
logs of a wannabe serial killer

This is the story of a broken man who has lost so much and yet strives to survive amidst the danger and horror the world has to offer while fighting against foes of power and influence he has no clue about and yet must fight against if he wishes for even a chance of survival read about his logs and how his journey begins and maybe even ends

Writer_in_progress · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Log Seven

You know I never expected what happened next to happen at all. I ended up taking her with me in my car that was probably driven over here by someone in my family with the spare key I left them. I checked to see if I was gonna be buying an uber or not and was surprised that my car was in the parking lot, and I asked june if she wanted a ride or not and she said sure I asked her if she had anywhere she wanted me to drop her off at and she just told me that she and I quote " Just got evicted from her place" all because when they were cleaning her room they found her bong and then deemed that enough to kick out their daughter who just came out of the hospital. I asked her if she wanted to crash at my place until she found a place of her own and she was more than happy to agree to that so as we stepped outside we got to see an extremely bizarre scene that i'd never seen until today. It was snowing but it wasn't any snow i'd seen before it was constantly changing in color the entire time it was in the air and falling down onto the ground. My first thought as I saw that was that it probably isn't a good idea to eat it but it was a little too late for that as I took a deep breath and before I knew it something was happening to me I could feel it but then I felt myself passing out again. I ended up in a weird dream I felt like I was in a strange place that shouldn't exist, couldn't exist but here I was with nothing but a stream of what I assume was energy on the floor in front of me so not knowing what to do I jumped in. All I felt after jumping in was pins and needles all over my body as all of my pores tried to absorb all of this energy that was entering my body and right when I was about to pass out again I all of a sudden woke up. As I looked around me I saw other people on the floor just like me, cars crashed into each other, fires, and mayhem as far as my eyes could see. I couldn't see June anywhere. I need to find June now, signing off.