
logs of a wannabe serial killer

This is the story of a broken man who has a sort of messed up game with fate but he still trudges on and attempts to push past his seemingly pre destined fate will he be able to push through or will he get crushed just like he has been all of his life read through the story to find out.

Writer_in_progress · Ciencia y ficción
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13 Chs

Log Six

You know as much as I complain about just she's probably the closest thing I have to someone caring about me even if she might be a tad bit, well obsessive to say the least. I enjoy opening my curtain up and being greeted with a smiling face and a person to talk to that doesn't yell at me all the time, someone who I can actually have a conversation with. I know I'm about to be released today and I'm happy about that but I don't exactly know how to tell June that I still wanna keep in touch with her and maybe even hang out for a bit outside of the hospital. The first thing I'm gonna do tho once I get out of here is finally buy that RV I had my eyes on and I even checked everything on it, it's in perfect condition besides the torn cloth roof thing it has but that's not gonna stop me from buying it for seven grand. After waiting for what felt like days when in reality it was probably just a few minutes, I get my discharge papers and fill them out quickly and read everything carefully before I try to leave and quickly and as quietly as I could, but before I left I decided to leave her my number on her forearm before leaving. I starting walking down the white and quite honestly eerie hallway before standing in front of an elevator just waiting for it to get to my floor and as I was waiting all of a sudden a pair of hands covered my eyes and a voice I had become all to familiar with whispered in my ear," guess who?" After getting that curveball thrown at me I proceeded to stand there in shock as I just replayed this in my head for a bit until I heard my elevator before saying "Hey june, I didn't wanna wake you up but I just want you to know that I got discharged today but i'll come back and visit tomorrow." and she said something I didn't expect, " guess what, you're not the only one who got discharged today, i'm getting out of here too just give me a moment to get ready and we can head down together." I didn't realize how much I wanted to hear her say that but now I had all but confirmed that I definitely had feelings for her but I was completely clueless about dating hell I'd never even had a friend before her. I didn't care what the logical part of my mind told me though I just went with my heart and started to walk back to our room, I then proceeded to lay down on my bed trying my best to not look to my right as much as I wanted to because I'm not a pervert. I didn't expect for her to blow into my ear when she was done though. " Well what do we have here? Did you come back to hopefully get a peak at me while I was changing?" At this point I was sweating bullets because that's basically what it looks like no matter what I said but I still tried. " I promise you that wasn't my intention, I was just gonna wait for you to get ready so that we could go together. ""Please believe me" was all I could think at that moment and then she said something I didn't expect after this whole ordeal. "Well then what are you waiting for? Someone to hold your hand?" and then she grabbed my hand and dragged me with her to the elevators, and all I could think about was the fact that I was holding Junes hand and how soft it was.