
Vol 1 Ch 1

"Jin, save me". A hand extended towards Loki. Looking desperately towards him. He however, was frozen by fear. He could not move. A bandit moved towards his father. His sword drawn.

"May your death benefit all life." A bandit said as he finished off his father.

Loki woke up with a start. He had been getting these dreams for a long time. He hated that feeling, helpless to do anything.

Loki got up, looking upwards, he realized that he had once more fallen asleep in the garden. Stretching himself, he looked at the time. It was almost time for his lessons in politics.

Loki rushed to his lessons. Going through the hall, he had just reached the library. He nodded to old Gretta, and began to proceed to the room which was used for his and Thor's lessons.

"Loki, just on time." His teacher had told him. Thor was already present there. And so they were taught about Asgardian politics. About the working of the Vanir courts. Loki started to absorb his lesson with fervor. Such was not the case with Thor, he just nodded through the lesson.

"How do you expect to rule the nine realms if you don't understand them." He had asked Thor for an explanation.

Thor had looked a little bored," I am the rightful king of these realms. They will bow". He had said.

The teacher was about to say something but he could not. His time was up and the boys needed to get to their next lesson.

There was a time when Thor and Loki had always played together. They had been the best of brothers and had many fun times together. Thor had grown quickly, and Loki had remained short. A runt he had been called. Thor had taken to a sword like a natural. His power had increased massively as he had a natural talent for it. He had begun to shun all other options. Preferring to use strength to solve all his problems. He became worse when he had started training with the other soldiers. Demeaning magic any chance that he got. Looking at it as the cowards way out.

Loki remained one of the shortest Asgardians, he was still 800 years old. His mother had told him that people mature at very different rates. He had given up on his father at this point. He barely talked with him and mostly it was to admonish him. He had begun doing pranks at one point because he felt that was the only way that he could get his attention. However, he had given up when the only attention he would get would be a disappointed gaze.

His mother had taught him magic and also the use of her favored style, dual wielding knives.

He was dearly missing his sister. She was a little cold but she would always tell him that she was proud of him. She had been deployed on the border because of a danger of Demon Incursion. She had taken her Valkyrie warriors and was waiting for an invasion. It would be put down.

Loki's eyes lost his focus.


He found himself inside a classroom with other children.

"Obito, pay attention. You can barely do the henge.(Transformation Jutsu)" An instructor was telling Loki.

"Come on teach." Loki/Obito replied. A big smile on his face. He had just written one of the Uchiha's Clan elders house. "Senju clan for Life."

'How dare he insult grandma'. Obito/Loki thought to himself.

It was becoming difficult to distinguish himself.

Who was he Obito or Loki.

(Allright for those people too idiotic too understand, here loki is having difficulties in differentiating between both of his memories. The on of the past life and one of his future life. This and next chapter is the only place where it happens. So get a little bit of intelligence and if you don't understand this sentence. Then this novel is not for you. I am sure that you can find something else as well. )


Loki was snapped by Thor's voice.

"We are here". Thor said. They had reached the training ground. Loki woke up from his trance once more.

A group of young hopeful Einherjar were training there. Thor had made his way to his friends, thw warrior three and Sif. Her betrayal had hurt him the hardest. He had helped her trick everyone in order to become a warrior. He was the one who orchestrated everything. He had found kinship with someone that was a little different. That was what he had thought. He had no idea how wrong he was.

She had looked at him and called him dishonorable and cowardly. Loki had felt betrayed, he had cut off her hair as a punishment. She had convinced Thor to punish him. His own brother had dragged him to apologize to her. Here now as well, they began to look mockingly at him.

His brother became worse when he got his hammer. The amount of pride that he had swelled and he truly began to look at magic as worthless.

Loki had gotten used to this treatment. Whenever, they all went on their adventures. He was the one who packed all the supplies and healed everyone. He was the one who made the magical preparation. He remembered when he had saved them countless times by using magic to shield them from a dragon's breath. Or when they had been trapped in a dungeon, he had used his guile and quick thinking to get them out. In return, he was called a coward and honorless.

A feeling of resent had been boiling in his heart for a long time.

"Does the runt want to practice. Maybe, he could bear our shields." Everyone started to laugh, what hurt Loki was when Thor started laughing. For the first time, Loki had enough.

He had given a hurtful look to Thor and had left. Tears threatened to spill out of his eyes. He had gone to Frigga. "I wish to leave this place Mother."

"Why loki? What happened." she had asked him.

Loki had proceeded to tell her everything.

"I wish to leave mother, I wish to go to Vanheim and Alfheim. They will respect me there." Like so many other times, he had looked at her imploringly.

"I am sorry Loki." She had replied while looking away.

She had talked with Odin alot regarding this matter, however they were afraid that his disguise would be discovered in those realms that specialized in magic.


At dinner.

"Loki, why did you run away from training today?" Odin had asked him. Giving him a disappointed look.

Loki had not answered him. He could not. For the first time, he had glared at his brother and his friends in anger. Thor for a moment had been shocked.

"I was called a runt and told to carry their shields." Loki had replied.

"All in jest father. They were just having some banter with Loki." Thor had replied good naturedly. Loki still wondered if he was aware of his action or did he truly believe that.

"You will train tomorrow Loki." Odin had decided.

Loki had quietly gotten up and left. He will not suffer anyone like that. He has had enough for a long time. These small actions were starting to grate on his nerves.


It was night time and Loki had made his way to the path of Mimir's lake. His dreams were still torturing him and keeping him up at night. He had discovered different magical pathways and decided to explore them. One he found which match the description with the signs of being Mimir's lake.

So he had made his way to it. The temptation of knowing the future too much. He wished to know if thing would get better for him. So he gazed into it.

He began to see his fate. How he was destined to be sidelined always. However, things began to change when he saw himself following his brother to Joutenheim after his coronation was ruined by an attack on the treasury. The scene of them all trying to defend from Joutens when Thore was goaded into a fight with them.

Loki saw the scene of him being touched by the giant and his skin turning blue. His own reaction with fear.

His brother being banished to midgard and then him confronting his father about his heritage. His father telling him that he loved him. His mother meeting him and asking him how he was and handing him the scepter. He could never tell her that he knew the truth about himself being a frost giant. Loki could not bear to know if his mother loved him or not or if this was some overachieving plot for peace. Keeping the giant runt weak.

He saw try very hard to keep his father's decree in order and yet the warrior three along with SIf betraying him and attempting to bring Thor back. He was then confronted by Heimdall and blamed for the Jouten incursion as he could not be seen by him. Loki at that moment had lost his mind, he decided to destroy Joutenheim. He opened the rainbow bridge but he was stopped by Thor. Loki saw himself falling and then being remade within the darkness. A fleet was given to him which he led to midgard.

"Enough. I have had enough." Loki shouted. There is nothing for him here. He would miss his mother and his sister. But he had to leave, this place would never love him.

Odin had sacrificed one of his eyes for power and Loki decided to sacrifice one of his most precious possession for power. He decided to sacrifice his magic and the connection to asgard. He would never die for a place that would never love him.

And so he stepped into the pool. Odin had pierced himself on his spear, Loki had decided to drown himself. He stepped into the lake. Loki felt so weak, all his strength gone, he felt as if a vital part of him was missing.

But not for long, he woke up as Jin Sakai. A past life, he realized.