the Valkyries to remain outside.

Frigga had smiled at her and then had gone back to looking at Thor and Loki.

"This one is named after Uncle Loki, is he not." Hela had asked.

"Yes dear." Frigga had answered with a graceful smile.

Hela had begun to stare at Loki, glaring at him. Loki had looked at her and had begun to laugh. Thinking her to be making a funny face. After spending a moment in confusion, she had picked him up. She spoke while staring at Loki, "I will protect this brother of mine. I once promised to uncle Loki. I will fulfill my oath." She had said.

All the while, little Loki started to feel sleepy, in a trance began to suck his thumb.